Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"How I long to cleanse the heart of the world with the Holy and Divine Love which overflows from Our United Hearts! But today Satan has succeeded in disguising his evil with what your society today labels as 'perks.' These little rewards are instigated in the world of consumerism to boost sales and to encourage spending, that otherwise common sense would tell the consumer to avoid."
"Satan uses his own 'perks' to make sin attractive--to negate the consequences and encourage the soul he is tempting to love the sin. 'If you do such and such, no one will know--you won't get caught. It is just a little lie and people will think much more of you if you say it.' But the next lie is always bigger."
"And the tongue--so capable of good, yet so prone to evil. Did you know that there are those in Heaven who committed abortions and repented, while there are many who will be in Purgatory until the end of time if they are fortunate? Why? They killed the innocent people I put in their lives with their tongues. Those given over to a life of sin but repent in the end will find My judgment easier on them than those who calumnize and never repent."
"Satan's temptations or 'perks' are always offered to any morsel of self-love the soul holds in his heart. He appeals to the pride of appearances, popularity, wealth, power and control. He never comes clothed in humility. The worldly soul regards humility as folly."
"I have come to tell you these things so that you recognize the enemy, and so that you realize the fierceness of the battle we are engaged in over the welfare of souls."
"Do not be dismayed that Satan challenges these Messages or your authenticity as messenger. The battle is heating up. Do not be afraid. I am on your side!"
Source: ➥