Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My people, some people may have forgotten the words of My Blessed Mother at Fatima to the three children. She said if the world does not change its ways, then Russia will spread its errors throughout the world. After 1917, you saw the birth of communism that was financed by the one world people. As you saw in the ‘Agenda’ movie, these evil ones have accomplished a lot of their plans to bring America down. They are destroying the family, and introducing drugs and homosexuality to destroy your society. They have taken prayer out of the public places, and atheists are attacking Christianity in your schools and colleges. Your government leaders are focused on disarmament with zero nuclear arms as their goal. You have socialists and communists imbedded in many high places in your government and world organizations. Even now, Russia is trying to restore its old empire because it senses weakness in Western leadership. You are seeing a decay in your morality and the continued abortions in America. Your younger people are falling away from their faith, which is why you have an older population at church, but they are dying off. The rosary and consecrating Russia were part of the messages given at Fatima. In older days you used to pray for the conversion of Russia, but fewer people are praying for this cause. You are reaping the consequences of not following My Blessed Mother’s messages at Fatima. You have seen World War II, and a possible World War III is on the horizon. Wars are a result of not enough prayers being said for peace in the world. Keep praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary for peace and the stoppage of abortion.”
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