Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, June 13, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My most beloved son this is your Sweet Jesus of Love and Mercy. Thanks for going to Mass and Confession this morning. Mass and Confession is the same for your soul as food is for your body. You cannot live without food for your soul or food for your body. Eating bad food for your body or using drugs is the same affect on your body as not uniting with your God every day is for your soul.
My children this is why most of My children are so sick all the time. The elite people are trying to get rid of anyone who stands in their way. Satan has taken all spiritual food out of the world and the big elite people and all the ones who run the medical businesses are taking all of the healing medicines out of the market and replacing them with drugs to make billions of dollars and keep all the people sick. Your major seed and chemical companies are using new seed that hurts your body and make the people and animals sick to try to eliminate a major part of your population and also cause all of your livestock to not breed right and become sick often to cause a major famine in your country.
They also use a billion watt HAARP machine to change your jet stream to cause flooding in one area and drought in another. Most of the earthquakes are set off also by the HAARP machine by causing a shaking in the earth that shakes the rocks apart and causes a major earthquake. Certain vibrations will shatter anything and science knows how to do this with the HAARP machine. Also your government is firing all military leaders who do not carry out orders to destroy your country. The one world government has control of everything now. Your churches also have been taken over by the new world order and most of your top church leaders have been controlled or blackmailed into doing what they want them to do. Please My children get your souls in order for the clock of this era of time is about to run out. This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy giving My children the truth and nothing but the truth from all of Heaven. My Mother wants to speak.
My dear children, all My Son has said is all true. It is all caused because of the sins of abortion and mostly sexual sins. It all starts with sin of doing your free will for pleasure and highs. Then it goes to greed, power, money, and control. Then satan and a few people want everything and try to get rid of anyone who stands in the way. That is why America is totally falling as a nation. No nation stands long after they take their God out of their government. Be ready, the time is now. Love all of Heaven. Pray, pray, pray for souls to change now. Love Jesus and Mary.