Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019: (St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael)
Jesus said: “My people, the souls, who are sent to hell, are not written in the Book of Life, but their soul bodies will burn forever in hell’s flames. I do not forget them, otherwise they would cease to exist. Be on guard for those people who preach ‘annihilism’, because they preach these souls will disappear and not suffer hell. A soul exists for all eternity, and it does not disappear. This is a heresy. In the Gospel the rich man is called Dives in some literature. This rich man is punished in hell, and he called out to Abraham to warn his brothers not to come to hell. But Abraham said if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, then they could be lost. Abraham said that even if one should return from the dead, such as Me, and they do not listen and repent, then they will fall into hell. So come to monthly Confession to repent, remember your daily prayers, and you will be saved and written in the Book of Life.”
St. Michael came and said: “I am Michael and I stand before the throne of God. God appointed me to cast the devil and the bad angels out of heaven and into hell. When the appointed time of Jesus’ return comes, I will again cast the Antichrist and all the evil demons and evil people into hell. Even when the devil appears again to tempt the people, I will again cast him and all the demons and fallen souls into hell. I am God’s servant and I am appointed to help the people of America. Continue to pray your long form of my prayer for protection in your travels, and to help break any generational sin among your relatives and friends.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the black masses being offered up against your President by evil witches. They are offering up human sacrifices, and sometimes stolen consecrated Hosts in their occult services. They are trying to put hexes and curses on your President every week. I am calling on My faithful prayer groups to offer up your Masses and prayers to counteract these occult curses and hexes on your President. I have put your President in power to counteract all the evil things that your previous Presidents have done. Keep praying for him and your country to turn around your sins, or you will suffer severely for disobeying My Commandments with your abortions and sexual sins. You are seeing a continuous rejection of your President as he will face more threats from the masons and the deep state. Your prayers and faith in My power will hold back any harm to your President. Your President is a brief reprieve from the evil ones, but the Antichrist will soon be allowed to have his hour of reign over the earth. This reign will be brief, when I will soon bring My victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”
Source: ➥