Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore You, praise and thank You, my Lord and my God. Jesus, thank You for the opportunity to be here with You today. Thank You for the meeting with (personal dialogue omitted). He asked me to pray for his soul, so I give this request to You, Jesus. Lord, You are so good to me. You intervene in mysterious ways, and though I don’t always know why or what You are up to, I know it is for my good and/or for the good of souls. Praise You, Jesus! Thank You for the many times and ways in which You bless me.
Lord, I pray for (name withheld). Please bless all who are unemployed and underemployed at this time. Lord, it is very difficult right now. The stock market continues to go up but more and more people are out of work and we hear reports of various companies planning to have mass layoffs and downsizing. Something isn’t right when the economy is reported to be going strong, but companies are facing mass reductions in their workforce. Help us, Lord to focus on You, to trust in You and to remain at peace in the face of such adversity. I know this world is passing, Lord but people do need to provide for their families so help them Jesus. Lord, please help (personal dialogue omitted). Jesus, there are many people who are in need of prayers and Your guidance, intervention and healing. You know who they are, Lord. I lift them up to You and ask for Your Will to be done in their lives. Praise You, Lord for being the Way, the Truth and the Life! I love You, Jesus my Savior.
“My child I hear your prayers. Trust in Me, My little one. All will be well. My daughter you are correct that your meeting with My son (name withheld) was no coincidence, but was part of My plan. Thank You for taking the time to speak with him and even more importantly, to listen to him.”
I struggled with this, Lord because I knew You were here and it was time for me to be here with You in Adoration.
“Yes, My child and you prayed for My direction and asked for My Will to be done in you. Therefore, I was free to use you to minister to My son, (name withheld). You were also open to My grace because of your cooperation with My Will. Holy meetings occur between My children and My Spirit is free to work in the hearts and souls of the Children of Light. Receptivity to My Will, an openness to the working of My Spirit enable an exchange of grace between God and man. I desire this to occur between all of My children. Thank You for being available, My little one, even though it was your plan to be in Adoration sooner.”
Jesus, I thank You for Your presence in my life. Help me to say ‘yes’ to You in each moment of the day.
“My child, you are seeking direction for the next step in your journey. Continue to pray and trust in Me. I will guide you.”
Thank You, my Jesus. Lord, the world seems surreal to me. I am going through the motions of what needs to be done to prepare for the family birthdays and for Your great feast day of Christmas, but there is something that is looming. I am at a loss to describe this, Jesus. There is a hidden reality and things are not what they seem. I have known this (or thought this) for quite some time, but I am experiencing this again in my heart. It’s happened before but it’s happening again. Jesus, I don’t know what this means or even how to describe what I am experiencing, but things in the world are not what they seem.
“My little lamb, your soul is sensitive and able to discern the times. You are experiencing a deeper truth that cannot be seen on the surface. Outwardly, life continues for people in the western world much the same as it has in years past. People hurry from one event to the next, to work, to sporting events, to social events and souls go from one task to the next with very little thought given to the state of their souls, the needs of those around them, and the priorities of prayer, Sacraments and Mass. People have more free time now than ever before in history and yet they are busier than ever. There is time to pray and attend Mass, but it is not placed as a priority and so My children are busy about many unnecessary things. Prepare your hearts, My children for My coming. Prepare for the celebration of My birth. Ready your hearts, My children. This is a time for preparation. Prepare well, My children.”
Thank You, Lord. Help us to prepare in the best way possible, Jesus by going to Confession and Holy Mass. Thank You for our good and holy priests, Lord. Bless and protect them, sweet Savior.
“My little lamb, you are still in a period of preparation that also involves waiting, watching and praying. Be at peace. You are in My Will, but you are also anticipating what will come next. The training you are considering is within My plan for you. You may investigate this and find what will work best for you and your family. You do not need My permission for this, but you have been asking and seeking My Will for you and therefore you may feel free now to pursue these plans. I am with you and will guard and direct you.”
