Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Their sweet words will destroy you!
- Message No. 235 -

"My child. My dear child. Sit down with Me. In your present time you must enjoy your beautiful moments more than usual. Always be good to each other and enjoy the things that God the Father gives you. Too many problems, difficulties and power plays await you outside in the world. So enjoy your quiet moments and live in peace with each other.
Your governments are playing an evil game with you, and worse and worse world conditions will become. "Purchased" peace is not true peace, for it exists only in the hearts of men, and these no one can purchase.
Remain faithful to yourselves! Listen to your heart! Pray to Us and remain faithful to God the Father. Soon HE will send His Holy Son to put an end to all the misery and injustice, and His faithful, loving followers will enter His New Kingdom.
Do not listen to the false words of the hypocrites of your times. Nothing good are they up to. Be warned of all their lies, for their sweet words will destroy you, just as they remove My Son from your life, which is tantamount to the destruction of yours, for My Son is your Savior! HE is the way into the New Kingdom, the way back home to God the Father!
Therefore, My children so loved by Me, do not believe the hypocrites of your present time and keep Jesus in your hearts. There no one can steal HIM from you, and His love and His joy will live in you and carry you through these dark days.
So be it, My beloved children.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
"Listen to what My Mother says, for it is Her Word that will save you! Your Jesus. Amen."
"My Child. My Mary prepares anyone who wants to, to find their way to Our Holy Son and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Accept Her kind and loving help so that you will not be lost. Thank you. Your Saint Joseph.
Source: ➥