Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, the angel Gabriel explained to My Blessed Mother how she could become pregnant with Me by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. Then she gave her fiat acceptance of My Will, even though she would be at risk of criticism for being pregnant before St. Joseph took her into his home. This is why I had St. Joseph receive a dream that explained to him how she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is hard to go through life unless I reveal My plan to My people. This is why it is so important for My faithful to give their wills over to My Will, so I can direct them in their missions. You need to give up your plan of how to live, so you can accept My plan. You were placed here on earth to know, love, and serve Me, even as all of My creation is directed by Me. You have been given free will, so you can either choose to follow Me or not. By following My Will, you will be in keeping with the rest of My creation.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President has lost both Houses of Congress, and now he is writing memorandum of some appearing breaches of your Constitution. You have seen his attempt to give amnesty to over four million illegal immigrants. He is also trying to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba. Just because the Congress has not ruled in these areas, it does not mean that he is free to make his own laws. Some people are already challenging your President’s authority in these areas. Pray that your leaders can prevent your President from becoming a dictator of his own laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, California has been receiving rain again, which gives hope to resuming the planting of fruits and vegetables. During the winter, you rely on California and Florida for providing fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep praying that your farmers will have good growing conditions so they could deliver your food to the table.”
Jesus said: “My people, with these latest killings, you are still seeing threats from Islamic terrorists. It is sad that they are even killing innocent children in gruesome violence. These Pakistan terrorists were even criticized by their own groups in Afghanistan. Such attacks have put more of your security forces on alert for more of these attacks. Pray for peace among your warring factions. I love everyone, and I want all of you to love your neighbors instead of killing each other.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some large swings in your crude oil prices and your stock prices. Some oil producers are trying to push the new suppliers of oil out of the market with prices below their cost. This is a help for auto drivers in paying lower prices for gasoline, but other energy suppliers are suffering from not as much profit. Russia’s economy is financed by oil exports, and their currency has lost a lot of its value because of the latest low crude oil prices. Pray that these industries could stabilize, so the world economies are not disturbed.”
Jesus said: “My people, every year around Christmas, your families try to come together to celebrate My birthday and share your gifts. In your winter weather you have seen unusual storms of heavy snow and wind damage. Pray that your families will have good weather for their traveling on the roads and in the airplanes. You are always happy to see your family members around Christmas because you do not see them very often.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as you shared your contributions of money and food for Thanksgiving, so you could also help provide gifts for the poor in your giving trees. Sharing gifts with the poor could gain you treasure in heaven because the poor cannot repay you. Your hearts are warmed to see the poor happy to receive some Christmas gifts. You can also pray for the poor that they could have food to eat and a place to stay. Love your neighbors by sharing what you have.”
Jesus said: “My people, your people have better housing and comforts than I did when I was born in a stable. You need to welcome people into your home, instead of closing Me out in the cold. If you truly love Me and your neighbors, you would help them to find sufficient food and lodging in their needs. Remember this Christmas to share your prayers and your good works, in addition to your exchanging of gifts.”
Source: ➥