Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, April 1, 2019
Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you just had a practice refuge drill at one of My refuges, and My refuges will be your safe havens of protection during the tribulation. My angel of your refuge will shield you from all the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. In the vision you are seeing three large structures like megaphones that were sending out microwave signals to those people who had the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in their bodies. These people were drawn to a large amphitheater where there was a large screen with the Antichrist speaking on it to them. He was hypnotizing the people with his eyes, and he was instructing them to go out and kill all the faithful Christians who believe in Me. This is why at that time, I will draw My faithful to My refuges where they will be protected by My refuge angels from any harm by the evil ones. Only My believers, who have crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed by the refuge angel to enter the refuge. My angels are placing invisible crosses on all of My faithful who believe in Me. My faithful will not take any chip in their bodies. During the tribulation, My faithful will see their crosses as visible, but the evil ones will not see them. If you do not see a cross on a person’s forehead during the tribulation, then that person will be evil and will try to kill My faithful. Avoid these people who have the mark of the beast because they are a danger to your lives, and a danger to your souls. Trust in My Word and I will see to your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have already warned you of the coming socialist communist takeover of America that will be a punishment for all of your abortions and your sexual sins. Once the communists take over, you will see the beginning of the Christian persecution in America. Because of their atheistic principles, the communists call the worship of Me as the ‘opiate of the people.’ It will be their first thing to close all of the Christian churches, so they can control the minds of the people. Anyone who preaches My Word, will be singled out to be killed. It will be at that time that I will call My faithful to My refuges because your lives will be in danger. Do not be afraid of the evil people because My angels will be protecting you with an invisible shield on the way to and at My refuges. If your people do not learn from history, or do not learn from trusting in Me, then you will live to repeat the mistakes of the past. My people know that in the end, I will triumph over the evil ones, so have hope and be patient when I will bring My victory over the evil ones. I love My faithful, and I will protect them at My refuges during the tribulation. Trust in Me and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”
Source: ➥