Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014: (St. Denis and companions)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s message is about My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament, and how important it is to give Me reverence in My Body and Blood of the consecrated Host. You rarely hear any preaching of My Real Presence because many do not believe that I am truly Present in My consecrated Host. Even among Catholics, there are many who do not believe in My Real Presence. In the vision there is a darkness of evil before My Host, because the devil wants to hide Me and discourage your belief in My Real Presence. At the Consecration in the Mass, the priest consecrates the Hosts, and this bread is transubstantiated into My Real Body and Blood. At this point My angels come and adore Me on the altar. Even for priests who do not believe in My Real Presence, I have given miracles of My Eucharist where My Blood physically appears on the Hosts to take away their disbelief. I ask My adorers to visit My tabernacle containing My Hosts, or to adore and praise Me with My consecrated Host in the monstrance. Even when you come into church, or go in front of My tabernacle, you should genuflect in reverence to honor My Real Presence in the Hosts there. By your reverence for My Blessed Sacrament, you are giving witness to others of your true belief that I am present in My consecrated Hosts. Give thanks and praise to Me that I am always with you in My Blessed Sacrament, since this is My most precious gift to you that you can receive Me intimately into your soul. Be sure that you receive Me in Holy Communion without mortal sin, so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, originally, the one world people were going to put four dead bodies in the large black plastic containers, and then they would cremate the whole container. This was intended for use in killing those people who would not go along with the new world order. There are now new plans to use these same black containers to hold the bodies of those who will die from ebola or any pandemic deadly virus. This will contain the disease and the hot fire would cremate bodies and kill any virus. My faithful need to come to My refuges and look upon My Luminous Cross to be healed of any deadly virus. Pray that your people can contain this virus.”
Jesus said: “My people, America’s economy is progressing, but Europe and other areas of the world are slowing down. With all the news of wars and ebola spreading, there have been up and down stock markets. A strong dollar is making American goods more expensive. You are seeing the beginning of some fears in your markets that are causing the selling. This month of October has a bad history of stock reductions in price. Pray for your people’s jobs, because there are plans of the one world people to crash your markets and change your dollar into strategic drawing rights, which will be a common basket of world currencies.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to store up to a year’s supply of food in case your food stores are shut down for a number of reasons. You could have a power outage from a bad winter, a deliberate turning off of electricity by the one world people, or a deliberate or natural EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack that could put your electricity out for a long time. This is why I have warned you to have food and water for a long time. If your lives are endangered by gunmen looking for food, you may have to come to My refuges sooner.”
Jesus said: “My people, after the terrorists struck your buildings with airplanes in 2001, many people were scared for their lives, and they came to your churches. You may again see some serious incidents that could bring people back to church. When people feel threatened, they at times come to Me for help. Once the danger passes, the people return to their old ways. Now is the time to pray for souls who could be killed suddenly in any number of disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, while it will be a happy experience to meet old friends, your people will realize that it will be good to learn about the safety that you will find at My refuges. Your red cord will add more parts of My network of believers so you all can keep in touch with each other. You are living in dangerous times, and many of those who receive messages, will share My words of warning for the coming tribulation. Be attentive and be ready to make preparations for what is coming.”
Jesus said: “My people, not all of the people realize that you are dependent on Me for all of your needs. There are going to be some serious things happening that you will not always be able to handle on your own. It will be in these coming trials that you will have to put your full trust in Me to provide for your daily needs. The evil events will become so severe in persecutions, that you will need to follow your guardian angels to My refuges of protection. Do not delay in leaving your homes, once I warn you that it is time to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have informed you of many serious problems that will be occurring as you come close to the tribulation. I have told you many times not to be afraid of the evil ones, because I am always in control, and My angels will defend you from the demons. Those, who are fearful, are lacking in faith and trust in My power. Those, who are at peace, have My grace of faith, and they are trusting in My protection. When the fearful ones come to My refuges, you will have to calm them down with counseling to show them how they will be provided for and protected by My angels. Keep praying for My help, and have full trust in My power when you come to My refuges.”
Source: ➥