Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is so good to be here with You today. I love You, my Jesus. I praise You and adore You. Lord, thank You for the beautiful pilgrimage. There were many blessings and graces, probably many I don’t even know about, but reflecting on the blessed meetings we had fills my soul with light and joy. You are wonderful, Lord Jesus. Thank You for the people who were on pilgrimage and for those who came before and for those who followed our group. Keep all of them safe, dear Jesus. Bless each one and also all family members unable to journey with us. Give them graces for their sacrifices, Lord and for covering for us at home so we could go. Thank You for safe travels. Please bless those who led our group and who were involved with planning the amazing retreat. Bless and protect the priests and (location withheld) and also those who participated in the retreat and provided the Sacraments to us. Praise You, Lord for good and holy priests! Please send more priests and religious, Jesus. May all who are called to the religious and consecrated life, answer Your loving invitation with open and generous hearts. Bless and protect all of our shepherds and our Holy Father.
Lord, I pray for all those who are ill and for the prayer intentions of those who asked me to pray for them. Please heal (names withheld). (Name withheld) has prayed for this for a long time, Jesus. She is so faithful to You and loves You very deeply. Help her, Lord. Jesus, I entrust my friend (name withheld) to You and if it is Your Holy Will please heal her. I pray also for (names withheld). Heal them, Jesus. Console them and grant them Your peace. Keep them close to Your Sacred Heart. Jesus, I ask for the gift of faith for (names withheld). Give them graces for faith and conversion. Please bring those who are away from the Church back to full communion; especially (names withheld). May all those outside of the Church also come to know the fullness of the faith. Thank You, Lord for the gift of Your Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and for the many, many graces that come through the Church and to the world. Thank You for Your Holy Mother, Mary and for Her beautiful love that comes from Her Immaculate Heart. Thank You for sharing Your Mother with us, Jesus. Lord, You withhold nothing from us, Your children. Remove all obstacles from my heart, Jesus so that I may love You fully and completely. Praise You, my Jesus, now and forever! I love You, Lord God my Savior!
Jesus, it was good to see (name withheld). She seems to be suffering. Help her, Lord. She is very faithful to come here at her beautiful age. It must be difficult for her to have to rely on others to drive her everywhere. Please comfort her, Lord. Bless her, Lord. I love her, Jesus. You must love her very much!
(Personal conversation omitted.)
“My little one, all that transpired was for the good of your soul. I did not cause this, but I allowed it for your growth. Put it behind you, My child. There is nothing more you can do and all will be well. You experienced the pain of rejection by someone you thought was your friend. I, too experienced this, My little lamb. You searched for a reason for this, but you did not find one. My child, some things are not within your control. You do not always cause ill feelings in another and you often cannot resolve them. This doesn’t satisfy you, My daughter, I know for it does not seem logical to you. However, many wounds are present in souls that only I know about. Sometimes the soul who is wounded doesn’t even understand the extent of their own wounds. They are able to help others but do not know how to help themselves and often do not recognize the depth of their own injuries. Others can trigger memories for them of a time or a person who injured them, without even realizing it. It is good to examine one’s actions to determine if there was something done inadvertently, but once you have done so and have brought it to Me, leave these burdens with Me. I am the only One who can resolve issues of the heart and soul.”
Thank You, Lord. I didn’t do a good job of leaving this with You. I recognize this. It’s easier to do with a one-time event. I struggle with the frequent or repeated times more than those that happen only on occasion. I need to work on letting go, Jesus rather than agonizing over the root cause and resolution. Thank You for this important lesson, Jesus. You often say we should bring all concerns to You, Lord. I guess it’s easier for me to bring my burdens to You that aren’t so hurtful. I don’t understand that, Lord. Please help me to see why this is.
“My child, you will understand when you examine the type of wound this caused in you. Your heart is sensitive, My child, as you know and therefore wounds of the heart are more painful. Meditate on the wounds to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother when you are hurting. This will be a good remedy for you, My little lamb.”
Thank You, Jesus.
“My child, I am pleased that you saw the beauty in the events that occurred on your pilgrimage.”
Yes, Jesus. I did see such grace-filled moments. Thank You for the meeting with (name withheld) and for her beautiful soul. What a gift she was to me and to the other women. Thank You for arranging this, and for sending her to me at that moment when (name withheld) was so heavy on my heart. I offered her to You, Lord and then You consoled me with the meeting with (name withheld). You are so generous and loving, Lord. Thank You! Keep her safe, Lord and continue to shower her with love and peace. May our paths cross again someday, Jesus according to Your Will.
