Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, I wish that all of you were burning with the fire of love in the Holy Spirit. Those, who are on fire for love of Me, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, have all that you need in this world to reach heaven. By repenting of your sins and giving your will over to Me, you are ready and willing to carry out the mission that I have given you. Not all people have this same love for Me and fervor in faith. There are many people who worship worldly things than Me. The atheists and non-believers will ridicule you, and even persecute you for believing in Me. Despite this division between My faithful and the non-believers, I call on My people to stand up for your belief in Me. You need to be shining examples of how Christians should live with humility and kindness. I bring peace into your hearts and souls, but it is the devil who brings division with his rejection of Me. My call is for all of you to love one another, but you may be divided against the non-believers who follow the world and the devil, instead of Me. It is the evil one who spreads wars and disobedience of My Commandments. You are to love your enemies, even if you disagree with their actions. At the judgment, all the evil doers will be cast into hell, but My faithful will have their eternal reward in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several suspected cases of ebola in various parts of your country. Most of these cases are care givers who were assisting ebola patients. There is a concern about people coming into your country from the three African countries that have cases of ebola. Your health people are starting to track all people from these countries who come to America, especially if they have fevers. It is hard to purify planes from any contamination. It might be better to have passengers fever free before boarding any planes. Your researchers are looking for a fast test for ebola, and are considering any possible cures. Pray that this epidemic can be contained.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen two attacks on Canadian police with at least one fatality. Both incidents appeared to be Moslem converts who were intent on killing policemen. These incidents have caused Canada and America to go on high alert for any terrorist attacks. It is apparent that ISIS wants to bring their attacks into Western countries. Your people need to be alert for any further terrorist attacks. These are fear tactics to upset your people. Trust in Me to protect you from such incidents.”
Jesus said: “My people, for all the publicity of your air attacks, it is not clear that they are slowing down further ISIS takeovers. In some cases where there are sufficient ground troops, these bombings could be helpful. Until there is sufficient resistance to ISIS troops, their takeovers will continue. Pray for a lessening in hostilities, but this war could last for a long time.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have already seen one incident in Illinois where an early voting machine was changing Republican votes into Democrat votes. Your voters need to be able to see that their votes are not being changed by the voting machines. You have seen such fraud occurring in the last two elections, and it may continue with your current election as well. Those, who control these machines appear to have an agenda to continue this cheating. In some cases it may be difficult to verify that your vote is being manipulated. You are concerned about fair elections in other countries, but you need to investigate vote fixing in your own country.”
Jesus said: “My people, you recently heard a good speaker who was pointing out that your Bill of Rights in your Constitution was meant to protect your citizens from the powers of your government. You are seeing many of your freedoms gradually being usurped by liberal judges who have a leftist agenda. Even your President’s Executive orders are superceding their power by controlling regulations from your government agencies. If your Congress people do not fight such control, then you will soon see a dictatorship running your government. A takeover of your country is coming, and My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection when your lives are in danger.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see your freedom of speech, and your freedom of religion restricted by persecution, then you are seeing the signs of the coming tribulation. Keep fighting for your rights before they are taken away. Once you allow your government and judges to control you, you will lose the battle for your freedom. Then you will be forced to come to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I keep advising you about the preparations you could make when you leave your homes for My refuges. You may need masks for any deadly pandemic virus. You could use MREs (meals ready to eat) or survival tablets for the few days of travel to a refuge. A few bottles of water, windup flashlights, a change of clothes, along with tents and sleeping bags will be needed. By having your backpacks and supplies ready, you can leave quickly when I tell you it is time to leave your homes. Have trust in My angel protection for the coming tribulation.”
Source: ➥