Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, December 8, 2017

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

After the hour of grace for the world, the Blessed Mother speaks to Her children through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today we celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This morning we had a dignified, Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of Mary was decorated with many white roses. These white roses embody purity, because we have celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

The angels moved in and out They enjoyed the Blessed Mother, to whom they wanted to pay homage at your feast.

Our Lady will herself speak today: I, your dearest Mother and Heavenly Queen, celebrate today the Feast of My Immaculate Heart. This Immaculate Heart, My beloved ones, I hold out to you. You, My beloved ones, who have given consolation to Me and to all heaven, you are the beloved of heaven because you believe and trust.

Even then you build on the love of the Triune God when many things seem impossible to you. That is why you are the favored of heaven. I, your dearest mother, will win the victory. Have a little more patience. The Heavenly Father also asks you for patience, because He still wants to seize many hearts and lead them to the truth.

And today, My beloved ones, you have experienced the closeness of the Triune God. What seemed impossible to you became truth today. You will often have to deal with it in this way.

You have been invited to a police interrogation. You, my little one, were allowed to reveal the truth only through the help of the Heavenly Father. You have been entered everything. You could not say it from within yourself. It became clear to you that the Heavenly Father lets you recognize this Heavenly Intervention. You, My little one, should make yourself available as a tool of heaven. So it will go on, because the Heavenly Father in His righteousness will reveal everything. For many people are to be saved.

In this home, in which My beloved daughter Katharina has been staying for several months, many things have happened in the meantime that need to be revealed. You, my little one, were summoned by the police today because I wanted it that way and because I want to bring the truth to light. You, my beloved chosen ones, have so far made yourselves available to the impossibility. You have believed that I, the Heavenly Mother, may reveal the truth to you. There are many things you cannot understand, because you know neither the future nor the past. This, my little one, you were allowed to learn today. You would like to protect and save many people from the arbitrariness of certain bad people. Some elderly people do not have the opportunity to have friends to help them in their need. They are left completely alone and are therefore on their own. They are exposed to the arbitrariness of the people who treat them so inhumanely. You cannot resist this arbitrariness. You are therefore at their mercy.

That is why I wanted to start an example today that you, My little one, make yourself available and the Triune God can reveal something that does not come from you. You, My little one, cannot add everything as I allow it. Today you were allowed to experience it, because today is my feast, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. On this feast you will be allowed to experience this truth as a gift of grace. But before that, days of unspeakable fear preceded.

What about our beloved daughter Katharina? She is cared for and nurtured by Me, by her beloved Heavenly Mother. I will show her that I am her Heavenly Mother and I am watching over her. Nothing will happen in the future that should not happen according to the will of the Heavenly Father. Many things will happen in which you think that only the wrong will happen. But just then, my beloved ones, you are to believe and trust that I will put everything in order.

Many things are happening according to My Divine Plan and differently than you think. The love of the Heavenly Father will accompany you. You bring much joy to the Heavenly Father, because you believe in His omnipotence and omnipotence. Many people despise Him today and no longer believe that He created the whole world and holds the scepter very firmly in His hand.

At this Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, the birth of our Savior, many people no longer believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ and that He is born in the Godhead and mankind and that He wants to sacrifice Himself for all mankind.

Everything corresponds to the divine truth. Only those, my beloved ones, who really believe and trust, can recognize many things because they also feel their smallness and weakness. In this weakness I, the Almighty God, will show My strength. I am the Almighty, the great and loving God. Your Heavenly Mother becomes the Coredemptrix of the whole world. As Coredemptrix I would like to take you, my beloved children of Mary, by the hand. I want to lead you according to the will and desire of the Triune God. He loves you immeasurably. I, your dearest mother, may let you recognize many things that were previously unfathomable to you. This corresponds to the full truth. Everything will be revealed by the Heavenly Father in the near future. Everything that still happens according to his will before his mighty intervention corresponds to the truth. Continue to believe and trust, then you will give the Heavenly Father the comfort He needs in this most difficult time of the crisis of faith.

It blesses you now, your dearest mother and victor in all the battles of God, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain faithful to heaven and trust in His love.


