Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you are a little weary from the harsh winter, but you are starting to see some signs of spring coming. With more days above freezing, the snow is almost melted, the days are longer, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel of a hard winter. You still may have a few cold days left, but you are switching over to your lighter coats and jackets. Just as you are seeing new signs of life in nature, so in Lent, you should be seeking some improvements in your spiritual lives. Having the sun out with warmer temperatures, is also lifting up your spirits out of some depressing weather. Lift your heads high as you see My creation springing into life again. I love all of you, as you are being more focused on following My ways of love in your life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you all are like actors on a stage, and each day you are given life’s new circumstances. It is your free will choice as to how you will react to your life’s daily trials. Many times you are torn to make choices of which direction to go. When you need to make big decisions, come in front of My tabernacle and pray for discernment. As long as your decisions are not sinful, it is the decisions you make that you will have to live with. Call on My grace to help you make the right decisions.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have helped to shelter your family members when they were in need. Your family will need to make some compromises to meet the needs of your members. It may require some give and take from each member in order to provide for what is needed. Keep praying for the proper direction that people need to live according to My laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see on a small scale how you can get along in peace with your neighbors. You also try to live in peace with your extended family as well. Just as you can live in peace and love with your neighbors and relatives, so on a larger scale your nations should live in peace and love with each other as well. You can see a tense situation going on between Russia and the Ukraine. Keep praying that war does not result from this confrontation, and that lives will be spared.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve has been holding your interest rates at a historically low rate of near 0% for several years. This has helped the rich in your stock market to make millions. Those, who need loans for homes and cars have been helped also. Even though your job market has improved, the average household has not really shared in your improving economy. Your older people who cannot afford to risk their savings, are finding it difficult to live off any income investments and Social Security. Pray for your families who are having to live on less income than in the past. Have trust in Me that I will help provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that some people on welfare have the same income as the working poor, who can only find minimum wage jobs. Many millions of people are applying for food stamps when these programs have been cut back in their funding. Even more people need to rely on food shelves for their food supplies. These food shelves rely on donations, and the food demand is stretching their supplies thin. Pray that the poor can find enough food to survive. This is why I have asked people to make their Lenten donations to their local food shelves to help the poor to have the food that they need.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you may find it difficult to fast between meals, and you may be suffering a little with your chosen penances. Even though these are little sufferings compared to My suffering on the cross, still these penances are good to restrain your body from all of its desires. By restraining your body in small things, it may enable you to restrain your body’s desire for sinful things. As you see that you can live with less of your body’s desires, this will make you stronger to resist sinful pleasures.”
Jesus said: “My people, while you were bringing up your family, you tried your best to have them taught the faith and their prayers. You encouraged them to come to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. As your children grew into their late teens and left your house, now a good share of them are not going to Sunday Mass, and they pray little. This is a common occurrence in many homes as parents are praying for their children who have lost their way spiritually. All parents need to pray for their children’s souls, and they need to encourage their children to live good Christian lives. Many grown-up children are lazy spiritually, and they need to see the parents as good role models. Keep praying for your children every day.”
Source: ➥