“My child, you are welcome. I am pleased you made so many connections as the time with her unfolded. I thank you for befriending her and drawing her in with your kindness. You cooperated with Me, My little one and you were open to the actions of My Spirit. This enabled Me to continue acting within your soul and hers and to eventually draw the others close to her, as well. This was no chance meeting, My child, as you know. I am most pleased by the demonstration and extension of love that emanated from My daughters. This love shown by all of you enabled healing to take root. This is what I want all of My children to do; to be channels of My grace and conduits of love. You gave and received love during this encounter and this is My plan at work in My holy people. This is My Will for all of My children. Oh, the peace that can reign in the hearts of My children who are open to My love. This is My Will for the world, My little lamb. You see, in this simple, yet beautiful encounter, an example of what I desire to take place throughout the entire world. If all will love in this way, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart would triumph soon. My own children though do not take the time to speak to one another, to show loving concern for the ‘stranger’ in their midst, and are too busy about the tasks in each day to notice those around them. To love is to look outside of oneself and to extend warmth, a smile, some concern for others. Be merciful, be kind, be loving, My children. Bring My light to all you meet. It is very simple. It begins often with a smile, or a wave, or even brief conversation with another. It is simple, yet so often overlooked. My child, you took an interest in another and she extended herself to assist strangers. This opened both of you to receive My graces. You see, My little one?”
Yes, Jesus. It really seemed natural and so easy to do, Lord. I think we often try to do this with others, Lord but perhaps they are not always receptive to us. Jesus, Your grace abounds in (location withheld). I have witnessed this on several occasions especially with people from other countries. I recall last year, the beautiful encounters with an Italian woman and a Polish woman. Truly, a beautiful experience with two people with whom I could not even communicate! You break every boundary and obstacle, Jesus with Your great love. Thank You, Lord!
“Yes, My child. Words can be very beneficial, but are not even needed when My Spirit is present and working at the level of the heart. If words had been needed, I would have provided these to you in spite of the language barriers. You are learning, My child that My way of love is desperately needed in this time of darkness. Souls are desperately in need of love. You see what occurs in souls when they are not fully open to love, and there is a stark contrast. You see, My child even with souls who know Me and follow Me, there are times when they are not open to My Will, to My love for various reasons known only to Me. In these cases, you must give all to Me and simply pray. Pray, but do not worry. Only pray.”
Yes, Jesus. I will work on this. Thank You, Lord for the valuable lessons You teach me.
“My child, growing is often painful. Recall the ‘growing pains’ you experienced in your knees and legs when you were a child and still growing physically? Growing spiritually is also sometimes painful because I challenge your soul where there are weak points, in order that you will grow stronger. I do this out of love, My child and you are open and malleable.”
Ok, Jesus. Thank You. If You say so, I believe it. I didn’t feel malleable at the time, only hurt and confused. Regardless, all according to Your Will, Jesus. Lord, please prepare My heart for Your coming this Christmas. Help me to focus on Your birth and to wait in joyful hope during this Advent Season. I am concerned for (name withheld) health, Lord. Please open the hearts and minds of the physicians so they can be guided by Your Holy Spirit in the best approach in providing him with care. I entrust this situation to You, My Jesus. It is in Your capable hands. I love him, Lord. It is difficult to see him suffer and I feel I am not adequately helping him. Guide me, Jesus. Direct me, or direct him; whichever is best. Thank You for loving us, Jesus. I am glad I can bring all of my concerns to You, Lord knowing You really care even about our small concerns, as well as our large concerns. You are good and gracious, God. I love You and I praise Your Holy Name.
“My child, My little one I love you. I love My son (name withheld). I love your entire family and I love all of My children. I long to draw all close to My Sacred Heart that burns with the fire of My intense love for mankind, for each and every soul created in My image and likeness. I want to know each person intimately as dear friends, brothers, sisters, children, and as the Savior of the world. I want each child of Mine to know Me in this way. Come closer to My heart, dearest Children of the Light. One day, the darkness will be lifted by My piercing love and the earth will be illuminated by My light. Then you will be My Children of the Renewal, the time when the earth will be purified and cleansed of evil. You, who love and follow Me will see this time of great joy, simplicity, beauty and peace. This era of the Age of Disobedience will soon come to a close and the dawn of the New Springtime will begin. Pray, My children for souls to come to know My love, to accept My love, to repent and to begin to really live. This is My desire—that none will perish in the eternal fires of hell. This is My desire, that all will come to know My love and to walk in My light so to inherit the Kingdom I have prepared for each one of My children.
