The Crusade of Prayer
Crusade prayers for the End Times transmitted along with the Book of Truth
† Crusade Prayer 1 †
My gift to Jesus to save souls
My dearest Jesus, You Who loves us so much, allow me in my humble way to help save Your precious souls.
Have Mercy on all sinner, no matter how grievously they offend You.
Allow me through prayer and suffering to help those souls who may not survive The Warning to seek a place beside You in Your Kingdom.
Hear my prayer, O sweet Jesus, to help You win over those souls You yearn for.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I pledge my allegiance to Your Most Holy Will at all times.
† Crusade Prayer 2 †
Prayer for global rulers
My Eternal Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I ask that You protect Your children from the persecution which is being plotted by global forces against innocent nations.
I pray for the forgiveness of sin of those souls who are the cause of this hardship, so that they may turn to You with humble and contrite hearts.
Please give Your tortured children the strength to withstand such suffering in atonement for the sins of the world, through Christ Our Lord.
† Crusade Prayer 3 †
Rid the world of fear
O my Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech You to rid the world of fear, which detaches souls from Your loving Heart.
I pray that souls, who will experience real fear during The Warning, will stop and allow Your Mercy to flood their souls so that they will be free to love You in the way they should.
† Crusade Prayer 4 †
Unite all families
Unite all families, Jesus, during The Warning, so that they may receive Eternal Salvation.
I pray that all families remain together in union with You, Jesus, so that they may inherit Your New Paradise on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 5 †
Praise to God the Most High
“My daughter, the world must offer this special Prayer in praise and thanksgiving to God the Father for the Mercy He is providing the whole world.”
O Eternal Father, we offer You our prayers in joyful thanksgiving for Your precious Gift of Mercy to the whole of mankind.
We rejoice and offer You, most glorious King, our praise and adoration for Your loving and tender Mercy.
You, God the Most High, are our King and for this Gift You now bring to us, we lie at Your Feet in humble servitude. Please, God, have Mercy on all Your children.
† Crusade Prayer 6 †
Prayer to stop the antichrist
O Jesus, I pray that God in His Mercy will prevent the antichrist and his vile army from causing terror and inflicting hardship on Your children.
We pray that he will be stopped and that the hand of chastisement will be avoided through the conversion achieved during The Warning.
† Crusade Prayer 7 †
Prayer for those who refuse Mercy
“This is the Prayer they must say to beg for Mercy for souls in darkness.”
Jesus, I urge You to forgive those sinners, so dark of soul, who will refuse the Light of Your Mercy.
Forgive them, Jesus, I plead with You, in order to redeem them from the sins which they find it so difficult to extract themselves from.
Flood their hearts with Your Rays of Mercy and allow them the chance to return to Your fold.
† Crusade Prayer 8 †
The Confession
“This Prayer should be said to plead for clemency for the forgiveness of sin during and after The Warning.”
Dearest Jesus, I ask Your pardon for all my sins and for the hurt and injury I have caused to others.
I humbly pray for the Graces to avoid offending You again and to offer penance according to Your Most Holy Will.
I plead for the forgiveness of any future offense which I may partake in and which will cause You pain and suffering.
Take me with You into the New Era of Peace, so that I may become part of Your family for eternity.
I love You, Jesus. I need You. I honor You and everything You stand for. Help me, Jesus, so that I may be worthy to enter Your Kingdom.
† Crusade Prayer 9 †
Offer of suffering as a gift
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me to accept insults in Your Holy Name when I proclaim Your Word with humble thanksgiving.
Teach me to understand how humiliation, pain, and suffering bring me closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Allow me to accept such trials with love and generosity of spirit, so that I may present them as the gifts so precious to You in order to save souls.
† Crusade Prayer 10 †
Carrying the Flame of Your Love
Help us dear Jesus, to rise fearlessly in Your Name and to carry the Flame of Your Love across all nations.
Give us, Your children, the strength to face the abuse we will be faced with among all those who are not true believers in Your Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 11 †
Stop hatred of visionaries
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, please stop the hatred and jealousy which exists amongst Your followers towards Your true visionaries in these times.
I pray that You will hear my prayer to give Your visionaries the strength they need to proclaim Your Most Holy Word to a disbelieving world.
† Crusade Prayer 12 †
Prayer to avoid the sin of pride
O my Jesus, help me to avoid the sin of pride when I speak in Your Name.
Forgive me if I ever belittle anyone in Your Holy Name.
Help me to listen Jesus when Your Voice is spoken and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can discern the Truth of Your Word when You call out to mankind.
† Crusade Prayer 13 †
Prayer calling for immunity
“My solemn Promise, children, is that all those of you who call on Me, on behalf of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save your brothers and sisters, that they will be granted immediate immunity. Special Graces will be given to each of you who pledge a full month of prayer for their souls.”
O Heavenly Father, through the Love of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy.
Flood their souls, dear Father, with Your token of Love.
I plead with You, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation.
Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 14 †
Prayer to God the Father for protection against nuclear war
O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners. Open their hearts to accept Salvation and to receive an abundance of Graces.
Hear my pleas for my own family and ensure that each one will find favor in Your loving Heart.
O Divine Heavenly Father, protect all Your children on Earth from any nuclear war or other acts which are being planned to destroy Your children.
Keep us from all harm and protect us. Enlighten us so we can open our eyes, hear and accept the Truth of our Salvation, without any fear in our souls.
† Crusade Prayer 15 †
Thanks for Gift of Divine Mercy
O my Heavenly Father, we honor You with a deep appreciation of the Sacrifice You made when You sent a Savior into the world.
We offer You, in joy and thanksgiving, our prayer in humble gratitude for the Gift You now give to Your children, the Gift of Divine Mercy.
O God the Most High, make us worthy to accept this Great Mercy with gratitude.
† Crusade Prayer 16 †
To accept Graces offered during The Warning
O my Jesus, keep me strong during this trial of Your Great Mercy. Give me the Graces needed to become little in Your Eyes.
Open my eyes to the Truth of Your Promise of Eternal Salvation.
Forgive me my sins and show me Your Love and hand of friendship.
Embrace me into the arms of the Holy Family, so that we can all become one again.
I love You, Jesus, and promise from this day forth that I will proclaim Your Holy Word without fear in my heart and with purity of soul forever and ever.
† Crusade Prayer 17 †
Mother of Salvation Prayer for dark souls
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation and Mediatrix of All Graces, you who will participate in the Salvation of humanity from the wickedness of Satan, pray for us.
Mother of Salvation, pray that all souls can be saved and accept the Love and Mercy shown by your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who comes once again to save humanity and to give us the chance of Eternal Salvation.
† Crusade Prayer 18 †
Stop the antichrist and his group
O dear Jesus, save the world from the antichrist.
Protect us from the wicked snares of Satan.
Save the last remnants of Your Church from evil.
Give all Your Churches the strength and Graces needed to defend ourselves against wars and persecution planned by Satan and his army of terrorists.
† Crusade Prayer 19 †
Prayer for young people
Let not one soul fall by the wayside. Let not one soul reject His Great Mercy.
I pray, Mother, that all are saved and ask you to cover these souls with your Holy Mantle to provide them the protection they need from the deceiver.
† Crusade Prayer 20 †
Stop the antichrist from destroying the world
O God the Father, in the Name of Your Precious Son, I call on You to prevent the antichrist from ensnaring the souls of Your children.
I beg You, Almighty Father, to stop him from inflicting terror on Your children.
I beg You to stop him from contaminating Your Creation and ask You to have Mercy on those poor souls who will be powerless against him.
Hear my prayer, dear Father and save all Your children from this terrible evil.
† Crusade Prayer 21 †
Thanksgiving to God the Father for the Salvation of mankind
We praise You and thank You, O Holy God, the Almighty Creator of mankind, for the Love and Compassion You have for humanity.
We thank You for the Gift of Salvation You bestow on Your poor children.
We beg You O Lord, to save those who follow the evil one and that their hearts will be opened to the Truth of their Eternal Life.
† Crusade Prayer 22 †
For Catholic priests to uphold the Teachings of the Church
“I give the world this † Crusade Prayer 22 † for the Catholic clergy to recite.”
O my beloved Jesus, keep me strong and the flame of my love for You alight, every moment of my day.
Never allow this flame of love for You to flicker or die.
Never allow me to weaken in the presence of temptation.
Give me the Graces needed to honor my vocation, my devotion, my loyalty - and to uphold the Teachings of the orthodox Catholic Church.
I offer You my allegiance at all times.
I pledge my commitment to fight in Your Army, so that the Catholic Church can rise again in glory to welcome You, dear Jesus, when You come again.
† Crusade Prayer 23 †
For Pope Benedict’s Safety
O my Eternal Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ and the suffering He endured to save the world from sin.
I pray now that You protect Your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of Your Church on Earth, so that he too can help save Your children and all Your sacred servants from the scourge of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels, who walk the Earth stealing souls.
O Father, protect Your pope, so that Your children can be guided on the True Path towards Your New Paradise on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 24 †
Plenary Indulgence for Absolution
(for non-Catholics – Catholics are still obligated to go to Confession.)
“They must say this Prayer for seven consecutive days and they will be given the Gift of Total Absolution and the Power of the Holy Spirit.”
O my Jesus, You are the Light of the Earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds.
We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross, yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You.
Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of humility, so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your Army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on Earth.
We honor You. We praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings, as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children wherever they may be.
† Crusade Prayer 25 †
For protection of visionaries around the world
O God of the Most High, I plead with You to offer protection to all Your holy messengers in the world.
I pray that they are protected from the hatred of others.
I ask that Your Most Holy Word is spread quickly all over the world.
Protect Your messengers from slander, abuse, lies and every kind of danger.
Protect their families and cover them with the Holy Spirit at all times, so that the Messages they give to the world are heeded with contrite and humble hearts.
† Crusade Prayer 26 †
Pray the Rosary to help save your nation
Our Lady urged people to say her Holy Rosary – all three Mysteries - to help save their nation and family daily.
