Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you do things without thinking of how your words or actions could affect or harm someone else. Do not criticize or gossip against others behind their backs. I am the only judge of your actions. You can help someone or advise them of their sinful actions, but do not condemn them. Pray for such people who may be living in sin, and try to give them good example of how to follow My ways and My Commandments. I call all of you sinners, and you are in need of My forgiveness in Confession. Come to Confession from the priest so that through Me, you can be absolved from your sins, and My graces can be restored to your soul. You need to come to Confession at least monthly, so you can keep a pure soul. At the end of each day, you can make a recollection of your actions to see how you may have offended Me or your neighbor. Pray an Act of Contrition for your sins before you go to bed. If you have committed any mortal sins, you should come to Confession as soon as possible. Learn from your sinful mistakes so you can work to avoid such sins in the future. When you live your lives, work to be a good Christian example to those who are around you. Also, when possible try to encourage people in their faith, and evangelize souls who need conversion to My ways. When you do everything out of love for Me, your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, your priest at Mass in the morning, spoke briefly of a reading about Elijah when he confronted the four hundred prophets of Baal which the northern king of Israel allowed. The two camps each erected an altar for sacrifice, and each of them was to call down fire to consume the offering. The prophets of Baal called on their god, but nothing happened. Then Elijah had the servants flood his altar three times with water. Elijah called on Me to send fire down to consume the offering, and I did. The false prophets were later slain. This was proof to the king that I was the One true God to worship, and he was converted. In your world today, you have seen some miracle pictures and even some miracles of My Eucharist. But not all the people believe in Me or My Real Presence, even when they are shown proof of My miracles. Having a gift of faith is something to be treasured, more than other gifts. Once you believe in Me, and follow My Commandments, you will be promised eternal life in heaven. You need to pray, come to Sunday Mass, and do good works to show your love for Me and your neighbor. I am truly the One true God of all peoples, and I provide everything for you in body and spirit. My Adorers love Me so much that they even come every night to worship Me, and drink in My peace. I am the Creator of the universe, and all of mankind, and I am more than worthy to be worshiped by My people.”
Source: ➥