Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014: (Trinity Sunday, Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is speaking to you of Us in the Blessed Trinity. We are three Persons in One God, even as St. Patrick tried to portray Us in the three leaves of a shamrock. We are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but this Blessed Trinity is a mystery for man to understand. We are truly joined together in love, even as We want all of you to obey the Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. We have made all of you in Our Image with free will to choose to love Us without being forced. Those people, who love and accept Us by following our guides for life, will have eternal life with Us in heaven. But those people, who refuse to love Us, and refuse to obey the Commandments, are on the road to hell if they do not change their ways. This is the great choice in love that every soul has to make in life. There are no in-between grey areas for people to hide, but you must say either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Our love. We invite all souls to join all of creation in paying your respects to your Creator. The animals, plants, and even the stars follow their instincts or orbits according to Our plan. But man has free will to choose to love Us. When you experience Our true love for you, you will be living in peace and complete satisfaction in your soul. Live your life to follow Our ways instead of your ways, and you will find your reward in the eternal joy of Our love in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is not wrong to desire a nice home or a nice car, but do not put such desires ahead of Me. In other words, do not worship or pay more attention to your possessions more than Me. Each of your possessions has a certain hold on you, but do not let those earthly things distract you from your goal of being with Me in heaven. Some people work hard all their lives just to have the finer things in life. It is better to want to follow My plans for your life, than your own plans. In the end, it is not how many possessions you own, or how much money you have that will get you into heaven. It is how much you love Me and your neighbor in good works that will put you on the right path to heaven. Focus more on your prayer life and how to please Me, than seeking the best home and cars that you can buy. Material things will pass away, but your spiritual gifts and your treasure in heaven will not pass away. Choose Me over earthly things because I love you much more than any of your possessions or family.”
Source: ➥