Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Gospel how I cleansed the demon out of the demoniac. I healed the whole person both body and soul. I also healed those who had faith in Me that I could heal them. I came to heal sinners and not the self-righteous. You all are afflicted with some leaning to pride because many want to be right in everything. People want others to think they are smart, and not foolish without knowing things. Do not hold onto your pride so much that you are not willing to admit that you have made a mistake. You all make mistakes because you are not perfect. So learn from your mistakes both in earthly things and in spiritual things. The Pharisees did not want their position of authority undermined by My teachings and My miracles. This is why they claimed that I cast out demons because I was the prince of demons. I told them that Satan would not cast demons out of people, or his kingdom would be divided. But by My power as God’s Son, I cast out the demon to give evidence of My Divinity. Have trust in Me, My people, for I allow the demons only so much ability to tempt you. I give you the graces in My sacraments to resist these temptations. If you should fall into sin, do not be prideful, but come to Me in the humility of Confession so I can forgive your sins and restore My graces to your souls.”
Source: ➥