Prayer before the Rosary
O Queen of the Holy Rosary, Thou didst deign to come to Fatima to reveal to the three shepherd children the treasures of Grace hidden in the Rosary.
Inspire my heart with a sincere love of this devotion in order that by meditating on the Mysteries of our Redemption, which are recalled in it, I may be enriched by its fruits and obtain peace for the world, the conversion of sinners and of Russia and the Graces which I ask of Thee in this Rosary. (Here mention your request).
I ask this for the greater Glory of God; for Thine own honor and for the good of souls, especially for my own.
† Crusade Prayer 27 †
Prayer for peace in the world
O my Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those afflicted by terrible wars. I plead for peace to be instilled in those tortured nations who are blind to the Truth of Your Existence.
Please cover these nations with the Power of the Holy Spirit, so that they will stop their pursuit of power over innocent souls.
Have Mercy on all Your countries that are powerless against the evil atrocities which cover the whole world.
† Crusade Prayer 28 †
For unification of all Christian Churches
O God of the Most High, we kneel before You to beg for the unification of all Your children in the fight to retain Your Christian Churches on Earth.
Let not our differences divide us at this time of great apostasy in the world.
In our love for You, dear Father, we beseech You to give us the Graces to love one another in the Name of Your beloved Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We adore You. We love You. We unite to fight for the strength to retain Your Christian Churches on Earth in the trials we may face in the years ahead.
† Crusade Prayer 29 †
Protect the practice of Christianity
O my Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech You to pour down Your Holy Spirit over all of Your children.
I beg You to forgive those who have hatred in their souls for You.
I pray that atheists open up their hardened hearts during Your Great Mercy and that Your children who love You can honor You with dignity to rise above all persecution.
Please fill all Your children with the Gift of Your Spirit so that they can rise with courage and lead Your Army into the final battle against Satan, his demons and all those souls who are slaves to his false promises.
† Crusade Prayer 30 †
Prayer to avert war, famine and religious persecution
O my Eternal Father, God the Creator of the Universe, in the Name of Your Precious Son, I beg You to make us love You more.
Help us to be brave, fearless and strong in the face of adversity and accept our sacrifices, sufferings and trials as a gift before Your Throne to save Your children on Earth.
Soften the hearts of unclean souls.
Open their eyes to the Truth of Your Love, so that they can join with all of Your children in the Paradise on Earth You have lovingly created for us according to Your Divine Will.
† Crusade Prayer 31 †
Chain of Protection Prayer
(Calls for fasting)
O my Jesus, let my prayer invoke Your Holy Spirit to descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride, to stop the persecution of Your innocent children.
I ask You to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring Your children and I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the Truth of Your Love.
† Crusade Prayer 32 †
To stop abortion being legalized in Ireland
O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us.
Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair from the darkness which covers our country. Rid us of the evil one who wants to destroy your children yet to be born.
Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
† Crusade Prayer 33 †
Seal of the Living God Prayer
(To acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.)
God the Father asks that all accept this Seal as a Protection for each and every one of us and our families during the future difficult times we will have to life in.
O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity.
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my beloved Father.
I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever.
I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the Salvation of all Your children.

† Crusade Prayer 34 †
My gift of fasting to Jesus
O my Jesus, help me in my own small way to imitate Your Life of Sacrifice in order to save mankind.
Allow me to offer You the gift of fasting, one day a week throughout Lent, to save all of humanity, so that they can enter the Gates of the New Paradise on Earth.
I offer You, dear Jesus, my sacrifice, with love and joy in my heart.
To show You the extent of my love through this sacrifice, I beg You for the Salvation of every soul who may have fallen from Grace.
† Crusade Prayer 35 †
Prayer for souls to enter Paradise
O my Jesus, help me to help You salvage the remnants of Your children on Earth.
I pray that You will, through Your Mercy, salvage souls from the spirit of darkness.
Accept my trials, sufferings and sorrows in this life to save souls from the fires of Hell.
Fill me with the Graces to offer You these sufferings with love and joy in my heart, so that we will all unite as one in love for the Blessed Trinity and live with You as one holy family in Paradise.
† Crusade Prayer 36 †
Help me to honor the One True God
Jesus, help me, for I am lost and confused. I do not know the Truth of life after death.
Forgive me if I offend You by honoring false gods which are not the True God.
Save me and help me to see the Truth with clarity and save me from the darkness of my soul.
Help me to come into the Light of Your Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 37 †
Unification of all God’s children
O dear Jesus, unite all Your beloved followers in love so that we can spread the Truth of Your Promise for Eternal Salvation throughout the whole world.
We pray that those lukewarm souls, afraid of offering themselves to You in mind, body and soul, will drop their armor of pride and open their hearts to Your Love and become part of Your holy family on Earth.
Embrace all those lost souls, dear Jesus, and allow our love, as their brothers and sisters, to lift them from the wilderness and take them with us into the Bosom, Love and Light of the Holy Trinity.
We place all our hope, trust and love in Your Holy Hands.
We beg You to expand our devotion, so that we can help save more souls.
† Crusade Prayer 38 †
Salvation Prayer for the Catholic Church
O Blessed Mother of Salvation, please pray for the Catholic Church in these difficult times and for our beloved Pope Benedict XVI to ease his suffering.
We ask you, Mother of Salvation, to cover God’s sacred servants with your Holy Mantle, so that they are given the Graces to be strong, loyal and brave during the trials they face. Pray too that they will look after their flock in accordance with the True Teachings of the Catholic Church.
O Holy Mother of God, give us, your Remnant Church on Earth, the Gift of leadership, so that we can help lead souls towards the Kingdom of your Son. We ask you, Mother of Salvation, to keep the deceiver away from the followers of your Son in their quest to safeguard their souls, so that they are fit to enter the Gates of the New Paradise on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 39 †
To prepare souls for the New Paradise
O Jesus, my beloved Savior, I ask You to cover me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can speak with authority Your Most Holy Word, to prepare all God’s children for Your Second Coming.
I beseech You, Lord Jesus, for all the Graces that I need, so I can reach out to all faiths, creeds and nationalities wherever I go.
Help me to speak with Your Tongue, soothe poor souls with Your Lips, and love all souls with the special Divine Love, which pours out from Your Sacred Heart.
Help me to save souls so close to Your Heart and allow me to console You, dear Jesus, when lost souls continue to reject Your Mercy. Jesus, I am nothing without You, but with Your generous aid, I will fight in Your Name to help save the whole of humanity.
† Crusade Prayer 40 †
O my Jesus, I am but a humble servant and need You to guide me, so I can prepare souls for Your glorious Second Coming.
Help me to convert souls and prepare them according to Your Holy Will, so that they are fit to enter the New Heaven and Earth, which You promised all of mankind through Your death on the Cross.
Give me the Graces I need, so that I can impart Your Word to thirsty souls and that I never waiver in my duty to You, dear Jesus, to Whom I pledged my allegiance through my sacred vows.
† Crusade Prayer 41 †
For the souls of non-believers
O my Jesus, help Your poor children who are blind to Your Promise of Salvation.
I beseech You, with the help of my prayers and suffering, to open the eyes of non-believers so that they can see Your tender Love and run into Your Sacred Arms for protection.
Help them to see the Truth and seek forgiveness for all their sins, so that they can be saved and be the first to enter the Gates of the New Paradise.
I pray for these poor souls including men, women and children and urge You to absolve them from their sins.
† Crusade Prayer 42 †
Prayer of fasting to stop one-world currency
O God Most High, I offer You my gift of fasting so that you will stop the grip of evil in the world being planned to starve my country of food, including the Bread of Life.
Accept my offering and listen to my pleas for other nations, to protect them from the suffering being planned by the antichrist.
Save us, dear Lord, from this wickedness and protect our faith so that we can honor You with the freedom we need to love and adore You forever and ever.
† Crusade Prayer 43 †
Save souls during The Warning
O God the Almighty Father, on behalf of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and in commemoration of His death on the Cross to save us from our sins, I beg You to save souls who cannot save themselves and who may die in mortal sin during The Warning.
In atonement for the sufferings of Your beloved Son, I urge You to forgive those who are unable to seek Redemption because they will not live long enough to ask Jesus, Your Son, for Mercy to free them from sin.
† Crusade Prayer 44 †
Strength to defend my Faith against the false prophet
Dear Jesus, give me the strength to focus on Your Teachings and to proclaim Your Holy Word at all times.
Never allow me to be tempted to idolize the false prophet, who will try to present himself as You.
Keep my love for You strong.
Give me the Graces of discernment, so that I will never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, no matter how many lies are presented to me to encourage me to turn my back on Your True Word.
† Crusade Prayer 45 †
Prayer to conquer negative thoughts
O Jesus, I know very little about You, but please help me to open my heart to allow You to come into my soul, so that You can heal me, comfort me, and fill me with Your Peace.
Help me to feel joy, to conquer all negative thoughts, and to learn the way to make me understand how to please You, so that I can enter Your New Paradise where I can live a life of love, joy, and wonder with You forever and ever.
† Crusade Prayer 46 †
Free me from the chains of Satan
O Jesus, I am lost.
I am confused and feel like a prisoner caught in a web I cannot escape from.
I trust You, Jesus, to come to my aid and free me from the chains of Satan and his demons.
Help me for I am lost.
I need Your love to give me the strength to believe in You and trust in You, so that I can be saved from this evil and be shown the Light, so I can find peace, love and happiness at last.
† Crusade Prayer 47 †
Re-kindle your love for Jesus
O Blessed Mother, Mother of Salvation for the whole world, pray that my love for Jesus can be re-kindled.
Help me to feel the Flame of His Love, so that it fills my soul.
Help me to love Jesus more.
Pray that my faith, love and devotion for Him become stronger.
Allay any doubts, which torment me, and help me to see clearly the Divine Light of the Truth, which radiates from your beloved Son, the Savior of all humanity.
