Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, as you watch the young First Communicants receive My Eucharist, it reminds you of your first encounter with Me in My Real Presence. I have told you that he who eats My Body and drinks My Blood, will have life everlasting. It is unfortunate that more Catholics do not accept My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. Those, who truly believe that I am Present in the Host, have more reverence in genuflecting to My tabernacle, and even come to daily Mass. You have a miracle performed at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. You have Me Present in every tabernacle, so you can even come before Me to adore Me and listen to My words for you in your life’s decisions. As you see the innocent children receiving Me for the first time, you should also remember that you need to have faith in Me as a little child in order to enter into heaven. My arms are always open to receive every sinner in Confession so you can always be worthy and have a pure soul to receive Me.”
Source: ➥