Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, December 19, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014:
At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, I saw a railroad train moving along at a good speed, and there were fog clouds all around it. Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of this railroad train in the clouds, it is symbolizing how I was taking this Carmelite nun to heaven. She is the one whom you were praying for. This train comes around for souls from time to time, and you do not want to miss it. Some souls are worthy enough to come straight to heaven, while other faithful may have to wait at the train station of purgatory. Those, who are faithful to Me, are assured of being with Me in heaven one day. The more good works that you have, the quicker you will get into heaven. So continue to love Me and your neighbor in all that you do.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of you are approaching the finish line of your earthly life, when I will call you home to Myself. You have until that time to build up your treasure in heaven, which is more valuable than anything that is valuable on earth. At your judgment you will be accounting for all of your unforgiven sins and for any reparation due for your past sins. I have mentioned before that you could receive a plenary indulgence to take away any such reparation, if you fulfill the requirements on Mercy Sunday after Easter. This would give you less time to suffer in purgatory. If you are living during the tribulation time, you will be living your purgatory on earth. You are about to come to Me at My crib, and it would be good to come to Confession so you could greet Me with a pure soul. Rejoice at this time to share your love with Me and all of your relatives and friends on Christmas.”
Source: ➥