Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, Moses defended his people from My wrath when they worshiped the golden calf instead of Me. After bringing the Hebrews out of slavery and defending them from the Egyptian Army, still this people turned to worship an idol. I realize man’s weakness to sin, so I have given you My Sacrament of Reconciliation. When you come to the priest in Confession, you can repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. I am always ready to forgive a repentant sinner. My people of today also have idols of sports, fame, and possessions. I am the only One who is worthy of your worship, and you need to let Me be the center of your life. Do not let your pride, or your own will to run your life, stand in the way of following My Will for your mission. If you follow your own way, then you will not be able to accomplish the mission that I have given you. My ways are much better than your ways. So give your will over to following My Will. When you repent of your sins, and obey My laws, then you are not far from My Kingdom in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are about to leave for your next talk in Marmora, Ontario, Canada. I am reminding you to bless your van with blessed salt or holy water for your protection on the road. Also, before you leave, you need to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer to protect you from any demons or their attempts to block your trip. I have mentioned before that you will be seeing more attempts by the demons to try and block your travel. Continue to carry out your mission, even despite any persecution or travel problems.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen your prayer sheets disappear and another of your prayer books. Do not be upset with these little annoyances because you can replace your lost things. Keep your focus on Me in My Blessed Sacrament. You will see certain possessions that get lost, but most things can be found or replaced. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs, and you will have no worries or anxieties.”
Jesus said: “My people, your bishop and priests have to make difficult decisions in their appointment of priests to various parishes. You have seen several churches being combined to accommodate your priest shortage. You can continue to pray to keep your church open. Be prepared to make some changes, because your decreasing numbers of attending parishioners may cause some churches to close. You will soon see a split in My Church that will cause My faithful to have Mass in the homes. Then as your government adds to your persecution, you will need to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you just took part in a mission that is encouraging all of you to reach out to evangelize souls to the faith. Not only should you be looking for new converts, but you can also seek to re-convert those Catholics who have fallen away from their faith. I know you are seeing your numbers decrease because fewer young people are coming to church. Keep encouraging any of your family members to come to Sunday Mass. You also need to encourage young people to come to your own parishes because they are the next generation of Christians. Encourage Christians to practice their faith by Sunday worship, so they are Christians in their actions, and not just in name only.”
Jesus said: “My people, not only should you be faithful to your Lenten penances and fasting, but take advantage of Confession, Missions, and Stations of the Cross that your parishes are offering you. Lent is a time to go the extra mile in your prayers, almsgiving, and good deeds to help people. Make some extra efforts to get closer to Me in your spiritual lives. These forty days are special, so let this prayer time of Lent bring you into a closer focus on Me in your lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will soon see the readings when I was persecuted by My own people because they would not believe that I am the Son of God. Holy Week is a special celebration of My death and Resurrection that all of My faithful should participate in. At first My crucifixion appears to some as a defeat, but actually this was part of My plan of salvation for your souls. I offered up My Divine Body and Blood that is a perfect sacrifice to atone for all of your sins. I am the unblemished Lamb offered up to My heavenly Father, so My Blood washes away your sins, and opens the gates of heaven to worthy souls. Easter Sunday is your rejoicing after My Good Friday suffering. Look beyond your death with the hope of your own resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who have suffered through a long hard winter, are rejoicing with the longer days and warmer temperatures. Once your fields dry up from your melted snow, then you can cultivate the soil and plant your seeds. You need good soil, sunlight, and fertilizer to grow your crops. You heard in the Mission that you can also plant the seed of My Word in the hearts of sinners, so they can be evangelized to the faith. You need My sacraments, your good example, and a sharing of My Gospel to nourish new converts in their new found faith. Continue to pray and encourage new converts because you are sent out to save as many souls as you can with My help. Go forth to evangelize all the nations.”
Source: ➥