Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
Jesus: "Today I have come to gather My flock in Holy and Divine Love. My brothers and sisters, evil is uniting towards the common goal of controlling the world. Their impetus is hatred. You, My brothers and sisters must, as children of the Light, be united in Holy and Divine Love. Let love of God and neighbor be the motive of your unity so that God's Divine Will can establish the kingdom of the New Jerusalem in the world."
"Do not be divided as to certain beliefs, but see each other a brother and sister - children of God - children of the Light. It is Satan who desires your division and suggests that you focus on your differences. I call you into My Heart of Divine Love where all are one and united."
"If you love each other as I love you, then you will not fear My call. You will not be discouraged by the term 'ecumenical,' but see it as My call to be united in love."
"The enemy's stronghold is in hearts that do not love. Therefore, you, My dear brothers and sisters, must be examples of Holy and Divine Love in the world. It is one way of spreading these Messages."
"The only way to lasting peace and perfect unity is through the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. My Father's Will is Holy and Divine Love. So called 'religions' or organizations that dictate secret agendas or acts of violence are not of God, but of Satan. Know this and believe it. Your unity in love is your weapon."
"I desire that you understand that I am openly calling you into an Army of Love. If you are not for Me, then you are against Me. Respect My call to you and respect one another from conception to natural death. I come to you so that My Army of Love will increase in numbers, and be strengthened in love by accepting My call."
"Do not think that you have a better way through some clandestine call. My goals are accomplished in the Light of Truth. You cannot accomplish any good outside of the truth."
"I come calling, pleading for your solidarity and positive response to My call. Be united in Divine Love. Do not wait for the lofty approval of someone else to tell you it is okay to respond to Me. I tell you, evil forces are not awaiting approvals to gain power in hearts."
"Please understand, I am calling you, not to be hidden but to openly proclaim your commitment to Holy and Divine Love, for this, My dear ones, is the Triumph and the Victory."
"If you are listening to Me, you will not be dissuaded by the swirl of controversy Satan has set in motion around this Mission, the Messages and the messenger. If you are listening to Me, you will not be confused by the term 'ecumenical,' which by definition, is not exclusive, but all-inclusive. Realize today that I am here to draw you together in love, not to separate and divide."
"Today, I remind you, not to choose to be part of My Army of Love is to choose. You must be with Me. There is a battle going on in hearts, a spiritual battle between good and evil that most do not recognize. I am appointing each of you who live according to these Messages to be recruitment officers for this Army of Love, by spreading the Messages, by praying the Rosary of the Unborn; for this, too, is a way of bringing souls to Me."
Blessed Mother says: "I am placing all your petitions in My Son's Most Sacred Heart today. Be encouraged and live in hope."
Jesus says: "We're blessing you now with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Source: ➥