Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, April 12, 2019
Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, these young children are My most precious little ones, and I do not want to see any abuse of them. I call all of them to be with Me, and anyone who misleads them or abuses them, should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea. I do not want to see any abuse either of the unborn in abortion, or of euthanasia of the elderly. Life is too precious to kill, and each person, who has life, has a soul, and is made in My image. I call you to respect life at any age. Each person is at a different progress in their faith, so do not criticize or look down on those people who may not have a strong faith. Faith is a gift from Me, but My people need to be open to receive Me into their hearts and souls. By loving Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul, you are on the right path to your sainthood. Every day you should strive for a more perfect faith, and Lent is an excellent time to take stock of your spiritual life. See if you are getting better, staying the same, or getting worse. If you keep struggling to improve your faith and love of Me, then you are following Me as I called you. Reach out with your gift of faith to share it with others as an evangelist, and you will have your reward in heaven. Keep praying persistently for your family members to be saved from hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have respect for My Real Presence in My tabernacle in church, and in front of My consecrated Host at Adoration. You hear many times in church how the priest is asking you not to use your cell phones at Mass for texting or talking. Unless you are a doctor on call, you should not have your cell phone turned on, so it does not ring at Mass or at Adoration. You saw how disturbing it was for a lady to have her phone ring twice during Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament last night. It may seem important for some people to have cell phones turned on, but it is irreverent to Me to have cell phones ringing in church, let alone talking on cell phones in church. You come to adore Me in silence, and others are praying, and do not want to be disturbed by ringing cell phones. Have consideration for Me and consideration for people praying in church. So keep your cell phones turned off in church and at Adoration. You can answer your calls later out of reverence to keep it quiet in church.”
Source: ➥