Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday, July 20, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the wheat and the weeds, is all about the judgment of souls. I allow the good people to live among the bad people, as I love all of you. The weeds planted in the field, are those people who have been influenced by the devil. The wheat represent My faithful people, who listen to My words and act on them. I ask all the people to follow My Commandments, and repent of their sins out of love for Me. I give everyone many opportunities for obeying My laws and following My ways instead of each person’s ways. At the end of your lives, you all have to face Me at your judgment. This is the harvest of souls where the weeds, representing the evil people, are gathered up and burned in hell. The wheat, representing My faithful people, are stored up in My barn of heaven. I love all the sinners, as everyone is good, but it is your actions that will determine your eternal destination. Those souls, who love Me, follow My Commandments, and repent of their sins, will be saved. But those souls, who refuse to love Me, refuse to follow My laws, and refuse to repent of their sins, will be on the road to hell, if they do not change their lives. I will send My Warning to give all souls one last chance to change, or they could be lost. Have faith in Me, and love Me by your own free will, and you will be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Source: ➥