Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, during your life, you will be constantly tempted by the demons, who look ugly, if you are able to see them, as in your vision. I give all of you a guardian angel to watch over you and help you in warding off the demons’ temptations. There will be times when you will fall into sin, but you can come to Me in Confession where your sins can be forgiven and absolved by the priest. So have no fear of the evil ones, because you have the means to stay close to Me with pure souls. Some of your relatives do not have a strong faith, so you need to pray to help save their souls. Many of your prayers will be answered with My Warning that will wake up some souls who are spiritually asleep in their laziness to follow My Commandments. Give your family and friends a good example in your prayers, Masses, and good deeds. This is another way to help guide the souls who are away from Me. It is a good way to have a close relationship with Me in your daily Mass, and daily prayers. I give everyone enough graces and opportunities to follow My ways, but people need to love Me more than their love for worldly things.”
Jesus said: “My people, your weathermen are forecasting some wind and heavy rains to come in your direction. In the vision you are seeing people boarding up their windows for protection from the wind. Your local electricity provider is also warning you of some possible power outages. It may be wise to watch your weather forecast for how severe any storms might be as they come near you. You are still seeing severe wind in California that is spreading fires. Pray for your own protection, as well as prayers for those people being threatened by wind and fires.”
Source: ➥