Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Adoration Chapel

My Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, it is so very good to be here with You. I missed visiting with You, here in this chapel, Jesus. Thank You for this blessed Sunday, Lord. Happy Feast of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I love You so very much and pray that You bless our little family by making all of us holy. May we all be so close to your hearts that your holiness burns in our hearts and we long more and more to be united to You in love and in our wills. I give You, my will, Lord God. This is the only thing You have given to me that I fully possess. I am so glad You have given me something of my very own, Jesus so that I can freely give it back to You. Lord God, my Father, Jesus, my Savior, Holy Spirit lover of my soul, I freely give You my will. Please replace the empty space left in me with Your Holy and perfect Will. Do Your Will in me and through me, Jesus. I cannot do Your Will, but You can through me if You decide to do so. Please, Jesus take over my heart so that it belongs completely to You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I believe in You. Jesus, my whole life belongs only to You. Guide, guard and direct me, Lord so that my life will be lived only for You. Jesus, it makes no difference to me what I do going forward, so use me in whatever way You desire. I don’t know which specific path to take, and there are so many ways to go, Lord. Lead me on the path that takes me to You in the most direct and expedient way. Jesus, if the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, then You must lead me. I do not see the path, Jesus. You said so Yourself. And so, Jesus since I cannot see the points, I certainly can’t determine the straight line, so You guide me. You show me the way, or even leave me in my inability to see and simply lead me where I ought to go. You know the way, Jesus. Take my hand and lead me. I am not afraid to go wherever You take me, Lord. I only fear going on my own way, without You. Keep me close by Your precious side, Lord. With You, there is nothing to fear and I have no hesitations or reservations. But, if You decide not to take my hand now, Jesus I had better remain waiting for You so I do not wander away like an impudent little child and end up getting lost. I will wait for You, Jesus and I wait patiently, because You know best, Jesus. When You decide to take my hand and lead me, Lord I ask only that You let me know it is Your hand leading. That way, I will be open to Your promptings and I will respond immediately with my ‘yes’. I so want to give You my immediate and unreserved ‘yes’, my sweet, adorable Jesus. Until then I am very happy to be with You waiting. Whether I walk, run, sit or stand, it makes no difference as long as You are with me, Jesus.
Lord, it is once again the end of another year and the beginning of a new year, 2018. Jesus, we stand at the precipice, unable to see even one step ahead. I consecrate my entire being to You, Jesus and every step I take today and in the coming year. I want to walk straight ahead, following You, Lord, every step of the way. Thank You, Jesus for the graces You give in the reception of each Holy Communion and each Confession/Reconciliation. Thank You, Lord for Your presence in every Tabernacle in the world. Jesus, You are amazing! You ascended into Heaven, but You already planned to establish a way to remain with us, so we would not be abandoned. Lord, You consider everything to our spiritual advantage, out of Your great love and mercy. Oh, Jesus! How precious You are! How adorable is Your Holy Will! Thank You for the Eucharist, Jesus, for Your presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in every Eucharist. I love You, Jesus! Help me to love You more. I trust in You, Jesus! Help me to trust You more.
Lord, please care for each and every person in need of Your love, especially those who have not yet experienced Your love. Console the sick and the dying and be with those who are having surgery this week. Guide the surgeons’ hands and help the people having surgery to have the best possible outcome. Jesus, be with those who are dying today and this evening. Take them to Your Kingdom and give them true contrition for their sins when they present themselves to You. Please, Jesus take all the Holy Souls in Purgatory into Heaven to be with You now. Purify them quickly and completely so they can attend the heavenly banquet with beautiful pure, white garments. Clothe them in purity and in Your light Jesus, so that when God gazes at them, He will see Your beautiful, perfect image. Lord, I forgive anyone who has offended me, but I pray that You will forgive me for all of my sins and for anything I have done to offend You and any one of my brothers and sisters I may have offended. I love You, Jesus. Give me graces to love heroically.
