Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, October 13, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in My mission on earth I would give the people parables, but they did not always understand their true meaning. I gave My apostles the explanations of My parables so they could have the full meaning of what I was teaching them. For example, I gave a parable about the Sower, and I told My apostles that the seed represented the Word of God, and how various people received it. Even today, you read the Scriptures with My explanations, and people have different reactions and understanding of My Word. I want My people to not only read and hear My Word, but I want them to act on it out of love. I give various talents and graces to different people, so some achieve great works for Me, while others are not drawn to achieve much because of their little effort. Strive for the higher levels of heaven by giving your best efforts to evangelize souls. I also look into your hearts to see how each person reacts to the good and bad events in each person’s life. When you have everything going well, it is easy to respond positively to such events. It is when I test you with sicknesses, deaths, or injustices, that it is difficult for most people to handle. Some people are graced with My peace, and they are not disturbed, even though they react with love and compassion. There are others who are even resentful of Me that I would allow bad things to happen to them. Still others are critical of those who bother them, and they do not always have love for those who are causing them problems. It is not easy to love your enemies, but you should love everyone, even though you may hate or dislike the actions of others. I want My people to realize that I am watching all of their reactions to life’s events, so put more love in your responses, so you can keep My peace in your soul without being disturbed.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many monasteries that have adored My Blessed Sacrament for many years. These monasteries are places of holy ground that will be refuges for My faithful to come during the tribulation. Some of them are aware of the end times, and they are preparing extra food and bedding that will be needed by those who come here. The monks and nuns in different monasteries have been faithful to Me in all of their daily services and duties. This monastic life will be a good example for all the pilgrims who are directed by My angels to such monasteries. At all of My refuges there will be Perpetual Adoration. If they have priests, they can have daily Mass. If there are no priests, My angels will provide daily Holy Communion to everyone. Where no food or bedding has been planned, My angels will provide what is needed by My faithful. My angels will guard over My refuges so only My faithful with crosses on their foreheads, will be able to enter. The angels will shield My refuges from any evil ones. My faithful will endure this rustic life for less than 3½ years. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over all the evil people of this evil age. I will cast the evil ones into hell, then I will renew the earth, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
Source: ➥