Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 3, 2017

1st Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, December 3, 2017, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Today we write the 1st Sunday in Advent. It is a special day for all of us because the new church year has begun. The altar of Mary was decorated with festive Advent decorations, as was the altar of sacrifice. The angels, especially the archangels, moved in and out, knelt down and fell on their faces before the Blessed Sacrament.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me. Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I have longed for this day for a long time because I want to announce to you the truth, the truth that is no longer taught today.

What does the 1st Advent mean? Advent means preparation for the coming of the Lord. You, My beloved children, prepare yourselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ. You are already in the end times. You, My colonels of the teaching authority, cannot understand this. Even today you still think that you have faith firmly in your hands. You think you can handle everything. You do not let yourselves be led, because you take the scepter into your own hand. You cannot, My beloved shepherds. You are hirelings in this field. I have chosen you, but you have not followed My plan.

With all of you, My beloved priestly sons, I had a special plan of love. You have not followed this love plan. You have completely destroyed My chosen Catholic Church. You did not even feel it when I pointed out to you that you live in error and unbelief. For thirteen years I have been teaching you about the truth with many messages. You did not want to hear My plan, nor see it. You expected something else.

This one, my little one, announces to you through me the truth. It is not able to form these words and proclaim these truths. I have chosen and prepared them for many years. She had to go through many serious illnesses and was purified by Me. She has fully complied with My plan and has not given Me a no. As the difficulties grew greater and greater, she kept saying to me, "Yes, Father, Your will be done and not mine.

This has given Me much consolation in this most difficult time, the end times, when My Church was completely destroyed. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is no longer important today. The Holy Sacrament of Penance has been completely abolished. The other sacraments are no longer sanctified. Sin no longer exists.

In the time of liberalism everything has become equal. The Catholic faith has become one among many. There is no longer the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. To most she has become a stranger. The commandments have been abolished. You can sin as you wish, for you can interpret faith as you please. So it cannot correspond to the truth and so it can no longer go on, my beloved ones. There is really the only one, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. You can only follow it, then you will reach your destination. Then you take part in my eternal glory and also in my eternal wedding feast. You can then see Me forever.

Only then, My beloved ones, if you believe, trust and persevere until the end, will you be saved. I will choose many more and judge them according to the truth. Some of them will give me a concrete no.

I have many possibilities to let them still see a trace of the truth.

Before the procedure, the cross will appear in the firmament all over the world. The cross of Meggen and Eisenberg will also be visible. Many will make a pilgrimage there and thereby learn to recognize and accept their own cross. You will definitely have to experience the three dark days.

What will it look like when I, the great God, will appear in the sky? Will you prepare for this arrival? Many events and miracles point to these end times and to my coming. But will many also prepare themselves for this coming time? I will go into the hearts and make my love known. I will force none of you to have to believe because faith is the freest decision of every man. I will not force anyone that he must believe, but may believe. Faith is a gift from heaven. It is the greatest gift you can ever expect. You can lose everything. But when you lose faith, you have lost practically everything, everything for eternity. Hell is real, it is real. Although they are rejected today, they exist and so does purgatory. You can decide for true faith or to be eternally damned.

My beloved sons of priests, I call your attention once more to My instructions. Turn back; it is still time, you can still recognize the true faith and give me a 'yes father'. I await your approval. This longing for you in me is growing ever greater. Every single priest I have chosen and have devised a special plan with him. This plan is a love plan. Come to Me in My eternal apartments. There I will refresh you.

I bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From eternity you are conceived and loved. Feel my love plan and go this way until the end. Amen.