† Crusade Prayer 48 †
Prayer for the Grace to proclaim the Second Coming of Christ
O my Jesus, grant me the Grace to proclaim Your Holy Word to all of humanity, so that souls can be saved.
Pour Your Holy Spirit over me, Your humble servant, so that Your Holy Word can be heard and accepted, especially by those souls who need Your Mercy the most.
Help me to honor Your Holy Will at all times and never to insult or condemn those who refuse the Hand of Your Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 49 †
O Jesus, I am Your humble servant and I pledge my love and loyalty to You. I beg You to give me a sign of Your calling.
Help me to open my eyes and witness Your Promise.
Bless me with the Grace of the Holy Spirit so that I will not be deceived by those who claim to come in Your Name, but who do not speak the Truth.
Show me the Truth.
Allow me to feel Your Love, so that I can fulfill Your Most Holy Will.
I ask You, with a humble heart, to show me the way in which I can help You to save the souls of humanity.
† Crusade Prayer 50 †
Jesus, help me to know Who You are
O dear Jesus, help me to know Who You are.
Forgive me for not speaking with You before now.
Help me to find peace in this life and be shown the Truth of Eternal Life.
Soothe my heart. Ease my worries. Give me peace.
Open my heart now, so that You can fill my soul with Your Love.
† Crusade Prayer 51 †
For the Gift of the Holy Spirit
O come, Holy Spirit, pour Your Gifts of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge over my humble soul.
Fill me with the Light of Truth, so that I can discern the Truth of God from the lies spread by Satan and his angels.
Help me to grasp the torch and spread the flame of understanding to all those I meet through Christ Our Lord.
† Crusade Prayer 52 †
Prayer to the Father
My dearest Father, in the Name of Your Precious Son and in remembrance of His Passion on the Cross, I call out to You.
You, God the Most High, Creator of the World and all that is - hold our Salvation in Your Holy Hands.
Embrace all of Your children, including those who don’t know You and those who do, but look the other way.
Forgive us our sin and save us from the persecution of Satan and his army.
Take us into Your Arms and fill us with the hope we need to see the way of the Truth.
† Crusade Prayer 53 †
Prayer for the Catholic Church
O God the Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, I beg You to give strength and the Graces needed to help priests withstand the persecution they endure.
Help them to adhere to the Truth of the Teachings of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and to never waive, weaken or submit to untruths about the Existence of the Holy Eucharist.
† Crusade Prayer 54 †
Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War III
O Heavenly Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind, please help us in these difficult times we face.
Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy Your Churches and Your children.
Dear Father, we implore You to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war against their will.
We love You, dear Father.
We beg You to help us in our time of need.
Save us from the grip of the antichrist.
Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it.
Help those who love You to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times, so that You can bestow on us the Graces to survive in body and soul.
† Crusade Prayer 55 †
To prepare for The Warning
O my dear Jesus, please open the hearts of all God’s children to the Gift of Your Great Mercy.
Help them to accept Your Divine Mercy with love and gratitude.
Enable them to become humble before You and beg for the forgiveness of their sins, so that they can become part of Your glorious Kingdom.
† Crusade Prayer 56 †
O dear Father, in the Name of Your Precious Son, Who sacrificed Himself on the Cross for the whole of mankind, help me to stay true to the Truth.
Cover me with the Precious Blood of Your Son and give me the Graces to continue to serve You in faith, trust and honor, for the rest of my ministry.
Never let me stray from the True meaning of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass or the Presentation of the Holy Eucharist to Your children.
Give me the strength to represent You and feed Your flock the way in which they must be fed with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind.
† Crusade Prayer 57 †
O my dear Jesus, open my ears to the sound of Your Voice.
Open my heart to Your loving Call.
Fill my soul with the Holy Spirit, so I can recognize You at this time.
I offer You my humble allegiance to all that You ask of me.
Help me to discern the Truth, to rise, respond and follow Your Voice - so I can help You to save the souls of all of humanity.
Your Will is my command.
Give me the courage to let You guide me, so I can take up the armor needed to lead Your Church towards Your New Kingdom.
† Crusade Prayer 58 †
Crusade of Conversion Prayer
(Calls for fasting)
O dear Jesus, I call on You to embrace all God’s children and cover them with Your Precious Blood. Let each drop of Your Blood cover every soul to shield them from the evil one.
Open the hearts of all, especially hardened souls and those who know You - but who are stained with the sin of pride - to fall down and beg for the Light of Your Love to flood their souls.
Open their eyes to see the Truth so that the dawn of Your Divine Mercy will shower down upon them - so they are covered with the Rays of Your Mercy.
Convert all souls, through the Graces I ask you for now, dear Jesus,
(Personal intention here.)
I beg You for Mercy and offer You this gift of fasting for one day every week (for this month of June), in atonement for all sins.
† Crusade Prayer 59 †
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Divine Will
“My dearly beloved daughter, just as My Eternal Father bequeathed the great Gift to humanity of His Seal, so too, must His children pledge their allegiance to His Divine Will. I ask all of God’s children, who will march forth in His Army, to help save the souls of all God’s children, including hardened sinners, to take this pledge.”
O God the Most High, O Heavenly Father, I pledge to You my firm allegiance to honor and obey You in all things united to Your Divine Will on Earth.
I - through the Sacred Blood of Your only beloved Son - the True Messiah, - offer You my mind, my body and my soul, on behalf of all souls, so that we can unite as one in Your heavenly Kingdom to come, so that Your Divine Will is done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
† Crusade Prayer 60 †
For conversion of families during The Warning
“Children of God, prepare every day for The Warning, for it can happen at any time.”
O dear sweet Jesus, I beg for Mercy for the souls of my family, (Name them here.).
I offer You my sufferings, my trials and my prayers to save their souls from the spirit of darkness.
Let not one of these, Your children, denounce You or reject Your Hand of Mercy.
Open their hearts to entwine with Your Sacred Heart, so that they can seek the forgiveness necessary to save themselves from the fires of Hell.
Give them the chance to mak.
Amen.s, so that they can be converted with the Rays of Your Divine Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 61 †
Avert one world control
O dear Heavenly Father, in memory of the Crucifixion of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I beg You to protect us, Your children, from the crucifixion being planned to destroy Your children by the antichrist and his followers.
Give us the Graces we need to refuse the mark of the beast and bestow upon us the help we need to fight the evil in the world, spread by those who follow the way of Satan.
We beseech You, dear Father, to protect all of Your children in these terrible times and make us strong enough to stand up and proclaim Your Holy Word at all times.
† Crusade Prayer 62 †
For lost and helpless sinners
O Jesus, help me for I am a sinner, lost, helpless and in darkness.
I am weak and lack the courage to seek You out.
Give me the strength to call You now, so that I can break away from the darkness within my soul.
Bring me into Your Light, dear Jesus. Forgive me.
Help me to become whole again and lead me to Your Love, Peace and Eternal Life.
I trust You completely and I ask You to take me in mind, body and soul, as I surrender to Your Divine Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 63 †
Preserve me on this journey
O my beloved Mother of Salvation, I ask you to pray that I am given the Food of Life to preserve me on this journey to help save all of God’s children.
Please help all those who are being deceived by false idols and false gods to open their eyes to the Truth of your Son’s death on the Cross – to save every one of God’s children and to bring each one Eternal life.
† Crusade Prayer 64 †
Save my brothers and sisters
O my dearest Savior, Jesus Christ, accept my gift of prayer and sacrifices to help save my brothers and sisters from the prison of darkness they are in.
Allow me to help salvage their souls.
I beg You to forgive them for their sins and I ask that You flood their souls with the Holy Spirit, so that they will run into Your Arms as the Refuge they so desperately need before they are lost forever.
I offer You my gift of surrender for such souls in humble servitude and thanksgiving.
† Crusade Prayer 65 †
For those in mortal sin
O dear Jesus, Savior of mankind, through Your Divine Mercy, I plead for clemency for all those poor souls in sin, who may be taken from this Earth during The Warning.
Forgive them their sins and in memory of Your Passion I beg You to grant me this special favor in atonement for their sins.
I offer myself to You in mind, body and soul as a penance to salvage their souls, and to bring them Eternal Life.
† Crusade Prayer 66 †
For clergy: Help me to remain true to Your Most Holy Word
O dear Jesus, help me to remain true to Your Most Holy Word at all times. Give me the strength to uphold the Truth of Your Church in the face of adversity.
Fill me with the Grace to administer the Holy Sacraments in the way in which You taught us.
Help me to feed Your Church with the Bread of Life and remain loyal to You, even when I am prohibited from doing so.
Free me from the chain of deceit I may face in order to proclaim the True Word of God.
Cover all Your sacred servants with Your Precious Blood at this time, so that we will remain courageous, loyal and steadfast in our allegiance to You, our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.
† Crusade Prayer 67 †
Keep my children safe from the king of lies
Please, dear Jesus, I ask you to keep my children safe from the king of lies.
I consecrate these children (Name them here.) to Your Sacred Heart and ask that through the Cloak of Your Precious Blood, You will enlighten their souls and take them safely into Your loving Arms, so that they can be protected from all harm.
I ask that You open their hearts and flood their souls with Your Holy Spirit during the Illumination of Conscience, so that they are cleansed of every iniquity.
† Crusade Prayer 68 †
Protect me from the influence of Satan
O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, cover me with your Most Holy Mantle and protect my family from the influence of Satan and his fallen angels.
Help me to trust in the Divine Mercy of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, at all times.
Sustain me in my love for Him and never allow me to wander away from the Truth of His Teachings, no matter how many temptations are placed before me.
† Crusade Prayer 69 †
Prayer to God the Father to accept His Divine Will
God, the Almighty Father, I accept Your Divine Will.
Help your children to accept it.
Stop Satan from denying Your children’s right to their Father’s Inheritance.
Never let us give up the fight for our Inheritance in Paradise.
Hear our pleas to banish Satan and his fallen angels.
