Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 19, 2013
Shortly after that, everything will be over, and you must have decided for Us!
- Message No. 237 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My beloved daughter. You are chosen to proclaim My Word, and you do so because Saint Mary, always virgin and conceived without sin, appears to you.
My child. Know that it is not easy to find for Us children who are ready to receive Our Word. Many have closed themselves before Us, before Me, your Holy Father, which makes Me, who am the Creator of all of you, very sad.
I, the Almighty God, only and true God, come to you, My beloved daughter, so that through you Our children may be awakened. Your YES to Mary and My Son, your love for them, your gratitude and joy to live with Us here on earth, has made you strong and brought you ever closer to Us.
Your work is important. Very important. And so is that of all your fellow helpers. You should and must continue to spread Our Word, for it is through Our Word that many souls are reached. It is through the spreading of this and other Our messages that so many children are saved, and it is through your love that these messages are spread and touch so many hearts. Thank you, My children, I love you very much.
Soon already the time of preparation will be over, and then all of you who are still unbelievers must have confessed Me, your Father! There is not much time left, because soon the misery in your world will be so great that My merciful hand will intervene and My Son will bring all My believing children to Me.
My children, read these messages, absorb them and taste them. Then prepare your soul for the great day of joy, preceded by the warning, the togetherness with Jesus. Be ready for HIM and this wonderful meeting with HIM, My Holy Son, your Savior, because shortly after that everything will be over and you must have decided for Us.
Wait no longer, and come into My Holy Father's arms, for I, your Father in Heaven, await you eagerly, and My Fatherly love knows no bounds, so great, so deep and so loving is it.
I would like to embrace each one of you with My love, but since I respect your free will, I wait patiently and in love for your YES. In deep love, your Father in Heaven.
God the Most High. Creator of all being.
Our Lady: "My child, make this known. And: Yes, I was conceived without sin. These are the miracles of Our Father. I love you. Amen."
Source: ➥