You all have been given the great gift of free will, My children and so, out of respect you are free to choose Me or to choose the adversary of mankind. I urge you, I plead with you, to choose Me, the One who loves you. I urge you to choose life and love. My children, you were made for love, so do not listen to the evil one who whispers to you that you are not worthy. You are not to listen to the father of lies, but to the One who created you by love and for love. I whisper words of love to you, words of encouragement and hope. Listen only to these words of love (comment: The words Jesus speaks to our hearts to encourage us.) Reject all other words that seek to condemn you. These words come from one who rejected the love and is jealous of the love. He is in misery and wants all souls to be as miserable as he is. You have a ‘saying’ that ‘misery loves company’ and in this is wisdom. It applies to My adversary and yours, so do not listen to him. He lies to your beautiful souls so that you believe that you are unworthy and therefore do not come to Me. My children, you who feel unworthy, this is not of Me. I am mercy itself. I am all love. I long to embrace you, My child who feels unworthy. You are worthy of My love because I have already paid the price for your sins. You have already been redeemed, through My sacrifice on the cross at Calvary and so come quickly to Me. You have only to receive My love, My forgiveness, and we will begin anew. Your souls will be refreshed in My love and I will give you the gift of My peace. You will begin the healing process and you will feel lighter than air, due to the heavy weight that I will lift from you. Come, My weary children in need of My mercy. I long to give this to you, but I love you so much that I do not force you or coerce you. I respect and love you. Come to Me and allow Me the opportunity to show you My unconditional love. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Thank You for Your deep love, Jesus. Thank You for the mercy that emanates from Your Beautiful Divine Heart. Jesus, I trust in You. Help me to trust You more. You are trustworthy, Jesus but my heart is too small to love You and trust You as You deserve to be loved. Enlarge my heart, sweet Jesus so that I can love You more. I give you my will, Jesus. Replace it with Your perfect Will. Help all who have been wounded by sin, either their own or by the sins of others, to come close to Your merciful heart. Heal them, Jesus of the wounds caused by a lack of love in others. Jesus, when hearts are healed, they are so very beautiful. The person who has suffered much, becomes the most beautiful of all and they are able to love in a pure way, unlike those who have never experienced suffering. Oh, Jesus pour out graces for conversion and healing on the most unloved, so they can know and experience the love of God and then take Your love to others who are hurting.
“Thank you, My little lamb. Your prayers are precious to Me. This is My desire for My wounded children and I invite the Children of Light to be love to those in need. Take My love to others. Often, they will be more open to your love and then later their hearts become open to Me. This is My plan but I need the Children of Light to cooperate with My plan. Live the Gospel, My children. Live Me.”
“In these urgent times, My children are called to pray more. Spend more time with Me in prayer, for prayer will refresh your spirits, will provide protection for you and will help the souls of your families, friends, and souls you do not know, yet. This prayer is an act of love between us; between God and His people. Prayer is the vehicle for grace and prayer provides the fuel for acts of love and mercy. Without prayer, it is impossible for you to be open channels of grace, for you are closed to Me when you refuse to pray. Pray, therefore My children. For those of you who already pray, I urge you to pray more. Grow in your prayer, My children. Do not become satisfied with the time and routine of your prayer, but seek ways to grow in prayer. Ask Me to show you what I would like you to do, or how you can find more time to pray and I will direct you. I am the Lord of all things, including time. Together, we will determine the best solution for your lack of time. I love you and I await you. Draw ever near to Me, My children during this special time of grace.”
“My little lamb, I am with you. I am with My son (name withheld). I assure you of this. Be at peace. Trust in Me. I will direct your steps. I love you and I will never abandon you. I love My daughter (name withheld) and My son (name withheld). Be at peace, My child. All will be well. I am working in souls, you will see.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God and my all!
“You are welcome, My child. I want you to have confidence in My words and to be assured that your soul is growing in the spiritual life of the Trinity, the heart of love. All will be well, My little lamb. Trust in Me, no matter what you experience, no matter the discord, the atmosphere, the lack of peace in the world. Focus on Me. Trust in Me. In My Heart, you will find peace. I am your refuge and your strength. Remain in Me, My child and I will show you the way you are to go. Trust is what is needed. I give you My peace and My love.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you. Go in My peace and in My joy. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Amen. Alleluia!
Source: ➥