Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s letter is reminding all of you that you need to obey My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor. If you do not love your neighbor, then you are not fully loving Me, your Creator. Even though you have divisions over politics, you still need to love each other as your human family. In fact if you remember to love each other, there would not be so much hate among your people. It is the devil who is stirring up so much animosity in your speech to each other. So love your enemies and your persecutors, and pray for their souls to be saved. In the Gospel you are seeing how I told the people that I am literally fulfilling the Scriptures, as I heal the sick and forgive their sins. Later on, the people of Nazareth wanted to kill Me because they could not accept that I am the Son of God. Many people even today, do not want to believe in My Divinity. You have My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine at the Mass, so give respect to My Eucharist in your tabernacles when you genuflect, or bow to receive Me in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me for coming among you on earth as a God-man, who died for your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you hear the wind blowing as My sign to give you a message here. This monastery is a refuge, and I will protect it from damage, and My angels will guard it from those people who do not have a cross on their foreheads. My angels will provide food, water, and fuels to heat during the tribulation. The angels will also set up invisible shields to block the evil ones. The angels will bring the people Holy Communion every day, if a priest is not present for Mass. My faithful will be directed here by a flame with their guardian angels. Rejoice because all faithful monasteries will be refuges for My people to come during the tribulation.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this scene of crutches in Lourdes, France, where lame people were healed, and their souls were cleansed as well. Some times in life you need some help with your problems. When you call on My help, I am always at your side. You can lean on Me as a crutch to get you through your trials. I help you out of love, but you need to confess your sins, so you can be open to receive My graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been spoiled with warmer than normal temperatures, and very little snow in the last few months. Now, you have some snow and much colder temperatures, and you are already complaining. Do what you can to help people that are in need for heating their homes, or for helping the homeless. You can also help people at your food shelves with food, money, or clothes.”
Jesus said: “My son, these friends have been directed to come to see you, and learn from your experiences. They are sharing with your prayer group and your friends. Hopefully, they are being satisfied for the reasons they chose to come. I will shine My blessings upon them, and on your prayer group for all of your many hours of Adoring Me, when you make time for Me in your lives.”
David said: “My dear parents and sisters, you are traveling around town, so maybe you could stop at my grave on the day of the anniversary of my death. This would be even a greater remembrance than when you found the green little stone at my grave. Remember to acknowledge my sister Mary as you think of
me. We are constantly praying for all of our family members to help save your souls. We are waiting for you in heaven, and please remember us as a part of your lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some people who are more excited to watch football games than come to Sunday Mass. I have been preparing My people for the coming Warning by coming to frequent Confession. There are many sinners who will have a wake up call to see that I should be more a part of their lives. Even some faithful have become lax in their prayers, Sunday Mass, and Confession. Give good examples to your family and the lukewarm, that they will see the importance of their soul’s eternal destination, and they could change their ways. Those souls, who do not come to Me after their Warning, are risking hell if they ignore My love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when your previous President (Obama) used executive orders to get what he could not get from a Republican Congress. Now, your President is threatening to declare a national emergency to fund this wall for your National security. Your opposition party only likes their own ways of doing things, since they live by a double standard of hypocrisy. Your media also uses a double standard, and they also do one thing, but expect others to obey their one sided thinking. You may not see justice now, but these evil ones will pay dearly for their crimes, when I bring My victory. Have patience because My victory is not far off.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how I suffered from wearing this crown of thorns. I suffered much from My scourging, carrying My cross, and dying by asphyxiation on the cross. My people on earth cry out with the least little problem of cold, hunger, or small pains in your body. You will suffer much worse persecutions during the tribulation, and you will be fortunate to be protected by My angels at My refuges. You need to do some fasting and offer up any inconveniences or pains to Me so you can store up these treasures in heaven for your judgment.”
Source: ➥