Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday, November 24, 2019: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to prepare for the great events that are about to occur, as I will lead My faithful to My refuges of protection. Just as Noah was told to prepare an ark for the great flood, so I am calling My refuge builders to prepare different arks where I will send My faithful when you will be shielded from the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist. (Matt. 24:7,8) ‘Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these things are the beginning of the labor pains.’ After My Warning, you will see a threat to your lives. Then I will send an inner locution to all of My faithful that it is now time to leave for My refuges. You are to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge by following a physical flame. As you leave your home in less than twenty minutes, you will not return, and your angel will put an invisible shield over you. Take your prepared backpack with your necessities, and walk in faith or drive your car to your ark of protection. I have asked My refuge builders to prepare a refuge with beds, food, water, and fuels that My angels will multiply for your survival. Have no fear because I am separating the bad people from the good people. Do not look at the outside destruction, but you will be attending My perpetual Adoration for less than 3½ years. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth, but I will prepare My Era of Peace for you as a reward for your faithfulness.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Kingship over the universe. This flame represents My eternal flame of love for all of you. I reach out to evangelize all souls because I do not want to lose one soul to the devil in hell. There will be souls, who reject My love, and they are choosing hell by their own free will. My Kingdom is always with you, especially in the Real Presence of My Eucharist. Give honor and praise to Me when you are adoring Me at Adoration. I thank all of My special adorers who adore Me every day. Remember how I am alone in My tabernacles, and you could visit Me from time to time. My special prayer warriors are also present with Me at daily Mass. When you love Me so much, I will see it in your actions with your prayers, Masses, and your daily Adoration. You want to be with Me as much as you can. You have been receiving messages of how you will see time speeded up and chaos in your streets for 2020. If events endanger your lives, you may not be able to travel for talks any longer, and you may be called to My refuges soon. Be prepared to receive My faithful when I give you the word. Enjoy this feast of My Kingship, but you will be starting your Advent Season next week. When I come to the earth, it will be in victory over the evil ones at the end of the tribulation. You will see My power and glory when I defeat the evil ones.”
Source: ➥