Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, February 10, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read of the cloud of My Presence that filled the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem. In the time of King Solomon, the cloud was over the Ark of the Covenant that held the tablets of the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses. Today, you have My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts in every tabernacle all over the world. I am everywhere, but you have My sacramental Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion. Not all Catholics appreciate or believe in My Real Presence. When everyone has their Warning experience, they will have an encounter with Me, and they will know that they can only come to heaven through Me. Everyone will know that I am God, and I will bring My victory over all the evil ones and the false christs. Even the Jews will finally be forced to believe that I am the Christ, the Messiah, the King of the Universe. Give praise and glory to Me as I love all of you enough to die for your salvation. Those, who desire heaven, need to love Me, follow My Commandments, and seek My forgiveness of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, the value of your dollar has been dropping considerably because it is being diluted by your government’s overspending and your Wall Street gamblers. You see some cash dollars in the vision, but this cash only represents a small portion of money and credit that is in circulation to cover your $17 trillion debt. Your Federal Reserve prints trillions of dollars in Federal Notes to cover this debt. They were printing $85 billion a month to buy up the banks bad debts on their books with money printed out of thin air. They also are holding interest rates at near zero, making it hard for investment in anything that is stable. Your banks and hedge funds have leveraged hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives that are nothing more than a gamble that people will not cover their mortgages. It is unlikely that all of these debts will ever be unwound and paid off. This is why your current money system will fail, when payments will not be made. When your money markets and stock markets crash, there will be no way for your government to get bailed out. The one world people will take over, and set up a whole new money system called Strategic Drawing Rights (SDRs) that will be traded digitally, possibly requiring a chip in the hand. Without such a chip, you will have no money. They will outlaw gold and silver, but these metals will still have value on the black market. Once this crash occurs, then My faithful will need to leave for My refuges, where you will have food, water, fuels, and shelters multiplied for your needs. This will happen, but it is just a matter of when. Have trust and faith in My protection, as I know what you need.”
Source: ➥