Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, August 16, 2013
Your world is evil, but through your trust in Us you are protected.
- Message No. 234 -

"My child. My dear child. I, your Saint Joseph, am here. Always I am with you, take care also of your husband. Be sure that all will be well and never worry. Saint Dismas is among you. Be calm and serene. You are protected and sheltered in every way." *
"Trust My child. My beloved daughter. I, your Holy Father in Heaven, watch over you and you. So be it."*
(*Message during the increase of organized crime in this area) .
"My child. Your world is evil, but through your trust in Us you are protected. Tell this to Our children, for We love you very much. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, watch over you, but you must want it. Whoever does not pray to Us, whoever does not talk to Us, will not be granted Heavenly Protection, because he did not ask for it."
"You must tell Us to intervene, for never do We act against your free will. Tell this to Our children, My beloved daughter. I, your Holy Father in Heaven, eagerly await the address of all My beloved children, but many do not address their word to Me, not to My Holy Son. Come to Us, My beloved children, and put your trust in Us. Your life will become so much richer, but do not expect financial wealth. This will not bring you happiness, joy or fulfillment.
My wealth, on the contrary, makes you live! It lets you be happy and full of joy! You will be surrounded by love, and in love you will live. A love which fills you, enriches your hearts and refreshes your soul. You do not know My riches, because if you knew them, you would not want anything else.
Ask those who have tasted of it. Again and again they taste of it, and more and more fulfilled they become. They live their lives with Me, your Heavenly Father, and I gift them with My riches, riches that give them the real true joy, uplift them and make them happy and live among you as fulfilled children of God.
Ask them. With joy they will report to you, but without asking you can see in them that they are fulfilled and full of joy even when great suffering strikes them. For they accept, sacrifice and declare themselves ready for this suffering and thus help to atone for you unbelieving and lost souls, so that you too may find your way to Me.
Convert, My children, and great will be My Father's joy.
I love you so much.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being."
"My child. Make this known. I love you. Your Mother in heaven."
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not turn to Us, We cannot help him.
Whoever closes his heart to Us, We cannot meet him with love, for he is closed to Us, shut up, and nothing can I do if he does not meet Me, for his free will I respect, and wait I will for him to repent and give Me his YES.
Then I will come to fill his heart and stand by him in ALL matters of his life.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus. Savior of all God's children.
Source: ➥