Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014: (Mass for Lydia Remacle, Carol’s mother)
Jesus said: “My son, your mother-in-law, Lydia, is happy that both you and your wife could come to her Mass. Lydia on several occasions came to the Masses for her deceased husband. She and her husband are happy to be back together, and they are younger looking in their spirit bodies. They also look like newlyweds. Lydia wanted to tell your wife that she did see Me coming for her when she squeezed your wife’s hand. It is interesting that your priest tried to give evidence that there is life beyond the grave to a person who asked that question at a burial in the cemetery. Your own experiences have seen many deceased people give you messages at their funeral Masses. In life, Lydia did not get to see her great great grandson, but now she thinks the baby is adorable, and she would have liked to give a gift for Jocelyn and the baby. She is watching over her whole family, and praying for all of you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as your government overspends and prints more money, the value of the dollar goes down. You have seen gold and silver vary a lot in terms of dollars. Now, diamonds are becoming more valuable in terms of dollars because of inflation. It is difficult to evaluate the clarity and genuine character of diamonds by lay people. Collectors and those who do not trust the dollar, are buying more diamonds, and the demand has pushed up the price. I told you that paper dollars and paper stocks will crash, but the rich are more invested in things of constant value as gold, silver, diamonds, and real estate.”
Jesus said: “My people, this weekend you will be celebrating Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. You will be walking around your church carrying palms to symbolize how people applauded My entry into Jerusalem. Later in the Mass, the cheerful mood changes to a somber mood, as you read My long Passion in the Gospel. It is difficult to understand how a crowd could cheer Me in one moment, and shout ‘Crucify Him’ in the next minute. All of these events were planned, so I would be crucified on My cross to save your souls. This salvation story is read every year, and you have My large crucifix on most altars to remember how much I love you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to come to all the Holy Week services at your local church. You start the Triduum on Holy Thursday with My Last Supper in the first Mass of the bread and wine being changed into My Body and Blood. I also washed the feet of My apostles. In your tradition, you will visit other churches as a sign of your unity. On Good Friday you will have Adoration of My cross and Holy Communion without the Mass. You will read about My crucifixion and My burial in the tomb. The Saturday Vigil and Easter Sunday will celebrate My Resurrection from the dead as I left the tomb. This celebration of Holy Week is the highlight of your Lenten devotions. Give thanks and praise to Me for bringing salvation to all souls who will accept Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to believe that Lent is coming to a close with Easter Sunday already. Many have been bearing their Lenten penances, which proves that you can will to change your spiritual lives if you really want to change. By following My Will, instead of your own will, you will be more able to carry out your individual missions. By your fasting, you are also able to allow your soul to be the master over your bodily desires. You can do some fasting during the rest of the year, as you give up your desserts on Wednesdays and Fridays. Try to keep some of your Lenten devotions throughout the year so you can remain close to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your scientists and the Jews are focused on the current Tetrad of the four blood moons that has occurred eight times since My birth. Every time this has occurred in the past, there has been a significant event for the Jews. The moon turns an orange red color as the moon travels through the shadow of the earth on the Jewish feast days. You could see a possible war in Israel over the next year or so. Be watchful of some coming event.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have advised you to come to frequent Confession of at least once a month. My Church asks you to come to Confession at least once a year during the Easter Season. This is a bare minimum so you are repenting of your sins and asking for My forgiveness. I know that you are all sinners, but you need to acknowledge your sins by confessing them to a priest in Confession. I will forgive all repentant sinners, so cleanse your souls and keep them pure for the day of your judgment before Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I am the Resurrection and the Life, so you can have My promise that My faithful souls will be reunited with a glorified body at the last judgment. When you die to this earthly life, you will have a particular judgment when your earthly body is separated from your soul. Most souls who do not go to hell, will suffer some purification in purgatory. But the grand celebration will be at the last judgment when My faithful souls will be united with a glorified body. At that moment you will be enjoying all the beauties of heaven by all of your perfect senses.”
Source: ➥