Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, May 2, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014: (St. Anthanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, in St. John’s Gospel you have read how I tested My apostles in how I was going to feed the multitude of people. I took what little they had with the two fish and five barley loaves, and I distributed food to all of them. They even collected twelve baskets of leftover fragments. This breaking of Bread is a Eucharistic sign. The consecrated Hosts that are not given out, are placed back in My tabernacles. As you see the globe of the earth, you are understanding how I am multiplied in My Real Presence in all the Hosts that are consecrated every day at Mass all over the world. My sacramental Presence is shared with all of My daily Mass people, and the parish people at Sunday and Saturday evening Mass. This gift of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament, is a treasure to help all of you to endure this life of trials on earth. Take time also to visit Me in My tabernacles where you can have My rest without rushing.”
Source: ➥