“My child, it is very pleasing to Me that you are here. Thank you for coming to adore Me. My heart is longing to give abundantly to My children and I await them patiently. In Adoration, I delight to give My children streams and streams of graces from which they can refresh themselves. I am living water. I am life giving water. Those who choose to drink from the streams of grace that flow from My Sacred, Merciful Heart, will be filled with many gifts, too numerous to comprehend in this life. Have complete confidence in Me, My Children of Light, for in this confidence, you become more receptive to what I aim to give you. Your open hearts are beautiful to Me. Give Me your open, trusting hearts, My children and I will make them new. You, My Children of the Renewal, must be renewed now, in this day, ahead of time. You will then be able to point the way to others. You must be the littlest children. By being very small in the world, you will be very large spiritually and can serve your brothers and sisters more completely and in truth and love. Do I speak in mysterious ways? It may appear so, but open your hearts to Me and you will see that what I say is quite simple. I will give you an example and you will understand. See that, in a family, there are often many children. The older children who are good and holy siblings will often entertain their younger siblings by getting down on the floor to play with them. They do not play complicated and difficult games with little ones, but instead play with the little ones’ toys. They lower themselves, becoming small, so that the littlest of children can relate to them. The youngest ones feel special, because their older sisters and brothers love them so much that they stoop down and come into their presence. They feel loved and respected by their older siblings. The little ones grow more and more in their admiration and love of their older siblings. They begin to imitate their sisters’ and brothers’ virtues. These little ones are inspired by their older siblings’ holiness, but this is so because of the love with which they are shown. It is through the actions and love that these little ones learn about their own self-worth and dignity in the family of God. It is not enough to have virtuous siblings. These older children make a more positive impact on their younger siblings by their willingness to lower themselves, or to get down on their level, so to speak and through their patience, their mercy, their gentleness and their guidance, they demonstrate the love of Jesus and the love of the Holy Family. This is what I intend for My Children of Light.”
“I give you this example to explain how you are to be in the world. The people of this age are dying of loneliness and lack of love. They have been neglected spiritually, in that they have not been taught the beauty of the Faith, the beauty of God’s love, the beauty of God’s family and their place in this family. They are starving as they have not been nourished by the truths of the one true Faith. My Children of Light, you are the older siblings because you have been educated in the Faith and you know Me and follow Me. Therefore, you show love. You show and instruct your younger brothers and sisters who do not know Me, do not love Me. You do this by being like Me, like My Holy Mother Mary and My foster father, St. Joseph. Be loving, patient, older siblings who take time for the little ones (little in their knowledge of God). You will do this through your loving service to mankind. You will to this through your loving, patient example and by teaching (always in the spirit of truth, love and mercy) the sacred truth of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, which is My Church. Bring souls into the Family of God by being conduits of grace, My children. Look around you. There are people everywhere, who are hurting and in need of Me, their Savior. You must bring Me to them. I am counting on you, My Children of Light to bear Me to the world, for if you do not, who will?”
“It is not enough for you to love Me, you must live out this love. You must put your light on the lamp stand for all to see. Please, do not keep your light hidden, for the world will then remain in darkness. I come to bring light. I came to bring light. My holy Apostles spread the Gospel and took My Gospel to the world. They established the Faith in every known part of the world and gave their lives to spread my Kingdom of love and mercy. My children, it did not end there, as you know. Many more were not called upon to shed their blood, but still gave everything they could to further My Kingdom. In this Age of Disobedience, My Children of Light see the signs of the times and are afraid to speak out and to live lives engaging in the culture. Do not be afraid, My children. I have given you every means of protection, Sacraments, prayers, devotions, and My Very Self in the Eucharist. I give you the Sacraments where graces abound. You have My Holy Sacred Word and the Holy Sacred Mass, My children. I am with you in every way needed, and yet many bury their talents and hide their lights from the very souls who are in desperate need. Be light, be mercy, be love, My children. Bring Me to a darkened world. Your brothers and sisters need you. I need you. You are My hands and feet and more importantly you are My heart. You must love the ones who are deemed to be ‘unlovable’. Show them the great joy that awaits them upon their pilgrimage to Me. I stand waiting for them with open arms. I will embrace all who come to Me with a desire for forgiveness. My mercy will flood their souls and they will know for the first time, true forgiveness and unconditional love. I will renew their weary spirits and they will drink from the living stream of mercy that flows from My Sacred Heart. Do not fear the One who loves you, My rejected, unloved children. You have been rejected by people who should have loved you. You have been mistreated and many of My children have been abused, but I will love you. I will accept you. I will forgive you and I will heal all of your wounds. I will love you as you were intended to be loved. Come to Me, My little children who have not yet experienced the love of God and allow your God to show you true love. Allow Me to give you true peace. Allow Me to pour My light into your wounded, beautiful heart and to renew your strength. I will show you your purpose in life, to love and to be loved by God. Come, your inheritance awaits you. My Kingdom is your inheritance, but you will not want to enter it without love of God, so come to Me now and I will teach you all about love. We belong to one another, but it is up to you to choose for I respect you and therefore do not force Myself upon you. You must freely choose. I invite you to choose life and love. I invite you to choose truth, beauty and goodness. To do nothing is to choose the opposite, My adversary. My heart longs to show you My love. All of Heaven is praying for you.”
