Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, February 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I come here to draw all people and all nations into My Father's Paternal Heart, which is His Divine Will. To be one with My Father's Divine Will is to embrace the Law of Love and to reinforce love in hearts that grow weak in the face of compromise and persecution."
"Do not think that when you choose Holy Love over any alternative, that you will not be challenged and set upon by the enemy. Your moment to moment decisions to live in the Divine Will are a frontal attack upon enemy forces. Let your armor be St. Michael's Shield of Truth and your weapon, prayer, which is steeped in Holy Love. TO THE ENEMY, Holy Love is a venomous viper that strikes at his heart and renders him weakened. Therefore, do not listen to any of Satan's discouraging suggestions against good and holy choices."
"Listen graciously now as I unravel Satan's web of deceit. Through the subculture of secularism, the evil one has erased the constitutional right of mankind to acknowledge God in schools, in public places, in courts of law--right down to the public greetings given at Christmas. He presents the reason for this as a violation of the rights of those who are not Christian. In the same way, he promotes the right to choose life or death for the unborn--the expectant mother being the only one whose 'rights' are considered."
"In both cases, the evil one promotes the rights of one group while transgressing the rights of another group. So, in fact, the adversary is not promoting liberty at all, but he is supporting the ideals of past regimes--such as, Communism, Nazism, and even more if you go back to past declines of earlier civilizations."
"You, My Remnant Faithful, must not be duped by his tricks. Do not seek to please the majority - please Me! Do not be ashamed to show Me reverence as you approach the altar to receive Me. Do not be afraid to listen to Me after Communion. Outwardly, show signs of your Faith. Always carry sacramentals with you as a sign to all that you love Me."
"Christians are not meant to hide under a lamp stand. If some are offended by what you stand for, the fault lies within the heart of the accusers. Do not try to make your special relationship with Me blend in with the mundane world so as to please others."
"Secularism is affecting many within the Church, as well. Too much effort is spent on pleasing the liberals, who themselves need to be called back to the true Deposit of Faith. People are being misled by these efforts to appease."
"Church law is the same for one and all, and cannot be twisted to suit special interest groups or political persona. Once again, I remind you, I do not transgress time and space to stroke egos and to 'make allowances' for heretics. I come to reveal the truth."
Source: ➥