Thank You, Jesus. I am relieved to know that it is within Your Will. Sometimes I feel ambivalent about taking action, whereas in the past, I simply decided to do something, asked for Your help and then plunged into the next step before knowing for sure it was what You wanted me to do. Now, I get an idea and I wait, pray and wait some more. I feel undecided and restless and begin to be tempted to forge ahead. I wonder if I am just finding excuses to do nothing (which in my mind is taking the easy way out), or if I am truly going to receive specific direction. Sometimes, Jesus it seems like I am wasting time that I could be using more productively. Help me to know more clearly, Lord what it is You want from me. I want only to do Your Will, but it isn’t always clear, Jesus.
“Yes, My child. I realize this struggle you face. It is in the struggle and the acquiescence to do My Will, that you receive graces. This goes against what you have learned in the culture, and it is in this time of trusting and waiting, praying and seeking that I do a great deal of work in the souls of My children. You allow Me to mold you and fashion you. It does seem uncomfortable, because you are learning a different way to make decisions and to live in My Will. Change is often uncomfortable, My child. You allow Me to take you to a new step in your journey of life and the mission I have for you, but you do not clearly see the path. Therein lies the challenge, My child and this is why I remind you to trust in Me; for I know the way. This path for you is very clear to Me. Trust that you are being productive in the way I choose for you. Sometimes, the hidden times in one’s life are the most productive times spiritually speaking. This time of waiting serves to renew one’s spirit and to grow in ways that only I see, which serve to prepare you for what is to come. This time in your life is My Will for you, My child. Be at peace. Trust in Me. All will be well.”
Thank You for Your reassurance, Lord that I am on the right track and that I am doing what You want me to do. I think I’m being lazy sometimes, by not working right now.
“My child, are you? Are you lying about each day resting and having others wait on you even though you are perfectly well? No, you are not. You are accomplishing much by being present for your family and tending to their needs. This is not laziness, My child. I know you would not consider this for even a moment about others who do not have employment, but choose to serve their families. You judge yourself more harshly than others, My child. I understand what you mean, though and this is because of what you have had to do for most of your life. Therefore; you see, this is only a change in what you are accustomed to doing (working). I am providing for you, am I not?”
Yes, Lord. You have provided for us and I trust You will, but I also know I need to do my part and cooperate with Your plan. Help me to remain on track and walking with You, Jesus. Do not allow me to stray from You, or from Your Will. You are the only one who can help me with this, Jesus. I know the storm is brewing, Lord. I trust You to prepare my family and me for the storm that is on the horizon and to lead us to the place You want us to be, preferably before that time comes. Guide us. Direct us. Lead us, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. I trust in Your mercy and in Your love. Give me the graces to love heroically, Lord.
“My child, you are growing in love. This is occurring little by little. Just two years ago, you would not have been present to My son (name withheld) as you were today. You would have talked with him out of politeness, but you would not have been truly present to him and to My grace in that moment. You may not be able to fully grasp the truth in this My child, but you were open to My Spirit and even prayed to do My Will. You were open to the mystery of what I might be doing and working in the soul of My child. This is growth, My daughter. These are important lessons for you and are needed for what is to come. I will continue to work in you in this way, My little lamb. This is a sweet, receptivity to My spiritual action in your life and in the lives of others.”
It seems so ordinary, Jesus yet I do understand what You are saying. I did have the temptation to excuse myself, but decided to wait to see what You wanted from me before attempting to exit. Thank You for Your gentle prompting, Holy Spirit. You are all love!
“My child, it is time for you to go now. Others need you and My (name withheld) is uncomfortable. He has been very faithful to Me and I thank him for his faithfulness. He is My beloved son.”
Thank You, Lord. I am sorry our time together was short today. I love You. Praise You, Jesus my Lord and my Savior.
“I love you and I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be at peace, My child. Be aware of My presence this week and during this holy season of My birth; My coming among mankind. This is a special time to remember the great gift of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to all of creation for the good of Our children. The Father loved His children so very much so that it grieved Him to allow His children to remain separated from Him due to their sins and so, He sent Me during that great moment in the history of mankind, to the town of Bethlehem where the Lord was born among man. I became the life, the bread for the world. Ponder and reflect, My child on this great mystery of love. Go in My peace, and with My blessing. I am with you and I hold you closely to My Sacred Heart, My little one.”
Thank You, my precious, adorable Jesus. Amen. Alleluia!
Source: ➥