Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, March 29, 2019
Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, most of you know My Sixth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ This Commandment is all about the transmission of life, and it includes fornication, homosexual acts, masturbation, prostitution, birth control, vasectomies, and tubal ligations. One of the biggest problems you have in your families is when your sons and daughters are having sex without marriage. I instituted the sacrament of Matrimony for young couples to make vows with each other for life. This love under the bond of marriage is the proper environment to have children and bring them up. The morals of your country have so deteriorated that many couples are no longer getting married, but they live together in fornication. I know My faithful parents are praying for their children, who have gone astray, to live a proper married life. You are also seeing sins of abortion that result from living together. Even My married couples need to live without using birth control which is also sinful. I see how all of you are living, and you all will have to answer to Me for your sins at your judgment. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me and your neighbors. Keep praying for your children to live a proper life, and give them a good example by your own lives. Your persistent prayers for your children could keep them from being lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My two Great Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. You have two plaques where three Commandments are on one plaque, and seven Commandments are on the second plaque. I did not come to change this law, but I came to fulfill it. When I gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, this was My covenant of love with all of mankind. This love continues on through today. I have made man and woman in My image, and I have given you all free will to love Me or not. For those people, who want to come to heaven, I call you to obey My Commandments. I call you to repent of your sins in Confession, and keep Me close to you as you seek My forgiveness. Teach your children to follow My Commandments as well. Do everything out of love for Me, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Source: ➥