Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, August 29, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014: (Passion of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My herald in the desert to prepare the people for My coming ministry. He said that I was the ‘Lamb of God’ because I would be sacrificed as a lamb for the salvation of all souls. He also said that he must decrease while I must increase. This is a message to all of My faithful that I should come first in their lives. St. John the Baptist baptized many people in the Jordan River, and he was not afraid to speak the truth, even to King Herod who had St. John captured and later beheaded. In the end times I have sent many messengers who are heralding My coming again to bring judgment, especially on the evil ones of the earth. I want My prophets to also be bold and speak out the truths of their faith, so souls can be converted and saved, before the Antichrist comes to power. My messengers are not giving a politically correct message, but it is My message for saving souls, which is what is needed most at this time of your sinful society. Listen to My words and heed My words in your preparation for the coming tribulation. Some will be martyred for their faith to be instant saints, while the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges.”
Source: ➥