Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Mother Mary With Your Words Only

My most beloved son, this if your Mother Mary. Thanks for loving Me so dearly. I am sending you rain for your dry crops. Ask everyone to thank God for everything they receive from their God. He loves to give and to give to His children, but He also expects to be thanked and loved by His children.
My son and I are very sad in these days because of all the suffering that has to be sent to earth for Our children to be woken from their long sleep and start to see what the world is all about. The world is all about sin, sin, and more sin. God has been taken out of the world and satan has taken over all the earth and contaminated it with all his filth, his lust, his greed, and his power until he destroyed all the beautiful earth with poisoning of everything. He has made all Our beautiful children sick in body and in spirit.
It is now time that My son will show His power and might upon the earth and above the earth. You will see storms, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and hail, and lightening like never before. People will hide from all their sins as the chastisements of My Son grow more severe every day. My children and God’s children will wake up quickly to the truth of God and the lies of satan. They will see that God is the only God that can help them and Satan and man have no power whatsoever in the face of the real God who made them. Man is trying to play god and especially all the leaders who think they are so great and powerful like God. He will show them that they are just a speck of sand next to the sea when He exerts just a speck of His power. Satan and his followers at their strongest are as powerful as their God is at His weakest. God can destroy all the earth and everything He made in the beginning with one breath from His mouth or one word spoken from Him and yet the world thinks they are powerful. They will learn quickly, very soon, that they are nothing next to their God.
God permits only so much evil until it is ready to destroy the human race and then He puts his foot down and changes everything back to the way He made it. It was just the same before Noah and the flood when everyone became totally evil except for just a few people. It is even more evil today. God is about to reap the harvest of the good and evil again and cast all the wicked into hell who will not change and beg His forgiveness with all the grace He is about to send through the Warning. Then He is going to renew the earth again with the souls that are pure and bring in the New Jerusalem and the New Era of Peace for a thousand year reign, in God’s timing, and all evil will be locked in hell where they cannot torment the souls of the New Era of Peace and we will live in the new Garden of Eden with Jesus and Mary who were chosen to be the new Adam and Eve to save the world and to reopen the gates of Heaven so the good souls could enter Heaven again. This is enough for now. Mother Mary and the New Eve.