I ask You, dear Father, to cleanse the Earth with Your Mercy and to cover us with Your Holy Spirit.
Lead us to form Your Most Holy Army, laden with the power to banish the beast forever.
† Crusade Prayer 70 †
Prayer for the clergy to remain firm and true to the Holy Word of God
O dear Jesus, help Your sacred servants to recognize the schism within Your Church as it unfolds.
Help Your sacred servants to remain firm and true to Your Holy Word. Never let worldly ambitions cloud their pure love for You.
Give them the Graces to remain pure and humble before You and to honor Your Most Holy Presence in the Eucharist.
Help and guide all those sacred servants who may be lukewarm in their love for You and re-kindle the Fire of the Holy Spirit in their souls.
Help them to recognize temptation, placed before them to distract them. Open their eyes so they can see the Truth at all times.
Bless them, dear Jesus, at this time and cover them with Your Precious Blood to keep them safe from harm.
Give them the strength to resist the seduction of Satan, should they be distracted by the allure of denying the existence of sin.
† Crusade Prayer 71 †
Prayer to save us from the persecution
O Jesus, save God’s children from the antichrist. Protect us from the plans to control the Earth.
Lord, save us from the persecution.
Protect dark souls from the antichrist, so that they can be redeemed in Your Eyes.
Help us in our weakness. Strengthen us in spirit to rise and lead each other, as we march in Your Army to the Gates of Paradise.
I need You, dear Jesus. I love You, dear Jesus. I glorify Your Presence on Earth.
I shun the darkness.
I adore You and I surrender myself, in body and spirit, so that You can reveal to me the Truth of Your Presence – and so that I will always trust in Your Mercy at all times.
† Crusade Prayer 72 †
The disciple’s Prayer
Dear Jesus, I am ready to spread Your Holy Word. Give me the courage, the strength and the knowledge to impart the Truth, so that as many souls as possible can be brought to You.
Take me into Your Sacred Heart and cover me with Your Precious Blood, so that I am filled with the Graces to spread conversion for the Salvation of all of God’s children, in every part of the world, no matter what their creed is.
I trust in You always. Your beloved disciple.
† Crusade Prayer 73 †
For young souls, young children
O Jesus, help me to save the souls of young people all over the world. By Your Grace help them to see the Truth of Your Existence.
Bring them to Your Sacred Heart and open their eyes to Your Love and Mercy.
Save them from the fires of Hell and through my prayers have Mercy on their souls.
† Crusade Prayer 74 †
For the Gift of Discernment
O Mother of God, help me to prepare my soul for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Take me as a child, by the hand, and lead me on the road towards the Gift of Discernment, through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Open my heart and teach me to surrender in body, mind and soul.
Rid me of the sin of pride and pray that I will be forgiven for all past sins, so that my soul is purified and that I am made whole, so that I can receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you, Mother of Salvation, for your intercession and I await with love in my heart for this Gift for which I yearn with joy.
† Crusade Prayer 75 †
I assign my pain to You, dear Jesus
Jesus, I assign my pain and suffering to that which You suffered during Your Agony on Calvary.
For every insult I endure, I offer it to You.
For every abuse and verbal onslaught I suffer, I offer it in honor of Your Crowning of Thorns.
For every unfair criticism of me, I offer it in honor of Your humiliation in front of Pilate.
For every physical torment I endure at the hands of others, I offer it in honor of Your Scourging at the Pillar.
For every insult I endure, I offer it up in honor of the terrible physical torture You endured during the Crowning of Thorns when they tore out Your Eye.
For every time I imitate You, impart Your Teachings, and when I am sneered at in Your Name, let me help You on the road to Calvary.
Help me to be rid of pride and never to be afraid to admit that I love You, dear Jesus.
Then, when all seems hopeless in my life, dear Jesus, help me to be brave by remembering how You willingly allowed Yourself to be crucified in such a vile and cruel way.
Help me to stand up and be counted, as a true Christian, a true soldier in Your Army, humble and contrite in my heart, in remembrance of the Sacrifice You made for me.
Hold my hand, dear Jesus, and show me how my own suffering can inspire others to join Your Army with like-minded souls who love You.
Help me to accept suffering and to offer it up to You as a gift to save souls in the final battle against the tyranny of the evil one.
† Crusade Prayer 76 †
The atheist’s Prayer
Jesus, help me to accept the Love of God as it is being shown to me.
Open my eyes, my mind, my heart and my soul, so that I can be saved.
Help me to believe by filling my heart with Your Love.
Then hold me and save me from the torment of doubt.
† Crusade Prayer 77 †
For Great Britain
O Most Heavenly Father, God the Creator of man, please hear my prayer.
I beg You to save Britain from the clutches of evil and dictatorship.
I ask that You unite all of us, of all religions, creed and color, as one family in Your Eyes.
Give us the strength to unite in defiance of any laws introduced to outlaw Your Teachings.
Give us the strength and the courage to never forsake You and to help save all of Your children through our prayers.
Bring all of my brothers and sisters together, in unity, to pay homage to Your Promise to bring us Eternal Life and entrance to Your Paradise.
† Crusade Prayer 78 †
Save me from evil
O Jesus, protect me from the power of Satan.
Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways.
I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart.
I leave my life in Your Holy Arms.
Save me from evil.
Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever.
† Crusade Prayer 79 †
For two billion lost souls
O dear Jesus, I beg You to pour Your Mercy over the lost souls.
Forgive them their rejection of You and use my prayer and suffering so You can, through Your Mercy, pour over them the Graces they need to sanctify their souls.
I ask You for the Gift of clemency for their souls.
I ask You to open their hearts, so they will go to You and ask You to fill them with the Holy Spirit, so they can accept the Truth of Your Love and live with You and all of God’s family forever.
† Crusade Prayer 80 †
For the souls of those who commit murder
O dear Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those who commit murder.
I urge for clemency for those in mortal sin.
I offer my own suffering and difficulties over to You, so that You can open Your Heart and forgive them their sins.
I ask that You cover all those with evil intent in their souls with Your Precious Blood, so that they can be washed clean of their iniquities.
† Crusade Prayer 81 †
For the Gift of the Holy Communion
O Heavenly Host, fill my body with the nourishment it needs. Fill my soul with the Divine Presence of Jesus Christ.
Give me the Graces to fulfill the Holy Will of God. Fill me with the peace and calm, which comes from Your Holy Presence. Never let me doubt Your Presence.
Help me to accept You in Body and Soul - and that by the Holy Eucharist - the Graces bestowed upon me will help me to proclaim the Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Purify my heart.
Open my soul and sanctify me, when I receive the great Gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Grant me the Graces and the favors it bestows upon all God’s children and grant me immunity from the fires of Purgatory.
† Crusade Prayer 82 †
For the Victory of the Remnant Church
Jesus, King and Savior of the world, to You do we pledge our honor, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all.
Help us to gain the strength and the confidence to stand up and declare the Truth at all times.
Never allow us to falter or delay in our march towards victory and in our plan to save souls.
We pledge our surrender, our hearts and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the Gates of the New Paradise.
We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Savior and Redeemer.
We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart.
Pour over us Your Grace of Protection.
Cover us with Your Precious Blood, so that we will be filled with courage and love to stand up and declare the Truth of Your New Kingdom.
† Crusade Prayer 83 †
For the mitigation of chastisements
O dear Father, God the Most High, we Your poor children, prostrate ourselves before Your Glorious Throne in Heaven.
We beg You to rid the world of evil.
We implore Your Mercy for the souls of those who cause terrible hardships to Your children on Earth. Please forgive them.
Please remove the antichrist, as soon as he makes himself known. We ask You, dear Lord, to mitigate Your Hand of Chastisement.
Instead, we beg You to accept our prayers and our sufferings to ease the suffering of Your children at this time.
We trust You. We honor you.
We thank You for the great Sacrifice You made when You sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin.
We welcome Your Son once again, as the Savior of humanity.
Please protect us. Keep us from harm. Help our families. Have Mercy on us.
† Crusade Prayer 84 †
To enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world
O dear Jesus, I beg You to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world. Show them the proof of Your Mercy.
Help them to become open of heart and to show true humility, in honor of Your great Sacrifice by Your death on the Cross, when You died for their sins.
Help them to discern Who their True Maker is, Who their Creator is, and fill them with the Graces to see the Truth.
Please prevent their plans to hurt millions of people through vaccinations, shortages of foods, forced adoptions of innocent children and the splitting up of families from taking place.
Heal them. Cover them with Your Light and take them into the Bosom of Your Heart to save them from the snares of the evil one.
† Crusade Prayer 85 †
To save the United States of America from the hand of the deceiver
O dear Jesus, cover our nation with Your most precious Protection.
Forgive us our sins against God’s Commandments.
Help the American people to turn back to God.
Open their minds to the True Path of the Lord.
Unlock their hardened hearts, so that they will welcome Your Hand of Mercy.
Help this nation to stand up against the blasphemies, which may be inflicted upon us to force us to deny Your Presence.
We beseech You, Jesus, to save us, protect us from all harm and embrace our people in Your Sacred Heart.
† Crusade Prayer 86 †
Release me from the torment of doubt
I come before You confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
Forgive me if I have wronged You. Forgive me if I cannot hear You. Open my eyes, so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
I implore You, to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth. I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
Help me to respond to Your Call. Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favor, so that through my own prayers and suffering, I can help You to salvage souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart.
† Crusade Prayer 87 †
Protect our nation from evil
O Father, on behalf of Your Son, save us from communism.
Save us from dictatorship.
Protect our nation against paganism.
Save our children from harm.
Help us to see the Light of God.
Open our hearts to the Teachings of Your Son.
Help all churches to remain true to the Word of God.
We beg You to keep our nations safe from persecution.
Dearest Lord, look upon us with Mercy, no matter how we offend You.
Jesus, Son of Man, cover us with Your Precious Blood.
Save us from the snares of the evil one.
We implore You, dear God, to intervene and stop evil from engulfing the world at this time.
