Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014: (St. Bernadine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who have a few drinks, and there are others who drink so much that they are alcoholics. It is excessive drinking that is sinful because you lose your sense of thinking properly. This is why drunk drivers cause accidents, and even kill people or themselves. There are places for rehab for drinkers, but they have to choose to stop. This is an addiction that is hard to break on their own. The first step to a cure is to accept that they have a problem with excessive drinking. Once they see that they are endangering lives, sometimes they desire to stop. Rehab is a long road without taking one drink. Prayers of deliverance are also helpful to get rid of these demons. Relapses are common, but patients need to stop, or they could die of liver problems. Keep praying for these souls to keep them from going to hell.”
(Bishop Matano confirmed Justin, my grandson) Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed how Bishop Matano personally confirmed every candidate for Confirmation. He also had everyone kneel for the Consecration in giving reverence to My Real Presence. In the vision you were at first seeing a large Temple. Then you saw a person who was a small Temple of the Holy Spirit. You receive the Holy Spirit and His gifts in Confirmation. You remember at the first Pentecost, how My disciples witnessed a great wind, and then tongues of fire were present over each of them, as they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was after this indwelling of the Holy Spirit that My apostles spoke out with courage and witnessed My Resurrection to the Jews and the Gentiles. Just as My apostles were now evangelizing people to the faith, so all of My faithful have received these gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak out in My Name to convert souls to the faith. Do not let the evil ones and the atheists keep you silent, but be brave to defend your religious freedoms while you still have them. Remember that your most important job as a Christian, is to save as may souls from hell as you can with My help.”
Source: ➥