Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Return to the true Triune God!
- Message No. 236 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to talk to you: Enjoy your beautiful moments and always think positively. Much suffering is in your world, but this has been purposefully "made" by greedy for money and possessions, power-obsessed-people, to whom a human life is worth nothing, but who are control- and egocentric-"sick".
My child. These people have such devil's demon eaten hearts that you must pray for them. Only your prayer will soften these hearts and that only if you pray for them fervently and in love. Prayer makes everything possible, but it must be said in faith.
My children. The time in which you live is distant from God, that is, you have turned away, followed false gods, worship them and wonder at all the suffering that has befallen your earth. Return to the true Triune God and all will be well.
Pray to HIM, honor HIM, pay your respect to HIM, live according to HIS commandments and the teachings of His Holy Son Jesus, for through HIM you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, through HIM you are freed from sin, and through HIM you return home to God your Father and finally live the love that has been denied you for so long.
Turn back! Give your YES to Jesus, and the ills of today's world will give way to love! Take the first step and be good to your fellow men, then your world will become more beautiful again! Do not think only about your prosperity, but share with your brothers and sisters (your neighbor), then your hearts will become happy again, your laughter will be pure joy and your soul will be filled with happiness and love!
So turn back and follow My Son, then the promises will come true for you and the New Kingdom of My Son will be your New Home.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: If you do not listen to My Mother, you will be lost.
If you disregard Her call, you will be lost.
If you do not believe, do not trust, and do not honor HER, your soul will be lost, for it is HER whom My Father sent to proclaim His Word to you.
It is SHE who is preparing your soul for the New Era of Glory and for My Second Coming, which is now imminent.
It is SHE who has been raised to be the Mother of all God's children, by the Father Himself, and already in the Bible it says you shall honor Father and Mother.
So honor your Mother, your Holy Mother of God, and pay your respects to Her! Pray to Her, celebrate Her honorable days (feast days) and love Her as your biological mother, because She is your Heavenly Mother and intercedes for each one of you. For you are all Her children, and so it will be forever. Pay respect to Her and listen to Her word. In this way you will also find Me, and I will bring you to the Father. So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Son of the Holy Mary.
"Thank you, My child. Sleep now."
Source: ➥