† Crusade Prayer 88 †
For souls after The Warning
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, show Mercy to all of us poor sinners.
Enlighten those hearts of stone, so desperate in their quest for guidance.
Forgive them their iniquities.
Help them, through Your Love and Mercy, to find it in their hearts to grasp Your great Gift of Redemption.
I implore You to forgive all souls who reject the Truth of God.
Cover them with Your Light, dear Jesus, so that it will blind them to the wickedness and snares of the devil, who will try to cut them off from You for eternity.
I beg You to give all God’s children the strength to be thankful for Your Great Mercy.
I ask that You open the door to Your Kingdom to all lost souls who wander the Earth in a state of helplessness and hopelessness.
† Crusade Prayer 89 †
For wretched sinners
Dear Jesus, help me, a poor wretched sinner, to come to You with remorse in my soul. Cleanse me from the sins, which have destroyed my life.
Give me the Gift of a new life, free from the shackles of sin, and the freedom which my sins deny me.
Renew me in the Light of Your Mercy. Embrace me in Your Heart. Let me feel Your Love, so that I can become close to You and that my love for You is ignited.
Have Mercy on me, Jesus, and keep me free from sin. Make me worthy to enter Your New Paradise.
† Crusade Prayer 90 †
Thanksgiving for Your Most Glorious Second Coming
O my Jesus, I offer You praise and thanksgiving for Your Most Glorious Second Coming.
You, my Savior, were born to give me Eternal Life and to free me from sin. I offer You my love, my thanks and my adoration, as I prepare my soul for Your Great Coming.
† Crusade Prayer 91 †
Keep me true to my Faith
(During the persecution)
O Blessed Mother of Salvation, protect me in my hour of need, when I am confronted with evil.
Help me to defend the Word of God with strength and courage, without any fear in my soul.
Pray that I remain loyal to the Teachings of Christ and that I can fully surrender my fears, my worries and my sadness, completely.
Help me, so that I can walk fearlessly ahead on this lonely path, in order to proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God, even when the enemies of God make this task almost impossible.
O Blessed Mother, I ask that, through your intercession, the faith of all Christians remains strong, at all times, during the persecution.
† Crusade Prayer 92 †
For the Grace of Perseverance
O dear Jesus, I ask You for the Gift of Perseverance.
I beg You to bestow upon me the Graces I need to uphold Your Most Holy Word.
I ask You to rid me of any lingering doubts.
I ask You to flood my soul with kindness, patience and perseverance.
Help me to remain dignified when I am insulted in Your Holy Name.
Make me strong and cover me with the Grace to keep going, even when I am tired, lacking in strength and when faced with all the tribulations, which lie ahead, as I work tirelessly to help You save humanity.
† Crusade Prayer 93 †
For the Tears of Conversion
O my beloved Jesus, You are close to my heart.
I am one with You.
I love You.
I cherish You.
Let me feel Your Love.
Let me feel Your Pain.
Let me feel Your Presence.
Grant me the Grace of humility so that I am made worthy of Your Kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Grant me the Tears of Conversion so that I can truly offer myself to You as a true disciple to help You in Your Mission to save every single soul on Earth, before You come again to judge the living and the dead.
† Crusade Prayer 94 †
To cure the mind, body and soul
O dear Jesus, I lay myself before You, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear Your Voice.
Let me be touched by Your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by Your Divine Light through my mind, body and soul.
I trust in Your Mercy.
I surrender my pain and suffering completely before You and I ask that You give me the Grace to trust in You, so that You can cure me of this pain and darkness, so that I can become whole again and so that I can follow the Path of Truth and allow You to lead me to life in the New Paradise.
† Crusade Prayer 95 †
To help find time for prayer
O Mother of Salvation, come to my aid, as I struggle to find the time for prayer.
Help me to give to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the time He deserves to show Him how much I love Him.
I ask that you, my Blessed Mother of Salvation, seek for me the Graces I need and ask your dear Son for every Grace and favor, so that He can envelop me into the Bosom of His Sacred Heart.
† Crusade Prayer 96 †
To Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group
O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, Your Crusade Prayer Group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us in this Sacred Mission to save souls.
May we remain loyal and strong, as we persevere to keep Your Holy Name before the world and never waiver in our struggle to spread the Truth of Your Holy Word.
† Crusade Prayer 97 †
To unite Crusade Prayer Groups
O beloved Mother of Salvation, I implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of God’s Remnant Army throughout the world.
Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups with the Grace of Salvation, poured out upon us, through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Send your angels to cover each one of us, and especially those priests who lead the Crusade Prayer Groups.
Help us to avoid the distractions, which cause division amongst us, and protect us with your Gift of Amour so that we become immune to the attacks which we will have to endure because of our love for Jesus Christ in this Holy Mission to save souls.
† Crusade Prayer 98 †
For the Grace of God to cover world leaders
O my Blessed Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son to pour out His Graces and Love over those leaders who control the world.
Pray that the Light of God will cure them of blindness and unlock their hearts of stone.
Stop them from inflicting persecution on innocent people.
Please pray that Jesus will guide them and stop them from preventing the Truth of His Teachings from being spread to nations, throughout the world.
† Crusade Prayer 99 †
For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand
O God, the Almighty Father, In the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have Mercy on all Your children in Australia and New Zealand.
Forgive us for our rejection of Your Holy Word.
Forgive us for the sin of indifference.
Rid us of our pagan culture and cover us with the Graces to inspire hope, faith and charity, amongst our brothers and sisters.
We beg you for the Gift of Discernment and ask that You grant all of us the Blessings we need to ensure that only the Truth of Your Holy Word can be heard, so that all souls are granted the Keys to Eternal Life.
† Crusade Prayer 100 †
For the survival of Christianity
O dear Jesus, we beg You for the skills to survive the trials we now face, as the last True Pope finishes his mission for You.
Help us to sustain the terrible abuse we will now have to face because of the collapse of the Church we once knew.
Never let us deviate from the Truth of Your Divine Word. Help us to remain silent when the attacks are placed upon our shoulders to entice us to turn our backs on You and the Sacraments You gave to the world.
Cover Your Army with the powerful Love we need, like a shield, to protect us against the false prophet and the antichrist.
Help Your Church on Earth to spread and multiply, so that they can adhere to the Truth and help You to lead our brothers and sisters on the Path of Truth to prepare ourselves, adequately, for Your Second Coming.
† Crusade Prayer 101 †
Miracle Prayer to feel the Presence of Jesus
O dear Almighty Father, Creator of all that Is and will Be, help all of us, who can recognize the Presence of Your beloved Son in the Church today, to become very strong.
Help me to overcome my fear, my loneliness and the rejection I suffer from my loved ones, as I follow Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior.
Please protect my loved ones from falling into the trap of believing in lies, which have been devised by Satan to destroy, divide and cause havoc amongst all God’s children.
Please help all those who follow the abomination in Your Church to be saved from the eternal fires of Hell.
† Crusade Prayer 102 †
To sustain faith and belief in God’s Message for the world
Dearest Jesus, when I am down, lift me up. When I doubt, enlighten me.
When I am in sorrow, show me Your Love. When I criticize, help me to remain silent.
When I judge another in public, seal my lips. When I utter blasphemies, in Your Name, redeem me and bring me back into Your Protection.
When I lack courage, give me the sword I need to do battle and save the souls You desire.
When I resist Your Love help me to surrender and abandon myself completely within Your loving Care.
When I wander away, help me to find the Path of Truth. When I question Your Word, give me the answers I seek.
Help me to be patient, loving and kind, even to those who curse You.
Help me to forgive those who offend me and give me the Grace I need to follow You to the ends of the Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 103 †
To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ
(Calls for fasting)
“Here is a Crusade Prayer for you if you wish to share My Cup of Suffering. Recite this, three times, when you can, but preferably during any time of fasting.”
Recite three times.
I lay before You, dear Jesus, and at Your Feet, to do what you will with me for the good of all.
Let me share Your Cup of Suffering.
Take this gift from me, so that You can save those poor souls who are lost and without hope.
Take me, in body, so I can share Your Pain.
Hold my heart in Your Sacred Hands and bring my soul in union with You.
Through my gift of suffering, I allow Your Divine Presence to embrace my soul, so that You can redeem all sinners and unite all God’s children forever and ever.
† Crusade Prayer 104 †
Free this soul from slavery to the beast
Dearest Jesus, I present to You the soul of (Name a soul here.), who has abandoned (his/her) soul to Satan.
Take this soul and redeem it in Your Holy Eyes. Free this soul from slavery to the beast and bring it Eternal Salvation.
† Crusade Prayer 105 †
Gift of Conversion for others
O my dearest Jesus, with my love for You, please accept my soul in union with You.
Take my soul, cover it with Your Holy Spirit and help me, through this Prayer, save all those I come into contact with.
Engulf every soul I meet with Your Holy Mercy and offer them the Salvation needed to enter Your Kingdom.
Hear my prayers. Listen to my pleas and through Your Mercy salvage the souls of the whole of humanity.
† Crusade Prayer 106 †
Mercy for the young who don’t acknowledge God
Dear Jesus, take under Your Protection the souls of these children of God who do not know You, who do not acknowledge Your Love and who do not accept Your Promise.
Pour out Your Grace of Conversion and give them Eternal Life.
Be merciful to all those who do not believe in Your Presence and who will not seek remorse for their sins.
† Crusade Prayer 107 †
Save me from the fires of Hell
I am a terrible sinner, Jesus.
By my actions, I have caused desperate suffering to others.
I am cast aside as a result.
I am no longer tolerated on Earth anywhere.
Rescue me from this wilderness and safeguard me from the grip of evil.
Allow me to repent.
Accept my remorse.
Fill me with Your Strength and help me to rise from the depths of despair.
I hand over to You, dear Jesus, my free will to do onto me as You wish, so that I can be saved from the fires of Hell.
