Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Message from God The Father given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Today, as I entered my prayer room, I saw a great Flame that I know to be the Heart of God the Father. I heard His Voice say, "I am the Alpha and the Omega,your Creator, the Eternal Now. In Me, there is no beginning or end,only now."
"Today your country celebrates Thanksgiving, and you have been telling Me what you are thankful for. But I am here to tell you what I give thanks for."
"I am thankful for this Pope who supports the Tradition of Faith. I am thankful for the Remnant who cling tenaciously to the Tradition of Faith despite Satan's confusion and promotion of his agenda. I am thankful for this Mission of Holy and Divine Love, and for the spirituality of the United Hearts, which many have accepted despite Satan's lies. I am grateful for the many who continue to add their numbers to the Ministry here, even to the point of uprooting and moving here. I am thankful for the promotion of the Rosary of the Unborn, and for the many lives that are saved because of it. I am grateful for the many rosaries, prayers and devotions offered at this Site."
"My thanks comes to earth bound up in Divine Love. I have the eternal desire that Divine Love will be the Flame that consumes the heart of the world."
Source: ➥