Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019: (Funeral Mass for Russ Dilorenzo)
Russ said: “Please assure Jeanette that I am fine with Jesus. I had a little pain at the end. I love my wife so much, and I did not want to leave, but the Lord was calling Me to come because it was my time. I thank everyone for coming to my funeral. You know how I suffered much at the end, but I was always looking forward to receiving Holy Communion. I did my purgatory on earth, and now I am happy to be with the Lord. I want all of my family to pray the rosary every day, and keep close to Jesus. Thank you for the beautiful readings. Give my love to everyone.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, severe sanctions have been placed on Iran, and your President pulled out of a nuclear arms deal made by your previous President. You saw several smaller attacks on four oil tankers and an attack on Saudi Arabian pipelines several months ago. This caused your President to send a carrier task force and B-52 bombers to the Middle East. Today, two more tankers were heavily damaged and the crews had to be picked up by one of your ships. These incidents on international shipping could lead to some retaliation for this damage. Pray that a war does not result.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President threatened tariffs on Mexican imports if they did not stop so many Central American immigrants from traveling through their country into your country. Your President made a deal with Mexico to stop the tariffs, if they stopped the Central Americans from crossing your border. It remains to be seen if this threat changes the border crisis. Otherwise the tariffs may be applied. Pray for less problems at the border.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the House demanding contempt of Congress on various parts of your current Administration. There is a battle over Executive privilege in this matter. Your Administration is starting their own investigation of the beginning of the Mueller report. There is a continuing conflict between your parties, but you need to pray for less hate and more peace.”
St. Anthony said: “Dear people of God, I am happy to hear your prayers to find your lost objects. I take your petitions to Jesus and he sends his angels to help you. Many of you are happy to find your lost objects, but you need to pray some prayers of thanksgiving after finding things. I bless all of you for knowing to pray to Me for lost things.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuous amount of rainstorms over the same area in the middle of your country. You have seen many floods all along the Mississippi River and its tributaries. With more rain, it is hard to dry out these areas. You are starting to see hotter temperatures, so you need to be prepared for a hot summer that could cause some fires, as you see in the West every year. Pray that there is less arson in starting huge fires as last year. All of your destructive natural disasters will continue to worsen if you do not change your abortions and your bad abortion laws. Still pray for all the victims who have lost lives and homes in your recent floods.”
Jesus said: “My son, remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer as you start out and return on your trip to Puerto Rico. I have also warned you that you may face more evil resistance to your mission. The evil ones will be fighting any good that you are trying to accomplish. Pray your novena to St. Therese on every trip you take this year for your extra protection. If you face any strong evil, remember to call on Me and I will send you My legion of angels to protect you. I thank you for reaching out to spread My Good News.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing signs of the end times coming with these two problems mentioned in your vision. It is true people are getting more lax in the profession of their faith. It starts when people stop praying to Me, and when they stop coming to Sunday Mass. When you leave Me out of your lives, you will have to face your trials without My help. Do not be spiritually lazy, and wake up from your spiritual slumber because I should be at the center of all of your lives, if you want to come to heaven. Your other problem will be an increasing persecution of Christians. You see this in your media when you are attacked for fighting against abortion and even your freedom to worship Me without political or government interference. The devil will be getting stronger in the end times, and you will see stronger persecution of those people who follow My Commandments. You can only stay strong in your faith by daily prayer, frequent Mass, and frequent Confession. Trust in Me and My sacraments to give you the grace to stand up for your beliefs in Me no matter how much you will be criticized or persecuted.”
Source: ➥