† Crusade Prayer 108 †
Climbing the Hill of Calvary
Jesus, help me to find the courage, the bravery and the nerve to stand up and be counted, so that I can join Your Remnant Army and climb the same hill of Calvary, which You had to endure for my sins.
Rid me of my weakness.
Dispel my fears.
Crush all my doubts.
Open my eyes to the Truth.
Help me, and all those who respond to the Call to carry Your Cross, to follow You with a deep and humble heart and that by my example, others will pluck up the courage to do likewise.
† Crusade Prayer 109 †
For the Gift of Trust
O my dearest Jesus, help me to trust You.
To trust in Your Promise to come again.
To accept the Truth of Your Second Coming.
To trust in the Promise of God the Father when He said He would give You Your Kingdom.
Help me to trust in Your Teachings, in Your Plan to save the world.
Help me to accept with Grace, Your Gifts.
Help me to trust in You, so that I lose my fear and so that I can allow Your Love to flood my heart and soul.
† Crusade Prayer 110 †
For priests to remain true to Your Holy Word
O my dearest Jesus, I beg You to keep me strong and courageous, so that I can defend the Truth in Your Most Holy Name.
Give me the Grace I need - I implore - to give testimony to Your Holy Word at all times.
Enable me to withstand the pressures to promote untruths, when I know in my heart that they offend You.
Help me to remain true to Your Holy Word, until the day I die.
† Crusade Prayer 111 †
To Consecrate your children to Jesus Christ
O dear Mother of Salvation, I consecrate my children (Name of child/children here) before your Son, so that He can bring them peace of spirit and love of heart.
Please pray that my children will be accepted into the merciful Arms of your Son and keep them from harm.
Help them to stay true to the Holy Word of God, especially in times when they are tempted to turn away from Him.
† Crusade Prayer 112 †
For the Grace of Salvation
Dearest Jesus, I call on You to cover the souls of those who have been infested by Satan with Your special Grace of Salvation.
Free their souls from the wicked captivity from which they cannot escape.
† Crusade Prayer 113 †
To defeat evil in our land
O Mother of Salvation, come into our midst and cover our land with your protection.
Crush the head of the beast and stamp out his wicked influence amongst us.
Help your poor lost children to stand up and speak the Truth, when we are surrounded by lies.
Please, O Mother of God, protect our land and keep us strong, so that we can remain loyal to your Son in our time of persecution.
† Crusade Prayer 114 †
For priests to receive the Gift of Truth
My Lord, open my eyes.
Allow me to see the enemy and close my heart to deceit.
I surrender all to You, dear Jesus.
I trust in Your Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 115 †
For the Gift of Conversion
O Mother of Salvation, cover my soul with your Tears of Salvation. Rid me of doubts.
Lift my heart, so that I will feel the Presence of your Son.
Bring me peace and solace.
Pray that I will be truly converted.
Help me to accept the Truth and open my heart to receive the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.
† Crusade Prayer 116 †
Save me from the evil of lies
Dear Jesus, help me.
I am drowning in tears of sorrow.
My heart is confused.
I do not know who I can trust.
Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can choose the correct path to Your Kingdom.
Help me, dear Jesus, to always remain true to Your Word, given to the world by Peter, and to never deviate from what You taught us or deny Your death on the Cross.
Jesus, You are the Way.
Show me the Way.
Hold me and carry me on Your journey of Great Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 117 †
For those who have sold their souls
Dearest Jesus, I consecrate the souls of (list them here) and all those who swapped their souls for the price of fame.
Rid them of their infestation. Turn them away from the threat of the Illuminati, who devour them.
Give them the courage to walk away from this wicked bondage without fear.
Take them into Your Arms of Mercy and nurture them back to a state of Grace, so they are fit to stand before You.
By Your Divinity, help me, through this Prayer for Satan’s adopted souls, to prise them away from Masonry.
Free them from the shackles which bind them and which result in a terrible torture in the chambers of Hell.
Help them, through the suffering of chosen souls, through my prayers and through Your Mercy, to be in the front line, ready to enter the Gates of the New Era of Peace - the New Paradise.
I beg You to release them from captivity.
† Crusade Prayer 118 †
For the lost generation of young souls
Dear Jesus, I call out to Your Mercy for the lost generation of young souls.
For those who do not know You, cover them with the Gift of sight.
For those who do know You, but who ignore You, draw them back into Your Mercy.
Please give them the proof of Your Existence soon and guide them towards those who can help them and guide them towards the Truth.
Fill their minds and souls with the longing for You.
Help them to recognize the emptiness which exists in them because they do not feel Your Presence. I beg You, dear Lord, not to forsake them and in Your Mercy grant them Eternal Life.
† Crusade Prayer 119 †
To feel the Love of Jesus
Jesus help me. I am so confused.
My heart won’t open to You.
My eyes can’t see You.
My mind blocks You.
My mouth cannot utter words to comfort You.
My soul is clouded with darkness.
Please take pity on me, a poor sinner.
I am helpless, without Your Presence.
Fill me with Your Graces, so that I have the courage to reach out to You, to beg You for Mercy.
Help me, Your lost disciple, who loves You, but who no longer feels love stir in my heart, to see and accept the Truth.
† Crusade Prayer 120 †
Stop the spread of war
O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars which destroy humanity.
Protect the innocents from suffering.
Protect the souls who try to bring true peace.
Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war.
Protect the young and vulnerable.
Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.
Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering which may be given to us during times of strife.
We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart.
† Crusade Prayer 121 †
Allegiance to the Army of Jesus Christ
We stand united to Your Sacred Heart, dear Jesus.
We speak with authority the True Word of God.
We will walk to the ends of the Earth to spread the Truth.
We will never accept any new false doctrine in Your Name, other than that You taught us Yourself.
We remain true, loyal and steadfast in our faith.
We will treat those who betray You with love and compassion, in the hope that they will come back to You.
We will be firm, but patient, with those who persecute us in Your Name.
We will walk victorious all the way to Your New Paradise.
We promise, that through our pain and suffering, we will bring You all those lost souls who are starved of Your Love.
Please accept our prayers for all sinners in the world, so that we can become one family, united in love for You, in the New Era of Peace.
† Crusade Prayer 122 †
For the Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Dear Jesus, I ask You to consecrate me, my family, friends and nation to the Protection of Your Precious Blood.
You died for me and Your Wounds are my wounds as I gratefully accept the suffering, which I will endure in the lead up to Your Second Coming.
I suffer with You, dear Jesus, as You try to gather all of God’s children into Your Heart, so that we will have Eternal Life.
Cover me and all those who need Your Protection with Your Precious Blood.
† Crusade Prayer 123 †
Gift of free will to God
My dearest Jesus, hear this prayer from me, a most unworthy soul, and help me to love You more.
By my free will, I offer You this gift back, dear Jesus, so that I can become Your humble servant and remain obedient to the Will of God.
My will is Your Will.
Your Command means that I am obedient to Your every Desire.
My free will is Yours to do with it what it is that is needed to save all people, all over the world, who are separated from You.
I grant this gift, which was given to me at birth, to Your Most Holy Service.
† Crusade Prayer 124 †
Hear my plea for freedom
O God, my merciful Father, Creator of all that is, hear my plea for freedom. Release me from the chains of slavery and protect me from evil persecution.
Help me to discern the Truth and come to my aid, even if I am confused and may doubt Your Word.
Forgive me if I offend You and take me into the Refuge of Your New Paradise on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 125 †
To defend the Most Holy Word of God
O Mother of Salvation, help me, a humble servant of God, to defend His Most Holy Word in times of torment. Consecrate me, dear Mother, to your Son, so that He can cover me with His Precious Blood.
Grant me, through the intercession of your Son, Jesus Christ, the Grace, the strength and the will to remain true to the Teachings of Christ in the times of Tribulation, which will devour His Most Holy Church on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 126 †
To withstand religious persecution
Dear Jesus, help me to withstand any kind of persecution in Your Holy Name.
Help those who fall into error in the belief that they bear witness to Your Work.
Open the eyes of all those who may be tempted to destroy others through wicked acts, deeds or gestures.
Protect me against the enemies of God who will rise up to try and silence Your Word and who try to banish You.
Help me to forgive those who betray You and give me the Grace to remain firm in my love for You.
Help me to live the Truth which You taught us and to remain under Your Protection forever.
† Crusade Prayer 127 †
To save my soul and those of my loved ones
O Jesus, prepare me so I can come before You without shame.
Help me and my loved ones (name them here) to get ready to confess all our wrongdoings.
To admit our shortcomings, to ask for the forgiveness of all sins, to show love to those we have wronged, to beg for Mercy for Salvation.
To humble ourselves before You, so that on the Day of the Great Illumination, my conscience and those of (name them here) will be clear and that You will flood our souls with Your Divine Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 128 †
To gather and unite all souls
Dearest Jesus, help us, Your beloved disciples, to gather the world in Your Arms and present to You the souls who are in most need of Your great Mercy.
Empower us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit to ensure that the Flame of Truth engulfs all those who have become separated from You.
Unite all sinners so that each is given every chance of reconciliation.
Give all of us the strength to remain firm to Your Holy Word when we are forced to reject the Truth, which has been proclaimed to the world through the Most Holy Gospels.
We remain in You, with You and for You, every single step of this, our journey to Salvation.
† Crusade Prayer 129 †
For the Gift of Love
O God, please fill me with Your Love.
Help me to share the Gift of Love with all those in need of Your Mercy.
Help me to love You more.
Help me to love all those in need of Your Love.
Help me to love Your enemies.
Allow the Love You Bless me with to be used to engulf the hearts of everyone I come into contact with.
With the Love, which You infuse in my soul, help me to conquer all evil, convert souls and defeat the devil and all those wicked agents of his, who try to destroy the Truth of Your Holy Word.
† Crusade Prayer 130 †
Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer
“This Novena is to be prayed once each month from now on, beginning on a Monday in the morning for a week, praying it three times each morning and you must fast on one day during that week.
This is an extra fasting day requested each month.”