“My Children of Light, this is where you come in and you are an extension of Heaven. You are the church militant. You continue to struggle against the darkness. The struggle is to bring Me to a world in darkness. You are in the battle for souls. I give you every weapon and every protection, but you are on the front lines. A soldier does not win battles by remaining in hiding. That would be absurd. Soldiers must be actively engaged in battle to overcome the enemy. This battle is a spiritual battle. Your weapons? The rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Holy Mass. You are fortified and renewed by the Sacraments, and the Holy Mass both renews you and helps to reconcile the world to the Father due to the Sacrifice on Calvary being represented to the Father. Your participation in the Mass is of the utmost importance, for there your prayers and sacrifices are offered in union with Mine. You receive graces and when you go out, you take these graces to the world. You are nourished by My body and blood and then you take My love to the world by and through your loving service to others. Your prayers renew your heart and soul and I continue to nourish you so that you can bring My peace, My love, My mercy to souls day after day. You do this in your own homes and also in the workplace, schools, hospitals, prisons and everywhere you go. Give My love to others. Pray for them. Visit the sick, the elderly and minister to the souls who are in need everywhere around you. Your neighbors are everywhere, My children. Pray to be open to My Will and My Holy Spirit will guide you. Do not be afraid for I am with you.”
“My child, I love you. I am pleased by your prayers and by your surrender to Me. I will guide you. Continue to trust in Me. You are growing stronger, little by little and recovering from the bearing of many crosses. In your littleness and in your weakness, your spirit is becoming strong. You do not see this, but you are beginning to detect that soon the time will come for you to enter into another phase of growth, another segment in your journey. In the meantime, draw close to Me in prayer. I keep you close to Me in these days for I love to be near you in this time of waiting. My child, do not wish it away. You will look back on this time and recall with tenderness, the quiet, everyday moments you have had in prayer. You are being given this time to refresh and renew your spirit and to be a gift by your presence to your family. Later, you will be very busy about My active plans but for now be with Me. Wait with Me. Console Me, My little lamb. I do not have many children who are able to console My Heart. Be this for Me awhile longer. This is a sweet, beautiful time. Do not be concerned about anything for I am providing for you as a good Father and I will do so tomorrow, also. For today, rest with Me. This is My gift to you and your gift to Me. I love you, My little one. Thank you for loving Me.”
Jesus, it breaks my heart when you say this. You deserve all of my love and you deserve the love of everyone for You are God, our Savior. You are love and all love is You. I thank You for loving me. I am small and so undeserving of Your love. You are perfect, Holy, all knowing, all merciful. You are truth and justice. You created the universe out of nothing, set the stars, the sun and the moon in the sky. You created man, out of love, in Your image and likeness and we show ingratitude to You by our sins. I often sin against You, though I know and love You. How much that must offend You, Lord when one who knows and loves You, sins against You. You take me back every time, Jesus. You forgive me and love me, time and time again. Your patience and mercy are infinite, Jesus. I do not deserve Your kindness and yet You shower me with Your love. Jesus, there is nothing I can give You, but I want to give You what I am, myself, flawed and wounded as I am. You, accept this as if it was a beautiful, perfect gift. Your love amazes me, Jesus. Your mercy and love amaze me. Thank You for Your precious love, my adorable Savior. Help me to love You as best I can, Jesus. Hold me close to Your Sacred Heart Jesus. Give me a heart like Your Holy Mother Mary so that I can begin to love You as She loves You.
Be with me, Lord throughout each day. I never want to be separated from You.
“I love you, My little one. I am with you. Go in My peace and in My joy. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Prepare yourself through prayer each day My child for the mission I have for you and your family needs much preparation. The best preparation is prayer, sacrifice and the Holy Mass.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Amen! Alleluia!
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