Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, December 16, 2013
Mary’s, Mystical Rose, Urgent Appeal to Humanity.
My Little Children, Demons and Hell Are a Reality, and into It Will Go to Stop All Those Souls Who Have Given Back to God in This World!

May peace of God be with you; My Son’s flock.
Little children collect yourselves in prayer, and do not waste any more time on things of this world, because the purification days are approaching and it is good that you already be spiritually prepared to endure these days of spiritual desert.
Fear not, my little ones, I will be with you, and I will cover you with my mantle for you to be protected, and nothing and no one can hurt you. Share these last Christmas with family and ask to God Incarnate, my Little Child, to give you His love, His peace and His tenderness; may He floods you with his humility, so that no dart of pride can to separate you from his love. Contemplate my child in manger, and imitate his humility, his poverty, and the simplicity of the Nazareth family.
Little children, days of purification necessary for your spiritual change are drawing closer. The creation of my Father is beginning its cycle of transformation; do not be afraid, remain united in the Love of God, and everything will fulfill according with my Father’s plans. Purification is required because wickedness in today’s world has surpassed the limits of human coexistence, and it is affecting the universe balance.
Remind that you are spiritual beings on spiritual universe which has been affected by sin of mankind in these last times.
Be very careful, because the sects are proliferating, and many are serving my adversary; stand firm in faith, do not open your ears to strange doctrines; remember that the wolf is loose and his emissaries are seeking to make you lose. Do not neglect your prayer, it is your stronghold; pray my rosary on time and out of time for remain under my motherly protection; only prayer, fasting, penance and Holy Eucharist will keep you firm in the spiritual combat each day. Whoever turns away from prayer and God will be lost, because the tribulation that it is about to comes, never before has seen it on earth. Remember that these are the last years of my adversary’s reign, and before he will be defeated, he will try to lose as many souls as possible.
The small judgment of God to nations is knocking at the door; that it does not catches you by surprise, so you will not have lament; remind that many will not return, because their sin will be too great, that they will not withstand the presence of God and they will lose eternally.
Little rebel children, it is finishing the time of mercy, hurry up, do not ignore our anguished appeals calling you for conversion. My Little children, demons and hell are a reality, and into it will go to stop all those souls who have given back to God in this world! Understand that we do not want to see you eternally suffering; take advantage of last bell strokes of mercy that heavens are giving you, because when you arrive to eternity just justice will find there; think and reconsider as soon as possible; seek to one of my favorites sons (priest) and make a good confession of life, turn away from sin and from you sinful life, so that when you arrive to the Supreme Tribunal do not receive the harsh sentence: "Depart from me, sons of perdition.”
I gift you, little children, the prayer of my mantle, so you can cover yourself with it and be protected from all attacks of the enemy of your soul and his earthly agents of evil.
O mantle of my mother Mary protects us and defends us day and night from the enemy of our soul! I cover myself with thy holy mantle, and I cover my family and the all people of God; makes us invisibles to the wicked spirits and their earthly agents of evil. O sacred mantle of my beloved Mother be the protective shield for the people of God! Dear Mother do not forsake us a single moment in our spiritual battle of every day, that the light rays of thy holy mantle guide us in the darkness and enlighten the path that leads us to eternal Glory.
Pray 3 Hail Mary, 3 Glory to be, and 3 Magnificat.
Thy Mother, Mary, Mystical Rose.
Make known my messages, little children of my heart.