My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls, the Gift of Eternal Salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Through your intercession, I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.
Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls, who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference and who adore false doctrine and false gods.
We beseech you dear Mother, to beg for the Graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help.
† Crusade Prayer 131 †
The Mercy Prayer
O my dear Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son, Jesus Christ, to grant Mercy to (name all here) during The Warning and again on the Final Day, before they come before your Son.
Please pray that each of them will be saved and enjoy the fruits of Eternal Life.
Protect them, every day, and take them to your Son, so that His Presence will be shown to them and that they will be granted peace of the spirit and attain great Graces.
† Crusade Prayer 132 †
Renounce Satan to protect this Mission
O Mother of Salvation, come to the aid of this Mission.
Help us, God’s Remnant Army, to renounce Satan.
We beg you to crush the head of the beast with your heel and remove all obstacles in our mission to save souls.
† Crusade Prayer 133 †
A Call to return to God
Dear Jesus, forgive me an estranged soul who renounced You because I was blind.
Forgive me for substituting Your Love with useless things, which mean nothing.
Help me to pluck up the courage to walk by Your Side, to accept, with gratitude, Your Love and Mercy.
Help me to remain close to Your Sacred Heart and to never wander away from You again.
† Crusade Prayer 134 †
To believe in the Existence of God
O God the Most High, help me to believe in Your Existence.
Cast all of my doubts aside.
Open my eyes to the Truth of the life after this one and guide me towards the way to Eternal Life.
Please let me feel Your Presence and grant me the Gift of True Faith before the day I die.
† Crusade Prayer 135 †
FOR CLERGY: To defend the Truth
O beloved Mother of Salvation, help me in my moment of need.
Pray that I am blessed with the Gifts poured down upon my unworthy soul, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to defend the Truth at all times.
Sustain me in every incident where I am asked to deny the Truth; the Word of God; the Holy Sacraments and the Most Holy Eucharist.
Help me to use the Graces I receive to stand firm against the wickedness of Satan and all those poor souls he uses to defile your Son, Jesus Christ.
Help me in my hour of need.
For the sake of souls give me the courage to provide the Sacraments to each child of God when I may be forbidden by the enemies of God to do so.
† Crusade Prayer 136 †
To keep Your Word
Dearest Jesus, help me to hear Your Word.
Live Your Word.
Speak Your Word.
Impart Your Word.
Give me the strength to uphold the Truth, even when I am persecuted for doing so.
Help me to keep Your Word alive when it is drowned out by Your enemies.
Let me feel Your Courage when I am down.
Fill me with Your Strength when I am weak.
Give me the Grace to remain dignified when the gates of Hell prevail against me for remaining loyal to Your Most Holy Will.
† Crusade Prayer 137 †
Prayer of Restoration
O God Almighty One, O God the Most High, look upon me, Your humble servant, with love and pity in Your Heart.
Restore me in Your Light.
Lift me back into Your Favor.
Fill me with the Grace, so I can offer myself to You in humble servitude and in accordance with Your Most Holy Will.
Rid me of the sin of pride and everything which insults You and help me to love You with a deep and abiding desire to serve You all of my days forever and ever.
† Crusade Prayer 138 †
Protection from hatred
O Mother of Salvation, protect me from every kind of hatred.
Help me to remain silent when confronted by hatred.
Keep me strong in my allegiance to Jesus Christ, when I am at my weakest.
Seal my lips.
Help me to turn my back on those who engage me with words, which deny the Teachings of your Son or those who taunt me because of my Faith.
Pray for these souls, dear Mother, so that they will renounce Satan and feel the peace of your love and the Reign of the Holy Spirit, within their souls.
† Crusade Prayer 139 †
For the strength to defeat evil
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the devil.
Cover me, and all those who are weak and defenseless in his presence with Your Precious Blood.
Give me the courage to deny him and help me to avoid any attempt by him to engage me in any way, every day.
† Crusade Prayer 140 †
Protection of Hierarchy of Angels
Dearest Father, God of all Creation, God the Most High, grant me Grace and Protection through Your Hierarchy of Angels.
Enable me to focus on Your Love for each of Your children, no matter how they offend You.
Help me to spread the news of the Final Covenant to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, without fear in my heart.
Grant me Your special Graces and Blessings to rise above persecution, inflicted upon me by Satan, his demons and his agents on Earth.
Never allow me to fear Your enemies.
Give me the strength to love my enemies and those who persecute me in the Name of God.
† Crusade Prayer 141 †
Protection against persecution
Dear Jesus, defend me in my battle to remain true to Your Word at any cost.
Safeguard me against Your enemies.
Protect me from those who persecute me because of You.
Share in my pain.
Ease my suffering.
Raise me in the Light of Your Face, until the Day You come again to bring Eternal Salvation to the world.
Forgive those who persecute me.
Use my suffering to atone for their sins, so they can find peace in their hearts and welcome You, with remorse in their souls, on the Last Day.
† Crusade Prayer 142 †
Preparing for death
My dearest Jesus, forgive me my sins.
Cleanse my soul and prepare me to enter Your Kingdom.
Grant me the Graces to prepare for my unification with You.
Help me to overcome any fear.
Grant me the courage to prepare my mind and my soul, so that I am fit to stand before You.
I love You.
I trust in You.
I give You myself in body, mind and soul for eternity.
Let Your Will be mine and release me from pain, doubts or confusion.
† Crusade Prayer 143 †
To protect the Mission of Salvation
O Mother of Salvation, protect this Mission, a Gift from God, to bring Eternal Life to all of His children everywhere.
Please intervene, on our behalf, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to give us the courage to carry out our duties to serve God at all times and especially when we suffer because of this.
Help this Mission to convert billions of souls, in accordance with the Divine Will of God and to turn those hearts of stone into loving servants of your Son.
Give all of us who serve Jesus in this Mission the strength to overcome the hatred and the persecution of the Cross and to welcome the suffering that comes with it, with a generosity of heart and with full acceptance of what may come ahead.
† Crusade Prayer 144 †
To protect the Christian Faith
O Mother of Salvation, please intercede on behalf of the souls of Christians all over the world.
Please help them to preserve their faith and to remain loyal to the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
Pray that they will have the strength of mind and spirit to uphold their faith at all times.
Intercede, dear Mother, on their behalf, to open their eyes to the Truth and to give them the Grace to discern any false doctrine, presented to them in the Name of your Son.
Help them to remain true and loyal servants of God and to renounce evil and lies, even if they have to suffer pain and ridicule because of this.
O Mother of Salvation, protect all your children and pray that every Christian will follow the Path of the Lord, until his dying breath.
† Crusade Prayer 145 †
Fill me with Your Gift of Love
Dearest Jesus, fill me, an empty vessel, with the Gift of Your Love.
Flood my soul with Your Presence.
Help me to love others as “You Love me.”
Help me to be a vessel of Your Peace, Your Calm and Your Mercy.
Open my heart always to the plight of others and give me the Grace to forgive those who reject You and who trespass against me.
Help me to proclaim Your Love through example, as You would do were You in my place.
† Crusade Prayer 146 †
Protection against deception
Dear Mother of Salvation, protect me with the Grace of protection against deceptions created by Satan to destroy the faith of Christians.
Protect us against those who are the enemies of God.
Keep us safe from lies and heresy used to weaken our love for your Son.
Open our eyes to untruths, deception and every attempt we may encounter to encourage us to deny the Truth.
† Crusade Prayer 147 †
God the Father, show Mercy on those who deny Your Son
O God, my Eternal Father, I ask You to show Mercy on those who deny Your Son.
I plead for the souls of those who try to destroy Your prophets.
I beg for the conversion of souls who are lost to You and I ask that You help all Your children to prepare their souls an.
Amen. their lives in accordance with Your Divine Will in anticipation of the Second Coming of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
† Crusade Prayer 148 †
Come to my aid
O my Jesus, help me, in my time of great distress.
Hold me in Your Arms and take me into the Refuge of Your Heart.
Wipe away my tears. Calm my resolve.
Lift my spirits and fill me with Your Peace.
Please grant me this special request. (Mention it here.) Come to my aid, so that my request is answered and that my life can become peaceful and in union with You, dear Lord.
If my request cannot be granted, then fill me with the Grace to accept that Your Holy Will is for the good of my soul and that I will remain faithful to Your Word, forever, with a kind and gracious heart.
† Crusade Prayer 149 †
To seek God’s Love
O Jesus, fill me with the Love of God.
Fill me with Your Divine Light and flood me with the love I need to spread the seed of God’s Mercy amongst all nations.
Allow Your Divine Love to be spread by me amongst all those with whom I come into contact.
Spread Your Love, so that it alights upon all souls, all faiths, all creeds, all nations - like a mist to enrapture all God’s children in unity.
Help us to spread God’s Love, so that it can and will conquer all evil in the world.
† Crusade Prayer 150 †
To save the souls of non-believers
Dear Jesus, I ask You to save all those who, through no fault of their own, refuse to acknowledge You.
I offer to You my suffering to bring You the souls of those who reject You and for the Mercy You will pour out over the whole world.
Have Mercy on their souls.
Take them into Your heavenly Refuge and forgive them their sins.
† Crusade Prayer 151 †
To defend the Faith
O Mother of God, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation, pray that we remain loyal to the True Word of God at all times.
Prepare us to defend the Faith, to uphold the Truth and to reject heresy.
Protect all your children in times of hardship and give each of us the Graces to be courageous when we are challenged to reject the Truth and renounce your Son.
Pray, Holy Mother of God, that we are given the Divine Intervention to remain Christians in accordance with the Holy Word of God.
† Crusade Prayer 152 †
Help me in my hour of helplessness
Dear Jesus, help me in my hour of helplessness.
Free me from sin and open my eyes, my heart and my soul to the deceit of the devil and his wicked ways.
Fill me with Your Love when I feel hatred in my heart.
Fill me with Your Peace when I feel grief.
Fill me with Your Strength when I am weak.
