Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field; Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. I am Mary--Perpetual Virgin and Refuge of Holy Love."
"I come to you during this crucial hour in the history of the human race to fill each heart with Holy Love. Holy Love is the victory that will outlast all peace accords composed by man. While mankind scrambles to develop bigger and better weapons, once again I tell you, that your peace and security rests in the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, which is Holy Love. Do not allow the simplicity of My call to confound your response. It is this simple solution that is designed by God to unravel Satan's complex designs for the human race."
"I remind you that all are descended from the same parenthood of Adam and Eve; all are related in this heritage. Therefore, when you take up arms against one another, you are doing battle against your own brothers and sisters. Every baby that is aborted is your sibling. When innocence is destroyed in children, the violation is against your brother--your sister. Do not stand idly by awaiting God's Justice. You do not comprehend what His Justice will be. Allow My words to you to correct consciences without delay."
"Today I come to you as the Mother of Love and the Daughter of Consolation to help you understand all that is everlasting. I speak of eternal love which leads you closer to My Son and deeper into holiness. Do not reject the crosses God allows in your lives. Accept them with joy, for the cross is a grace and the way of salvation. When you accept the cross, then God accepts your surrender and He is pleased to send you many unforeseen favors."
"My dear little children, do not fear, but be emboldened with Holy Love."
"I have come, My little children, to reclaim the hearts that have been led astray by Satan, the Father of Lies. If you believe in Scripture, it follows that you must believe in Holy Love, which embraces all the commandments in the sum total of 'Love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself.' Anything else is compromise and untrue. Do not allow Satan to lead you away from Me, for I am Holy Love."
"My Heart, Refuge of Holy Love, is the Will of God. Satan is choking out many truths with a barrage of lies, but this truth he cannot change. No one can enter Heaven outside of God's Will. Knowing this, do not choose otherwise. There are always, and in every situation, two choices--good or evil. There is no 'in between.' If you choose good, you will choose Holy Love and all it represents. You will be given the grace to see counterfeit paths, no matter their seeming status or importance in the world."
"Many of you, dear children, may suffer loss of reputation because you pursue the path I lay bare. Do not fear. I am in every detail of your day, leading you to My Beloved Son and to eventual victory. I desire only that you choose the righteousness of truth."
"Do not seek to be greater than the Message of Holy and Divine Love, for My Son rescues the childlike but abandons those who worship intellect and their own opinions. If you have come looking for great miracles or prophetic predictions, your motives will dictate the graces you receive. But if you come here for love of Me and My Son, you will be satisfied."
"My Son sends Me here tonight to prepare you for His return in glory. My Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem and the way into the Divine Will of God. Live in this truth, and the Will of God, which is Holy Love, will gain sovereignty over your heart. Thus you will begin to live the victory now."
"My Son desires you realize the importance of your free will choices, and that you live always in the truth. Do not look for the approval of others when you already know the truth of Holy Love. Your welfare is here in My Heart."
"Dear children, tonight I come to you to lead you through Holy Love into Divine Love, and finally into the Eternal Divine Will. But please be wise and understand that the enemy is here, as well, trying to discourage your belief, spreading disunity and bearing false witness against My messenger."
"Holy and Divine Love are never wrong. Recognize that your Heavenly Mother is calling you to be Holy Love in the world. Do not be confused by any other path; bear witness only to the truth. Satan's agents are the enemies of My Immaculate Heart. You must recognize them by what they say and do--not by title or appearance. Listen with your heart."
"Tonight My Son has allowed that I come to you once again here in this field to ask you to love Me always, so that I can lead you to My Beloved Son. Be united, My children, and do not allow opinions or ideas to separate you. See that this is Satan's trap."
"My children, My Son will allow Me to return here on the feast of My Sorrows. The more who come, the quicker My Son's victory in hearts and in the world."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