Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, January 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
Jesus: "Today I have come to help My Remnant understand that it is the subcultures of the world which control and manipulate society in this age of relativism. I speak in particular of the subcultures of homosexuality, feminism and the Masons. All of these are far more widely spread and influential than the average citizen realizes. Their influence is felt in church and world politics, moral standards and finances."
"Remember, I do not come here on the fifth of every month to cooperate with Satan's lies. I come to uncover evil and to shed light on darkness. I come to strengthen My Remnant Faithful and to fragment the enemy."
"My brothers and sisters, I desire your unity in the truth. Herein lies your peace. Power, as an end in itself, divides. Greed is the fruit of corruption. Reputation is passing at best."
"You, My brothers and sisters, must harvest the truth which is Holy and Divine Love. Only then will you have myriads of angels at your defense and My Immaculate Mother as your Refuge."
"My brothers and sisters, realizing that the heart of the world is controlled by a subculture of perversion, you must decide not to be a part of it. Live always in the Light of Truth. Then, as children of this Light, you will not be tricked into easy compromise."
"This Mission of Holy Love is one of My Command Posts of Truth of the Remnant Faithful and of certain victory. Truth must be victorious in your hearts first and foremost. Therefore, pray to be enlightened as to any fault within your own heart, which presents itself as an obstacle to living in the truth of Holy Love. Such a prayer pleases Me."
"The more souls choose to live in Holy Love, the less the world will be threatened by wars, terrorism, disease and every sort of disaster. People must learn to depend on this Divine solution more than any power in the world. It is this Divine Remedy of Holy Love in hearts that is your peace plan, your cure and your salvation."
"Holy Love is a challenge to live under the sovereignty of God's Divine Will. Do not be tricked into thinking there is another alternative. Such a suggestion appeals to the god of self-love. You cannot be your own god. Such arrogance has destroyed past civilizations."
"I am telling you these things to help you realize that moral degeneration marks the beginning of the end for certain cultures and nations. This is not My Father's plan for you, but a path you choose yourselves out of self-love. Only through God's Will can the victory be won."
"My brothers and sisters, once again I come to invite you into Our United Hearts which is Love and Mercy itself. The path has been laid bare--the way made known. Do not look for any new twist or nuance but follow the tried and true path of Holy and Divine Love, and allow My Father's Kingdom of His Divine Will to be established in your heart in this present moment."
"We're blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Source: ➥