Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, you were down to your local beach on Lake Ontario, and you saw water flooded all over from the high lake levels. You also have been reading about the billions of dollars of damage caused by the floods along the Mississippi River. Remember how I told you that you would be punished by natural disasters unless you stopped your abortions. You are seeing your punishment right before your eyes, and you still do not see the connection between your abortion sins and My punishment. I also told you, if you do not change your abortion laws, and stop your abortions, that your natural disasters will get worse until you see the light. So be prepared for the worst because your hearts are so cold to My love.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who have to live through illnesses and various trials in life. You may be one who is suffering a temporary health problem, a chronic health problem, or even a terminal illness. Do not waste your pain, but you can offer it up to Me for redemptive suffering. When you give your pain over to Me, I will store your offering in heaven. You can also direct your suffering to help souls on earth or in purgatory. You know of people who are going through hard times, so you can share your suffering to help them. Others who are caretakers, also suffer in a different way to help their family, or even their spouses. It is hardest for a spouse to see their partner dying of a terminal sickness or cancer. You can pray for all of these intentions. Even if someone is suffering, you can comfort them with your caring visits. I love all of you, and I want you to show your love for Me and your neighbor.”
Source: ➥