Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, August 15, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014: (Assumption of Mary into heaven)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this feast of my Assumption into heaven with both body and soul is an accepted dogma of faith in my Son’s Church. This was an accepted honor for me as my Son’s gift for my acceptance of being His mother. Only at the last judgment will the rest of the deceased souls be rejoined with their bodies. Death is a consequence of original sin, and this is why all the rest of humanity has its soul separated from the body at death. My Son is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and death had no hold over Him, as He conquered death and sin by giving up His life on the cross. My Son gifted me with an Immaculate Conception, and I lived in His Divine Will without sin so He would have a pure vessel to carry Him for nine months. Because I did not have original sin, I was granted this gift of being assumed into heaven without my body being separated from my soul. You honor me and pray to me for interceding with my Son for your intentions, but you do not praise me because God is the only One worthy of being praised. There are some who accuse Catholics of praising me, but this is false, because my children only honor me as Jesus’ Blessed Mother. Continue to pray your rosaries to help save souls from hell with my Son’s assistance by His sacrifice on the cross. I reaffirm the messages of Fatima that souls are going to hell because no one is praying for them.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given everyone My Ten Commandments about love of God and love of neighbor. Why is there such a problem to tell right from wrong? People have a conscience which tells them when they are doing something wrong, yet they rationalize their actions with mistaken excuses. The devil is a master of making excuses and telling you lies so you will follow his temptations. If you have a properly formed conscience, you will have no doubt when you are doing something right or wrong. I know man is weak to sin, so this is why I have given you Confession to repent of your sins and be sorry for offending Me. First you have a choice to do right or wrong, but every action has its own consequences. Second, if you chose a sinful action, you know there could be a punishment, and you again have a choice to repent and ask My forgiveness or not. If you continue to make sinful choices, and you do not repent, then you could be on the road to hell. If you make the right choices to follow Me, and you repent of your sins, then you are on the right road to heaven. See My Light and focus on loving Me and loving your neighbor, so you can reach your goal of being with Me in heaven. It is common sense to desire heaven over hell, so choose your actions wisely to overcome the devil’s lies and tricks.”
Source: ➥