Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Open your hearts again !
- Message No. 233 -

My child. My dear child. Glad you all came to Me/Our, for today is My feast day, and there is great joy in Heaven!
My Son and His Holy Father took Me, Their handmaid, into the Kingdom of Heaven, and overjoyed, full of joy and indescribable happiness, I was allowed to enter into this wonderful glory and live united with My Son, the Holy Angels and other Saints at the side of God the Father.
Since then, I have been interceding at the throne of Our Father and asking for each one of you, because I, the handmaid of God, know about your needs, difficulties, worries, fears, joys and sufferings. Be sure that not a day goes by without prayer for all of you,for My heart is full of love and compassion for you, and ardently I desire that you too may feel this great joy, most intimate and all-encompassing love of Our Heavenly Father and live with Us in Heaven.
My children. It is so important that you confess My Son and find with HIM to Our Father. Your soul longs for togetherness with God, your Creator, even though you as earthlings may not feel it. The external circumstances of your world often do not allow this wonderful love of Our Father to penetrate your heart, because it is closed because of all the wickedness that exists in your world and with which you are confronted every day. It is a kind of self-protection for many of you, but in this way you cut yourselves off from the divine gifts and miracles, because your heart is closed, and where a heart is not opened, nothing good can be put into it.
Therefore, My children so beloved by Me, open your hearts again, and make yourselves open and ready for all the wonderful gifts that your Father has in store for you! Do not close yourselves to His love, His goodness and His so wonderful merciful warmth, because HE, who is almighty, and in His omnipotence created each one of you, wants to give you His love, to hold you in His fatherly arms and to lead the way back home to Him.
For this purpose HE sent out His Holy Son, so that you ALL can go the way home, but unfortunately you use your free will against HIM, and since HE, the Almighty Father, has given you this free will as a gift, HE will never violate it.
Decide for your Father, God, the Most High, and enter into His wonderful glory, which HE created in utmost love for each of His creatures.
Do not close yourselves to HIM, who loves you truly and honestly, because only with HIM you can become happy, only through HIM you will be freed from sin, only HE will forgive your missteps and embrace you in greatest love, only HE will give you eternal life and let you live in perfect love, righteousness and harmony in the New Kingdom, because HE wants you to be well, to share your life with HIM and to be full of joy and happiness.
My children. Be sure that all of you who serve Us will be welcomed in Heaven with the greatest joy. Not one child of yours will be lost, but We ask you to continue to pray and accept suffering also for Our lost children.
I love you. Each one of you. For as the Mother of God, I am the Mother of all children. This is how God the Father intended it to be, and this is how it should be.
I love you, My children. Come to Us, all of you. United we will live together in the New Kingdom of My Son, and immense will be the joy among us, for it is love that nourishes us, love that makes us happy, and the goodness and grace of God the Father, Our Lord, that will fill us.
So be it.
Thank you for listening to Me.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