Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My dearest son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I come to tell you that some people are trying very hard to change their lives because they can see that the world as they know it is crumbling down. Most do not understand what is causing it yet, but that is the job of the people I have been working with for years to educate them to the truth of God and not the lies of satan and the world and ten percent of the new leadership.
Very few people can see what you see before it happens. They are so caught up in their own problems and sin it will take a lot of grace from Heaven and a lot of destruction on earth to help them to look up toward Heaven and beg their God to show them what is wrong. Your top leadership in the world and also in most of the churches are just doing what the people want because they know they cannot change anything anyway. Most of the leadership is threatened by the top leadership that if they do not do what they are told they will be fired and in some cases be killed if they do not follow orders. Many are being threatened that their families will be hurt. With all the things together it is very hard for even the honest and holy people to stand up for what they know to be true. Your government is totally controlled and threatens the life and the jobs of the leaders who are controlled by the world leaders. Your country is so full of greed, power, and money that they will take away anyone’s life that gets in their way.
Satan thinks he has total control and is trying to convince the people to do what he wants. The truth is, that your God is totally in control and when I make My move, satan will be crushed by My Mother’s foot and be locked back in hell for the thousand year Era of Peace. The Warning is about to hit the world and turn every soul upside down and then they will see the real truth and have to make their final choice for Heaven or hell for all eternity. Whether to live in the burning flames of hell or the glorious love, peace, and joy of Heaven for all eternity. My children wake up for your time on earth, if you do not change, is very, very, very short if you are not taken to the New Jerusalem or to Heaven. If you are not taken to the New Era of Peace and die and do not go to Heaven or to purgatory, you will end up in the burning flames of hell. Repent now, your Jesus of Love and Mercy.