Save me from the prison within which I find myself, so that I can be free and be held safely in Your Sacred Arms.
† Crusade Prayer 153 †
The Gift of Protection for children
O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation,
I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (name them here) and present them to your beloved Son.
Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil.
I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favorably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation.
† Crusade Prayer 154 †
Feast Day of Mother of Salvation Prayer
“I declare this day, June 4, 2014, as the feast day of the Mother of Salvation. on this day, when you recite this prayer, I will intercede on behalf of all souls for the Gift of Salvation, especially for those who are in great spiritual darkness of the soul. Mother of Salvation.”
O Mother of Salvation, I place before you today on this day, June 4th, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, the souls of the following:
(Name them here.)
Please give me and all those who honour you, dear Mother, and who distribute the Medal of Salvation, every protection from the evil one and all those who reject the Mercy of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and all the Gifts He bequeaths to humanity.
Pray, dear Mother, that all souls will be granted the Gift of Eternal Salvation.
† Crusade Prayer 155 †
For protection of the Mission of Salvation
O dearest Mother of Salvation, hear our call for the protection of the Mission of Salvation and for the protection of God’s children.
We pray for those who defy the Will of God in this great moment in history.
We ask that you protect all those who respond to your call and the Word of God, to save everyone from the enemies of God.
Please help release those souls who fall prey to the deceit of the devil and open their eyes to the Truth.
O Mother of Salvation, help us poor sinners to be made worthy to receive the Grace of perseverance at our time of suffering, in the Name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Protect this Mission from harm.
Protect your children from persecution.
Cover all of us with your Most Holy Mantle and favor us with the Gift of retaining our Faith, every time we are challenged for speaking the Truth, for conveying the Holy Word of God, for the rest of our days now and forever.
† Crusade Prayer 156 †
Protection from hatred
Dear Jesus, give me Your Love and open my heart to accept Your Love with gratitude.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit, let Your Love shine upon me, so that I become a beacon of Your Mercy.
Surround me with Your Love and let my love for You dilute every kind of hatred, which I encounter when I spread the news of Your Word.
Pour out Your Mercy upon us and forgive those who reject You, insult You and who are indifferent to Your Divinity and give them the Gift of Love.
Let Your Love shine through at times of uncertainty, weak faith, in times of trials and suffering and by the Power of the Holy Spirit help me to bring the Truth to those who are in most need of Your Help.
† Crusade Prayer 157 †
For souls in captivity
O dear Jesus, release those souls who are slaves to false gods and Satan.
Help us, through our prayers, to bring them relief from the pain of possession.
Open the gates of their prison and show them the Path to the Kingdom of God, before they are taken hostage by Satan into the abyss of Hell.
We beg You, Jesus, to cover these souls with the Power of the Holy Spirit, so they will seek out the Truth and help them to find the courage to turn their backs on the snares and wickedness of the devil.
† Crusade Prayer 158 †
Protect me from the one world religion
“For many of you who find it difficult to accept that these things are to come, there will come a day when you will recite this † Crusade Prayer 158 † three times a day, because of the pressures which will be placed upon you to deny my Son.” June 28, 2014
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom along the Path to Your Holy Kingdom.
Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.
Help me to withstand persecution; to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.
Through the Gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie.
Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live.
† Crusade Prayer 159 †
Plea for God’s Love
O Mother of Salvation, I ask you to intercede on my behalf as I plead for God’s Love.
Fill my soul, an empty vessel, with the Love of God, so that when it is overflowing, it will spill over the souls for whom I struggle to show compassion.
By the Power of God, I ask that I am freed from any feelings of hatred I may harbor for those who betray your Son.
Humble me in spirit and fill me with generosity of soul, so that I can follow the Teachings of Christ and spread His Love into every part of my life.
† Crusade Prayer 160 †
Help me to love You more
O Jesus of mine, Saviour of the world, help me to love You more.
Help me to grow in my love for You.
Fill my heart with Your Love and Compassion, so that I can attain the Graces to love You in the way that You Love me.
Fill my ungrateful soul with a deep and abiding love for You and all that You represent.
By the Power of Your Graces, help me to love my neighbor as You Love every child of God and to show compassion to those who are in need of Your Love and who are without faith.
Unite me in union with You, so that I can lead the Christian life, which You taught us by Your example during Your time on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 161 †
For confidence and peace
Jesus, I trust in You. Help me to love You more.
Fill me with the confidence to surrender in full and final union with You.
Help me to grow my trust in You during difficult times.
Fill me with Your Peace.
I come to You, dear Jesus, as a child free of all worldly ties; free of all conditions and I hand You over my will to do with it as You see fit for the sake of my own and that of other souls.
† Crusade Prayer 162 †
To protect the weak and the innocent
O God, Father Almighty, please protect the weak and the innocent, who suffer at the hands of those with hatred in their hearts.
Alleviate the suffering endured by Your poor helpless children.
Give them all the Graces they need to protect themselves from Your enemies.
Fill them with courage, hope and charity, so that they can find it in their hearts to forgive those who torment them.
I ask You, dear Lord, My Eternal Father, to forgive those who defy the law of life and help them to see how much their actions offend You, so that they ca.
Amen. their ways and seek solace in Your Arms.
† Crusade Prayer 163 †
Rescue me from persecution
O Jesus, preserve me from the pain of persecution in Your Name.
Endear me to Your Heart.
Rid me of pride, greed, malice, ego and hatred in my soul.
Help me to truly surrender to Your Mercy.
Take my fears away.
Help me to unburden my pain and take all persecution away from me, so that I can follow You, like a little child, in the knowledge that all things are within Your Control.
Free me from the hatred shown by all those who proclaim to be Yours, but who really deny You.
Let not their cutting tongues scourge me or their evil acts divert me from the Path of Truth.
Help me to focus only on Your Kingdom to come and to persevere, with dignity against any insults which I may endure on Your behalf.
Bring me peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of soul.
† Crusade Prayer 164 †
Prayer of Peace for Nations
O Jesus, bring me peace.
Bring peace to my nation and all those countries torn asunder because of war and division.
Sow the seeds of peace amongst those hardened hearts who cause suffering to others in the name of justice.
Give all of God’s children the Graces to receive Your Peace, so that love and harmony can thrive; so that love for God will triumph over evil and that souls can be saved from the corruption of falsities, cruelty and evil ambition.
Let peace reign over all of those who devote their lives to the Truth of Your Holy Word and those who don’t know You at all.
† Crusade Prayer 165 †
For the Gift of Eternal Life
Jesus, help me to believe in Your Existence.
Give me a sign, so that my heart can respond to You.
Fill my empty soul with the Grace that I need to open my mind and my heart to Your Love.
Have Mercy on me and cleanse my soul from every wrongdoing that I have committed in my life.
Forgive me for rejecting You, but please fill me with the love that I need to be made worthy of Eternal Life.
Help me to know You, to see Your Presence in other people and fill me with the Grace to recognize the Sign of God in every beautiful Gift which You have given the human race.
Help me to understand Your Ways and save me from the separation and the pain of darkness that I feel in my soul.
† Crusade Prayer 166 †
To mitigate the murder of innocents
Dearest Mother of Salvation, please present this, our plea to mitigate the murder of innocents, to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
We ask that, in His Mercy, He will remove the threat of genocide, persecution and terror against God’s children, in every form.
Please, we implore you, dear Mother of Salvation, to hear our cries for love, unity and peace in this sorrowful world.
We ask that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, will protect all of us during these times of great pain and suffering on Earth.
† Crusade Prayer 167 †
Protect my family
O God, my Eternal Father, through the Grace of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, please protect my family at all times from evil.
Give us the strength to rise above evil intent and to remain unified in our love for You and one another.
Sustain us through every trial and suffering we may endure and keep alive the love we have for each other, so that we are in union with Jesus.
Bless our families and give us the Gift of Love, even in times of strife.
Strengthen our love so that we may share the joy of our family with others; so that Your Love may be shared with the whole world.
† Crusade Prayer 168 †
For the Gift of God’s Love
O dearest Father, O Eternal One, God the Most High, make me worthy of Your Love.
Please forgive me for hurting others and for any wrongdoing, which has caused suffering to any of Your children.
Open my heart so that I can welcome you into my soul and cleanse me of any hatred I may feel against another person.
Help me to forgive my enemies and to sow the seeds of Your Love everywhere I go and amongst those whom I meet every day.
Give me, dear Father, the Gifts of perseverance and trust, so that I can uphold Your Holy Word and thus keep alive, in a darkened world, the Flame of Your Great Love and Mercy.
† Crusade Prayer 169 †
For the Salvation of those who reject Christ
Dearest Jesus, by Your Compassion and Mercy, I beg You for the Salvation of those who have rejected You; who deny Your Existence; who deliberately oppose Your Holy Word and whose bitter hearts have poisoned their souls against the Light and the Truth of Your Divinity.
Have Mercy on all sinners.
Forgive those who blaspheme against the Holy Trinity and help me, in my own way and through my personal sacrifices, to embrace within Your loving Arms those sinners who need Your Mercy the most.
I give You my promise, that through my thoughts, my actions and the spoken word, to serve You as best I can in Your Mission of Salvation.
† Crusade Prayer 170 †
To uphold the Holy Word of God
“I give you, the final Crusade Prayer. It is for priests. I ask that My sacred servants recite it daily.”
O dear Lord, my beloved Jesus Christ, hold me. Protect me.
Keep me in the Light of Your Face as my persecution intensifies, when my only sin is to uphold the Truth, the Holy Word of God.
O dear Lord, my beloved Jesus Christ, hold me.
Help me to find the courage to serve You faithfully at all times.
Give me Your Courage and Your Strength, as I fight to defend Your Teachings against fierce opposition.
Never desert me, Jesus, in my time of need and provide me with everything I need to continue to serve You, through the provision of the Holy Sacraments and Your Precious Body and Bood, through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Bless me, Jesus. Walk with me. Rest in me. Stay with me.
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary