Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, August 11, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014: (St. Claire)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you could see how I was obliged to pay the temple tax, and I did so in a miraculous way. It is part of My Church laws to help support your local church and the bishop’s diocese. Those, who teach My Gospels, are worthy of being supported financially for their work, and the upkeep of the church is also included in the donation of the people. There are some people, who are poor, and they can only give a little, but those, who have better jobs, should contribute more than just a few dollars. Your charity to help people and support My Church is really your means of thanking Me for what you have. Those, who have higher incomes, could even afford more charity donations. Do not be selfish, but be willing to share your money with those people who need your help. Free will giving for charity is one thing, but collecting taxes can become a burden on people when taxes are higher than they should be. Be thankful for all the gifts that I have given you, but do not forget to be generous in your church and charity donations.”
Jesus said: “My people, this dark high ceiling in a church represents a division that is coming in My Church, and it will come from some masons in the Vatican. There are New Age elements in My Church that are having workshops that involve statues with curses, Reiki healing, and enneagrams. Many innocent people are being drawn into Eastern transcendental meditation, false centering prayers, and labryinths. These curiosities can lead into demonic possessions or obsessions. Wherever you see these New Age things, or occult meetings in a church, you need to leave these evil influences. At first these false teachings are very deceptive because they are led by demons trying to trick you into a false worship of nature. You should only worship Me and not things of the world. If you are in doubt about any of these things, then pray to Me and the Holy Spirit to help you discern what is wrong teaching from the devil. You will need to leave infected churches, and come to the homes for secret services that are avoiding persecution. Eventually, you will have to seek the safety of My refuges to avoid being martyred.”
Source: ➥